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Chapter 37
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Chapter 37 Ups! Lucas was taken aback for a few seconds. His expression was complicated. "Really?" Although his mother's surnwas Cameron, he inexplicably disliked the Camerons. On the contrary, he had always had a good relationship with Maggie, his cousin, with whom he had no blood relation.

Lucas always felt rebellious, and his aversion to the Camerons was inexplicable.

But he had no choice. Maggie liked them.

The Camerons hadn't done anything wrong to him, so he had to pretend to like them.

Therefore, he was inexplicably a bit excited when he heard Joseph had died.

He shouldn't feel this way.

This shouldn't be happening! As a human, he shouldn't feel this way! Lucas tried to make himself appear more grief-stricken. After a long pause, he slowly said, "I will buy him flowers to commemorate his death." Maggie couldn't say anything.

After hanging up the phone, Maggie fell into deep thought once again.

Lucas's grandfather, Owen Cameron, was Master Cameron's younger brother. He only had one daughter, Sophia Cameron. However, Owen's family was unfortunate. After Owen passed away due to illness, Sophia and her husband died tragically during an inspection trip. In the end, only Lucas was left, who was kindly adopted by Master Cameron.

In her previous life, Maggie never doubted Master Cameron.

However, even Lucas himself probably didn't expect that a few months later, after he returned from graduation, he broke his leg in an accident at the Camerons' banquet and then becdepressed.

His initially rebellious personality beceven more distant.

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Thinking of this, Maggie leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, lost in thought.

Lucas, like her, grew up in the Camerons. But unlike her, he spent most of his twith the Camerons.

Master Finch, having lost his beloved son, naturally doted on his grandson.

Lucas was extremely talented in computer systems. In her previous life, after Maggie was disfigured and blinded, Lucas completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

However, she later heard from Mia that the Camerons probably offended sprominent hackers. Whenever the hacker was in a bad mood, he would often expose the misdeeds of the Camerons.

12:29 Thu, 16 May Chapter 37 Ups! chance to learn the truth, so she never thought those dirty deeds were true.

84% Maggie pondered for a while. Lucas' leg was injured when he climbed a ladder to install a light during one of the Camerons' banquets, She couldn't quite remember what the banquet was for, only that she was in charge of it. Master Cameron and his entourage cared a lot about it. But unfortunately, the main light in the house had a problem.

The banquet was imminent, but the workers couldn't fix it.

So she had to find Lucas, who was playing games in his room, and ask him to fix it.

He had always been kind to her and didn't refuse. But unexpectedly, the ladder had a problem. Then, Lucas fell straight down from seven or eight meters.

If that was all, it would have been fine. But unfortunately, there was a pile of miscellaneous items and repair tools under the ladder.

A knifehead directly pierced the tendons in his foot. From then on, he was disabled for life.

Thinking of this, Maggie smiled bitterly.

She had harmed a lot of people.

Thinking of this, Maggie found Lucas' number and sent him a message: 'Remember, don't install lights." Lucas, who had just climbed into bed to catch up on sleep, looked at the message, puzzled.

A few seconds later, Maggie received a reply: 'Are you scolding me?" Maggie was speechless.

Forget it. Things can only be taken one step at a time. Many things can't be rushed.

Maggie looked at the clock and estimated the tat Nathael's location. Then she dialed the hotel's phone number.

"Hello, could you please helporder a romantic breakfast?" "Sure. Are you sure you want to add a heart-shaped egg? Okay, thank you." "For the signature... just leave it as Ms. Adam." Maggie hesitated for a moment. She had initially considered leaving the note as "Mr. Harris' sweetheart," but upon further reflection, she was afraid it might scare Nathael, so she decided to sign it as Ms. Adam instead.

Either way, he would know who it was.

Maggie turned her head to look out the window. The moon was shining brightly, and the stars were scattered across the clear sky Chapter 37 Ups! May The next morning, Nathael woke up early, having only slept for three or four hours.

84%1 The hotel's room service hadn't arrived yet. Alex cin first to discuss the day's schedule. "Mr. Harris, isn't it too rushed....

Alex hesitated, concerned about Nathael's well-being, "No. 1 need to return carly. There's something important." Nathacl signed a document handed over by Alex as he spoke. His handsface appeared cold, but his mood seemed to be good.

Alex tried to think of any important matter that might have been overlooked, but couldn't cup with anything.

Seeing that Nathael was in a good mood, he gathered the courage to ask, "Is there an important project?" "No, I left my watch at Maggie's house, Nathael casually explained.

Alex couldn't help but look puzzled.

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He didn't understand.

How could leaving a watch at Maggie's house be considered important? He really didn't understand! Did Nathael not have enough watches in his collection? Or were all the servants at hunable to retrieve it? Alex couldn't comprehend it, but all he could do was smile.

Soon, the hotel breakfast was delivered. The waiter pushed the cart in and said, while setting the table, "Mr. Harris, someone named Ms. Adam ordered a bowl of egg noodles for you." Alex was perplexed.

Why did he feel like someone was pulling the strings behind the scenes? Upon hearing this, Nathael put the document in his hand and walked to the dining table.

On the table, the breakfast spread was diverse. In addition to the usual items, there was a bowl of steaming hot soup noodles.

He usually wouldn't eat such things. His breakfast mostly consisted of simple coffee and bread, occasionally accompanied by swarm tea. He preferred not to feel too full or too cold from eating too much.

Alex stood behind Nathael, unable to resist the urge to tiptoe and take a peek.

Oh my, what did he discover? A perfectly heart-shaped egg! Nathael stood in front of the table, his gaze fixed on the bowl of noodles, lost in deep contemplation.

84 Chapter 37 Ups! Nathael sat down at the dining table, ready to pick up his fork, when the phone suddenly rang.

He furrowed his brow but still made his way to the study room to answer the call. Good morning, Mr. Smith." Just then, the door swung open once again.

A handsman with a scar on his brow, wearing a cap, entered the room with a stoic expression.

The man was young, in his early twenties, and exuded a silent and captivating charm, like an unsheathed sword, mysterious and enigmatic. "Good morning. Alex greeted Nolan in a hushed voice, intending to engage in sgossip with him. However, he noticed that Nolan's gaze was fixed on the breakfast on the table, heading straight for his target.

"Hey!" Alex shouted, attempting to warn him.

But he watched as Nolan bit into the heart-shaped egg before he could ΟΠΤ finish his sentence. The cool and mis silent man didn't utter a word, swiftly devouring the rest of the food on the table like a whirlwind. Send Gifts