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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 61
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"She has been removed from her post?" Zhou Tian was shocked when he heard that. He had never thought that such a thing would happen.

The company named Yuanda had been acquired by Huanyu International. Zhou Tian was the actual controller of Huanyu International. It could be said that Yuanda was his company.

Who dared to withdraw from his wife's position? Was he tired of living? Looking at his wife's aggrieved and sad face at the moment, Zhou Tian really pitied her so much.

He did not expect that Li Ruoxue would throw herself into his arms to seek comfort. This was really unimaginable.

Gently caressing his wife's beautiful hair, Zhou Tian asked softly, "Who removed you from your job?" Hearing this, Li Ruoxue felt even sadder.

"If it's someone else, forget it. It's my cousin Zhang Peng. How wronged do you think | am?" Li Ruoxue raised her pretty face and complained to Zhou Tian.

"Is it Zhang Peng?" Zhou Tian was even more surprised. Zhang Peng was Zhang Tao's son, while Zhang Tao was Li Ruoxue's uncle.

Last tin Li Ruoxue's grandfather's house, for the sake of grandfather Zhang Qingtian, Zhou Tian asked Miao Pengjuto let Zhang Peng, who had just graduated, enter Huanyu International, and Miao Pengju directly let Zhang Peng becthe general manager! This was a position that could not be reached by many capable people for many years. Zhang Peng should be grateful.

Unexpectedly, a few days after Zhang Peng took office, he began to attack Li Ruoxue. Wasn't he too cold-blooded? The more Zhou Tian thought about it, the angrier he became. He asked Li Ruoxue, "Ruoxue, isn't Zhang Peng in Huanyu International? Why did he go to Yuanda Company to fire you?" Li Ruoxue cout of Zhou Tian's arms, sighed softly, and said, "Zhang Peng cto Yuanda company this morning. He said that he is also the executive director of Yuanda and removed my general manager position and askedto be a manager." "I just took office for less than an hour, and | was dismissed. Many people in the company are laughing at me." Speaking of this, Li Ruoxue really felt very uncomfortable. She had always been a very strong woman. This matter was a humiliation to her.

When Zhou Tian heard this, his anger also flared up.

"It seems that | was really wrong. | shouldn't have promoted Zhang Peng. Now, he is a villain who has achieved his goal and does not recognize his relatives." "He removed your position. Is there someone else? Does he want to get his girlfriend in?" Zhou Tian asked Li Ruoxue.

Li Ruoxue shook her head and said, "No. You can't imagine who will be the general manager in Zhang Peng’s opinion." "Who is it?" Zhou Tian was a little puzzled.

"It's Chen Ting." Li Ruoxue bit her lips. This group of relatives cto bully her, and she felt so disappointed.

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"Puff..." Zhou Tian spat out half of the water that he had just drunk.

"Ruoxue, | really admire your relatives. Zhang Peng is also your cousin. How could he do this to you?" Zhou Tian said speechlessly.

Li Ruoxue sighed helplessly. She was really uncomfortable to be treated like this by her relatives.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go home." Li Ruoxue said to Zhou Tian softly.

Without saying anything else, she drove home.

Although he didn't say anything, Zhou Tian wanted to take action. It didn't matter if he bullied others. But if he bullied his wife, he couldn't stand it.

After arriving home, Li Ruoxue went straight into the room. She had to sort out her mood.

Li Ruoshi went to the hospital to visit her boyfriend, Guo Liang. Zhang Shuyun was alone at home.

Seeing her precious daughter coming back, Zhang Shuyun was about to speak, but saw her daughter's sad face at a glance.

Obviously, she was in a bad mood.

"Ruoxue, what happened?" Zhang Shuyun stood up and asked Li Ruoxue in confusion. Seeing that Li Ruoxue didn't say anything, she immediately looked at Zhou Tian.

"It doesn't matter if you're here, but why did you make my daughter angry again? You don't have any other ability, but you just have the ability to make your wife angry, don’t you?" Zhang Shuyun scolded him fiercely.

Daily blasts. Zhou Tian had long since gotten used to this sort of rhythm.

If one day there was no explosion, the sun would rise from the west.

"Mom, it's not because of me." Zhou Tian explained.

Seeing that Zhou Tian was going to be reprimanded again, Li Ruoxue quickly cto help. "Mom, it has nothing to do with Zhou Tian. Don't scold him." Zhang Shuyun was even angrier when she saw that Li Ruoyun had begun to protect Zhou Tian.

