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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34 When Gabriel said maybe he didn't do good enough of a job if wasn't sore and could walk through the day, I thought he was teasing me. Turns out, he wasn't. Turns out, he really was taking it easy onthe first night-the first three rounds, Because nothing compared to when he pressedto the wall that night and f*cked me, thrusted harder and harder makingscream his name. Then, when he placedunder a shower out of the goodness in his heart, and f*kedin the shower- and I orgasmed twice to the point where I almost blacked out. And as if that wasn't enough- which it was when we were in the kitchen preparing a snack in the middle of the night because we both burnt out all our calories on sex, he opened the thin satin robe I was wearing, and put ice cubes on my p*ssy because of how sore it was while playing with my breasts, and my traitor body responded to his touch by moaning shaking and being wet on his fingertips. He fingeredby the kitchen counter and left the promise to f*ckthere later, only because I was tired.

I slept cocooned in his arms that night, and I was too tired to overthink the way my body smuggled closer to his in search for swarmth as the night got colder with time.

I woke up to tingles all over my body, and it wasn't soon after blinking my eyes that I realised that there was something being pressed by my lower thing Something I had gotten quite familiar with in the East two days I couldn't control the way my breathing fastened, just like I couldn't control the way my lower abdomen throbbed. I tried, because we were naked, and I knew if my thoughts kept running to the way Gabriel had his hand tightly wrapped around my hand as he broughtto orgasm one after the other, I woull once again feel wet to be f*cked the sway again- despite being so sore I could literally not move.

"You're finally awake," Gabriel murmured from behind me. His voice was still raspy and hoarse, and it didn't seem like he had woken up a long tago.

"You're turned on. My observation was quiet, a little excited that I tried to conceal and miserably failed. "It's your fault, really "Mine?" "You're the one who fell asleep in my arms...naked." "You're the one who let me." "Never said I didn't enjoy it." I didn't have to turn around and lag him to know the smug smile on his lips as he removed hair from my bare shoulders and placed gentle kisses on it.

gently whimpered in his arms.

"You like it?" He asked, between feather kisses on the back and side of my neck.

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“Mh-hm” I moaned, wriggling in his arms feeling his d*ck get harder behind me, it's tip pressing in my thigh.

His hand, one which was wrapped around my stomach gently stroked all the way down, wrapping around my clit. "Wet already?" He mumbled, his lips wrapping around my ear lobe. "Seems like I'm not the only one who can't get enough." I'm so sore I groaned, still relaxing in his arms.

His index finger massaged my clit. "You wantto stop?" "N- No My breath was uneven, and I could feel him position his d*ck beneath my clit, moving softly and grinding. My body moved 1/4 Chapter 31 automatically in the other direction, grinding faster.

His hands wrapped around my breasts, flicking one of my nipples.

"What do you want, baby?" "Mh-hm. Yes, I whimpered, moving faster and faster.

"You wantto stop?" "N-No." "What do you want then?" "T-This" 1 moved faster, the friction building inside me. “F*ck” "You want more or is this it?" "M-More" He spanked my a*s.

"Gabriel!" "Yes, baby Before I could say anything, he spankedagain. Harder. "Gabriell "I think you're too sore to be f*cked, Freckles.

"No! No." I said, instantly. "Please." "Please what? Say it." 1 gulped, eyes shutting. My hands clutched the bedsheet as the friction built insideand I tried turning to face h he didn't let me. He repeated: "Please what, Freckles?" My breathing was a different level of heavy. "Please f*ck me." "Name" "Please f*ck me, Gabriel.

"Gladly" Smoothly, he raised my leg up, his hand wrapping around the back of my head as he pushedfurther into th bed. "I'm going to f*ck you sideways." "Mh. I bit my lower lip. I was so sore, even the thought of being f*cked hurt, but also the pleasure, the mere thought of the amount of pleasure being f*cked by him brought- I couldn't nearly get enough of it. "Mh-hm.” He positioned himself at my entry. "You're my slut. My dirty whore." In one smooth thrust, he was completely inside.

