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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 Chapter 39 Summer Frost POV "Why are you here" iscoffed unbelievably at his ridiculous question. Is he being serious right now? "is that the question you should be asking? I think for someone who left everything import to look after your drunk a s s, I deserve an appreciation,"I || snapped at him, and he groaned while rubbing his forehead like he was trying to subside the pain he must be feeling in his head.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just surprised because I wasn't expecting to see you," "Not that I enjoy being here. Lisa calledlast night to cover here. If I had known it was because of you, I would never have shown up," Trolled my eyes at him and he nodded.

"Anyway. I got you hangover tea and pain reliever medicines. You should find your way out of here when you are sobber," I walked over to the sofa, picked up my bag and turned to leave when his voice con.

"Thank you for taking care of me," "As I said... I'm not he there because I wanted to. Lisa askedto "Still, I'm grateful you stayed back when you realized that I was the one you were here to look after," He looked atwith guilt written all over his face.

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"Whatever You should cut down on alcohol to avoid disrupting people's important schedule. Excuse me," And with that, advanced toward the door and exit the room "Why am I here? That was crazy, I shouldn't have showed up in the first place," I cursed silently while walking down the walkway.

My phone beeped just when I arrived at the lobby, and I paused to check the text i had just gotten from Lisa. Thanks a lot for yesterday. I'm indebted to you. I'll pay you back stlater. Let's have lunch or dinner together later when you have tI smiled after I read through the chat. Even if I was not going to do that yesterday, I would've done it for Lisa's sake. She was one person I could literally do anything for because I knew he would do the sfor me.

"It's nothing, I'll make tfor us to have lunch together next week. I'll text you the date and address as soon as I fit it into my schedule' I replied to her text before stepping out of the building.

I was about to start the car when my phone started to ring, and I answered it immediately when I saw that it was Miguel calling.

"Ma'am, I called last night, but you didn't take any of my calls. Don't you think you should talk about where you are going before leaving the house especially when it's at night? You know it's dangerous out there, and Mr. Miller would lose his mind if something happens to you," He ranged over the phone, and I closed my eyes frustratingly. Maybe I shouldn't have take the call.

"Something urgent cup, so I couldn't make it home. I'll be there in a few minutes," "But you should've taken your calls," He complained further, and I breathed out.

"Sorry about that. My bad. I'll be hsoon," 1 banged the call before he could say anything else because I wasn't ready to listen to whatever he had to "Ugh!" I breathed out and started the car, ready to head back hwhen my phone started to vibrate, and I was forced to stop.

11:17 Wed, 12 Jun F Chapter 39 "Who is it this time?" I cursed out loudly as I hesitantly reached for my phone, but the caller wasn't exciting. It was Dad.

What does he want now? With that in my mind, I swiped the answer button and held the phone to my ear "Yes, Sir Good morning, Dad," "Why didn't you take your calls since last night?" "I'm sorry, Dad, was so tired from work and I had to active my phone's silence before I slept off," I lied to him, and heard him sigh.

I was worried about you. I'm glad you are fine. You should cto the villa and let's have breakfast together. It's Sunday today, I think we should spend sttogether," He suggested, and even though I desperately wanted to turn down this offer knowing it was not going to end well, I could only nod affirmatively "Alright, Dad. I will be there in a couple of minutes, only "I'll be expecting you. See you around," I breathed out when the call finally ended. We Pent less than two minutes on the phone, but it already felt like forever.

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"Want! is he going to invite Hunter? My eyes narrowed in shock as that struck my mind There was a very high chance that he could invite Hunter to join us, and that was the last thing I wanted. "Not that you have a choice even if he decides to, anyway," I muttered as I started the car and finally drove out of the hotel premises.

The ride to the villa took pretty much tsince it was quite far from the hotel, so I arrived late.

"Xander' his npopped up in my head as I pulled over at the parking lot, and a small smile played on my lips when Pecalled what happened last night. As embarrassing as it was, I still felt excited just by thinking about it. "I want you, Summer. I miss hearing you scream my nThe memories of the desperation in his eyes last night was all I needed to giveadrenaline rush and butterflies in my stomach, "He sure knows how to make my heart fluster," I squeaked excitedly.

The knock on the car window joltedback to reality. I would be lying if I said that I was shocked to see that it was Hunter Nwasn't shocked at all E since had expected this. I was just angry that my hunch didn't fail me. It would've been so great if he had not shown up. "Why are you not coming outside? His bright eyes pierced atwith a smile on his face after I wined down the window glass, and I sighed. I guess really have to deal with his presence here....