In her opinion, her daughter would definitely be with Young Master Zhou in the future. After all, Young Master Zhou cared so much about her daughter.

But now, her daughter was defending Zhou Tian. Was the relationship between her and Zhou Tian going to be heated up? Zhang Shuyun couldn't accept it. She wanted Li Ruoxue to divorce Zhou Tian so that she could marry into a rich family like the Zhou family in the capital.

"Humph, even if it has nothing to do with him, he can hardly absolve himself from the blame! This is his incompetence when he can't even make his wife happy." Zhang Shuyun snorted.

Zhou Tian had nothing to say. If a person looked down upon a person, he would be wrong no matter how he looked at it.

Zhang Shuyun no longer paid attention to Zhou Tian. She began to pester Li Ruoxue and asked what happened.

Li Ruoxue had no choice but to tell her that she was dismissed.

Zhang Shuyun was furious when she heard that! "Zhang Peng, he is so shameless. What does he want? He has only been a general manager for a few days, and he has forgotten what his surnis?" Zhang Shuyun was so angry that she continued to scold him. "And Chen Ting, she's even trying to snatch my daughter's place! No way, | have to ask them clearly. | can't just let it go!" Hearing this, Li Ruoxue shook her head and said, "Mom, what's the point of looking for him? Since my dad passed away, our relatives have been distant from us. Zhang Peng and Chen Ting are close, and | was isolated by them..." "He can do whatever he wants just because he has a close relationship with him? No, no, it's not over yet!" Zhang Shuyun lost her temper and pulled Li Ruoxue out.

Seeing Zhou Tian standing there, Zhang Shuyun was furious. "Drive us there and see us off! You're so useless. What bad luck!" Zhou Tian was speechless and had to go out with her.

At Zhang Shuyun's command, the family of three drove to Zhang Tao's house.

Zhang Tao's family also lived in Beichuan City, a big house of more than 100 square meters. In recent years, his family had been much better than Li Ruoxue's.

After knocking on the door and entering, Zhou Tian saw that Chen Ting and her family were also there.

Chen Ting's family and Zhang Tao's family were having dinner together.

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Seeing Zhang Shuyun coming with Zhou Tian and Li Ruoxue, everyone in the room was stunned.

"Second Sister, why are you here? Haha, please cin." Zhang Tao greeted Zhang Shuyun with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Tao was in high spirits. His son had entered Huanyu International and becthe general manager. Today, he was also the executive director of Yuanda Company. Good things cone after another.

"Shuyun, Ruoxue, sit down and have dinner with us. Hehe." Zhang Shuxiang stood up and greeted Zhang Shuyun and Li Ruoxue without even looking at Zhou Tian.

Others also pretended to be enthusiastic, but no one paid attention to Zhou Tian.

At this time, Zhang Peng was even more complacent. He was talking and laughing with Chen Ting just now. After Zhou Tian and others cin, Zhang Peng, who was in a suit, did not stand up. He was extremely arrogant.

Zhou Tian looked at Zhang Peng and could not help frowning.

As for this brother-in-law who had been going to college, he had little contact with him before, so he basically knew nothing about him.

However, Zhou Tian knew Zhang Peng's father, Zhang Tao. He was a man who knew how to veer the tables. He would flatter whoever had the ability. Once he gained power, he would wield his spear.

"It seems that the genetic attribute is really amazing!" Zhou Tian thought to himself. Looking at the intoxicated Zhang Peng, he could not help snorting coldly.

"If | can help you get a promotion, then | will make you get out of here!" "Ruoxue, chere! We are going to work tomorrow. I'm so happy to think about it!" Chen Ting smiled happily at this time, and her words provoked Li Ruoxue.

Li Ruoxue understood that Chen Ting was showing off to her.

This cousin of hers had been at odds with her since she was a child, and she wished to surpass her in all aspects.

"That's right. You should be happy now that you've becthe general manager." Li Ruoxue said.

Hearing this, Chen Ting smiled, walked to Li Ruoxue, and said proudly, "Sister Ruoxue, why do | hear your words with jealousy? You'd better be your manager. As for the general manager, with your ability, you can't do it." "That's right, Ruoxue. Chen Ting is more capable than you. She will look after you when you work for her in the future. What are you dissatisfied with?" At this time, Zhang Shuxiang also cto speak for her daughter and asked Li Ruoxue shamelessly.