"Gabriel! F*ck!” I screamed his name, and he wrapped his hand around my neck, slowly bringing his d*ck out and then thrusting inside again.

"My good girl Thrust.

"My slut Thrust.

"My dirty whore Thrust Chapter 34 "Mine." Gabriel thrusted insideover and over again, fast and slow, deeper and deeper. I screamed his nuntil I think my voice echoed in the entire house, and then I con his d*ck, after which he pulled out and call over my breasts.

While I rid out my orgasm, Gabriel hovered over me, covering my body with his while being careful about not inserting his weight on me. "What's your kink?" "Hm?" "Your kink, baby." He muttered. "One that you're hiding from me. What is it?" "Primal play." I breathed.

My eyes snapped open to look into Gabriel's brown ones shining with a spark I couldn't quite recognise. "Did you just primal play?" I bit my lower lip, looking around, avoiding his eyes, "May-Maybe" 'Consensual non-consent. One corner of his lips turned upwards. "Looks like my good girl isn't so good after all." My cheeks flushed. "I know it's horrible. Please don't judge"Horrible. Judge?" Gabriel's eyes sparkled. "I'm thinking of all the ways I'm going to ask you to run and then chase you down in, and then take you from behind while you beg gto sto stop Something in my stomach turned. This should makesick to my core, but for sreason, it turnedon..

I looked away.

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"Are you embarrassed, baby?" I didn't answer, didn't look at him.

He stopped piningdown, getting off me. "Look at me, Freckles." I didn't.

His fingers caressed my chin softly before forcefully turning my face to see him. "Never look away from me, hm?" He muttered, his voice suddenly soft and gentle. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. You know why?" I don't know how I found the voice into reply but I somehow did. "Why?" "Because, sof my wildest kinks also look like yours."- My eyes widened a little, surprised.

"We're going to need a safe word for when we do this," he went on, unbothered. “So, that when you say it, I know you actually wantto stop and it's not a part of the act. What do you want your safe word to be?" "Hm." My eyes sparkled as I got up on the bed, pulling the robe overthat I had put on last night. "How about you catchfirst, and then I tell you?"

He tried holding my hand right there and failed as I ran out of the room. I don't know what coveror where all the soreness disappeared N but running freely through the house felt good knowing Gabriel was there to catchif I fall. I truly didn't remember when was the last tI had been this happy in half a decade- this carefree, this blessed. My laughter echoed in the air when Gabriel's hand wrapped around my wrist and he pulledclose to him, putting both his hands aroundas I panted in his arms.

3/4 Chapter 34 "Caught you." He didn't seem breathless at all as he placed a light kiss on my nose, "You better have that safe word ready.

"How about... Red?" His eyes narrowed. "Do you th think I'm sChristian Grey's cheap copy?" I laughed. I knew this would be his reaction, and I said it any way. "I'm kidding. I've had my safe word ready since the day 1 realised I have this kink." "And what is it?" I focused on his bare chest, doodling something with my fingertips. "Twisted" "Because you think this kink is twisted?" I nod.

"Why?" I don't find myself looking into his eye.

I "Are you ashamed of having it?" He asked, and l'gulp, not replying, letting him assI was-because the real reason was something I didn't want to talk about yet. "You know I have it too, right? And I'm going to f*ck you like that so many times. that all your shdissipates." "We talk about ucking so much." "We f*ck a lot more" I rolled my eyes, and almost jumped in his arms when the door bell rang.

Gabriel frowned. Nobody really knew us here. And then, his eyes narrowed at my attire- the satin robe from which my nipples perked. "Go inside."

I nodded, moving quickly into one of the rooms on the ground floor where sof my luggage was te putron something decent while Gabriel headed to open the door, freezing when I realise who the voice greeting Gabriel on the other end the door was. 4/4 X