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Return of the Prodigious Son

Chapter 58
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This middle-aged man was Wang Bo's father, Wang Bajing.

In Beichuan City, Wang Bajing was quite well-known. He had a construction team and had done a lot of projects. He was quite rich.

Most importantly, this guy was famous in the underworld. Ordinary people really had to respect him.

After receiving a call from Wang Zibo, Wang Bajing was furious. His son had been disabled. How could he not be cautious? Wang Bajing arrived here with a dozen rascals.

But when he saw dozens of people present, he was stunned.

The people he brought with him were no match for them at all.

"Zibo! Zibo!" When Wang Bajing saw his son's miserable state, he quickly ran over.

"Father, you must avenge me! Kill Zhou Tian, | only want him to die!" Wang Zibo cried desperately. No one knew if he was in pain or in despair.

When Wang Bajing saw that his son had been crippled, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. He roared, "Who the fuck is Zhou Tian?" As soon as he finished shouting, he saw Zhou Tian sitting in the chair.

Dozens of people were standing, and only the day was sitting, so it was naturally conspicuous.

Looking at Zhou Tian, Wang Bajing gritted his teeth.

Wang Bajing had never heard of this nbecause Beichuan City was quiet and nameless.

"I, Wang Bajing, will chop off your arms and legs today to make you a human stick!" Wang Bajing cursed loudly and rushed to Zhou Tian with his men.

Zhou Tian sat there with a cold smile. He looked at Wang Bajing and said, "Are you Wang Bajing? You have a unique name." "Damn it! Let's do it. Cut off this guy's hands and feet!" Wang Bajing shouted at his men.

"Old Wang, you're quite arrogant." At this moment, Xiao San cout of the crowd.

As soon as he saw Xiao San, Wang Bajing and a dozen of his men did not dare to move again.

They had been in Beichuan for so many years. If they didn't even know Master Xiao, it would be a waste.

Xiao San was Long Kun's top subordinate, a gangster in Beichuan City. How could he not know Xiao San? " Master Xiao San, you, why did you hurt my son? You really don't take me, Wang Bajing, seriously!" Wang Bajing forced himself to complain.

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In fact, he was very weak. With his strength, how dare he challenge Xiao San? "So what if | killed your son? Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think I, Xiao San, will take you seriously?" Xiao San sneered and said to Wang Bajing lightly.

"You!" Wang Bajing was choked badly, and his hands were trembling with anger, but he did not dare to act rashly.

So what if he was furious? In the face of absolute strength, even a dragon had to lie down! Moreover, Wang Bajing was a bug. Compared with a big shot like Long Kun, he was just a scum.

Zhou Tian didn't have tto waste with Wang Bajing. He was in a hurry to go to the hospital to see his sister.

He then called Liu Yue'er.

"Find out what Wang Bajing's assets are. | want him to go shopping before sunset." "No problem, young master. | know Wang Bajing. He's been under construction project for a few years. There was even a collapse in one of the houses and he injured many people. Just this one incident was enough to make him unable to turn over." Liu Yue'er introduced this to Zhou Tian.

"I can't turn over. | have to fight to the death! | don't want to see him cout again." Zhou Tian said.

"Don't worry, young master, Wang Bajing's violations of regulations will soon be exposed. With the method of supervision and the large amount of liquidated damages to compensate the developers, Wang Bajing will be in deep debt." Liu Yue'er said confidently.

"I'll do it right away." Then, he hung up the phone.

Looking at Wang Bajing and Wang Zibo lying on the ground, Zhou Tian snorted coldly.

With Huanyu International's strength, it was easy for Wang Bajing, who was worth tens of millions of dollars, to be defeated.

Now that Zhou Tian was in control of Huanyu International, a huge machine, it would only take a few minutes for him to deal with the Wang family.

Wang Bajing heard everything that was said on the phone.

The old man widened his eyes and thought, "What the hell are you talking about? Askingto ask for food? | have tens of millions of yuan, but | can still ask for food. What an idiot!" Wang Bajing was not convinced, but he didn't dare to say it because he was too afraid of Xiao San.

In just a few minutes, Wang Bajing received quite a few calls.

They were all from the high-level supervision department, as well as those developers who had cooperated with each other before.

They all made phone calls.

Wang Bajing hid in the corner and answered the phone. Every the answered a call, his heart was in his throat. Finally, this old guy completely broke down! The huge fines and penalty fees were all on him. The violations of the rules in the past had all been revealed.

The company that he had bribed was also implicated by him and directly closed down. The person in charge was arrested.

Other than taking away all his assets, he also needed to owe a heavy debt. He was facing the situation of avaricement and punishment! With a plop, Wang Bajing sat on the ground. His phone dropped and he was dumbfounded.

In the past, he had used money to deal with a lot of things, but now all of them cto add insult to injury and cause him to die.

Who on earth was behind the scenes? How powerful was that? Wang Bajing could not figure it out no matter how hard he tried. He felt a deep sense of despair and panic.

"Dad, are you stupid? Taketo the hospital quickly. | can't stand the pain..." Wang Zibo screamed in pain and asked his father for help.

"Damn you, who the hell did you offend..." Wang Bajing cursed Wang Zibo.

"Dad, what happened?" Wang Zibo also knew that it was not good, so he hurriedly asked.

"Our family has gone bankrupt. | have to go to the police station right away. Go to beg in front of the temple later." Wang Bajing said weakly.

Hearing this, Wang Zibo rolled his eyes and completely passed out.

Zhou Tian was not in the mood to pay attention to this. He said goodbye to Xiao San and drove away.

After arriving at the Hhospital, he entered Zhou Ling's ward.

Zhou Ling was much calmer now, and her two classmates had left. At this time, she was the only one left lying on the bed.

Seeing Zhou Tian coming, Zhou Ling struggled to sit up.

"Don't move." Zhou Tian quickly held her down and did not allow her to move.

"Brother, are you okay?" Zhou Ling looked at Zhou Tian worriedly. She knew that her brother must have gone to avenge her. She was really worried that something bad would happen to her brother.

"I'm fine. The guy who hurt you has received the punishment he deserves." Zhou Tian touched his sister's head and said gently.

Zhou Ling didn't ask much and just nodded.

Zhou Tian knew that the quality of this hospital was average. The best hospital in Beichuan was the People's Hospital.

Therefore, Zhou Tian arranged the transfer procedure for Zhou Ling and sent her to the People's Hospital to recuperate.

After settling down Zhou Ling, Zhou Tian talked to her for a while and then went to Miao PengjuMiao Pengju's ward.

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No matter what, Old Miao was still his loyal subordinate, so he was still quite concerned.

In the ward, Miao Pengju was lying on the bed, thinking about something.

Housekeeper Qiu had already returned to the Capital City, and only Miao Peng was left in the ward.

"Young Master!" Miao Peng couldn't lift it up. He coughed and greeted Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian motioned him not to be too polite, then sat down by the bed.

Just as he was about to ask how Miao Pengju was, the door of the ward opened. Director Qi Guozhong of the People's Hospital cin with a large group of doctors and doctors.

With such an identity, Miao Pengju would cause a sensation wherever he went. He was hospitalized here, and even the director of the hospital was alarmed.

Qi Guozhong was afraid that he would not take good care of Miao Pengju, so he also wanted to curry favor with Miao Pengju and personally brought a group of people to visit Miao Pengju.

"President Miao, what do you think? If there's anything you need, just letknow. I'll definitely arrange it for you." Qi Guozhong pushed up his glasses and said politely with a big smile on his face.

"Director Qi, you're too polite." Miao Pengju did not say much. He looked at Zhou Tian and then said to the crowd, "You can go out first. | want to talk to Mr. Zhou." Qi Guozhong was immediately embarrassed. With his status, it was too embarrassing for him to be sent out after just saying a few words and bringing people to visit.

The people who followed him were also surprised and looked at Zhou Tian.

After all, only an extraordinary person could impress Miao Pengju so much! But when they saw Zhou Tian, they were all extremely surprised.

"No way. Such a young man in ordinary clothes is the so-called Mr. Zhou?" Qi Guozhong did not dare to slight him. He knew that the person that Miao Pengju valued so much was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Hehe, I'm sorry Mr. Zhou, but we'll be leaving right now. Please take your tand talk to President Miao." Qi Guozhong was extremely courteous to Zhou Tian. He nodded and left with his men.

Zhou Tian looked at the seriously injured Miao PengjuMiao Pengju, and his eyes turned cold at this time.

Now what he wanted to know the most was who cut down Miao Pengju and whether they were sent by his stepmother...

"Young Master, Housekeeper Qiu has returned to the capital city. | believe he will soon find out the truth. Is it your stepmother who did it..." Miao Pengju guessed what Zhou Tian was thinking, gasping for breath.

When Zhou Tian was about to speak, there was a sudden noise outside the ward. A young woman was cursing. No one knew who she was cursing.

Zhou Tian's heart missed a beat.

Because judging from the sound, it should be at the door of Zhou Ling's ward!