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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22 SOFIA I wasn't surprised when I woke up alone the next morning. Gabriel had to work, and so did I. It was Friday, I had to remind myself, just one more day of work.

e tsnooping around his room invading his I liked waking up half naked in Gabriel's room. I would've loved to spend privacy looking for any baby pictures or frames with friends, but I couldn't since I was running late for work.

I found myself smiling a lot more even when I was sitting on my desk that day, hours later. I liked it when Gabriel touched me. I liked it when he dominated me. I liked him. Him naked. Last night, and the thought of him insidemade my toes curl.

"Am I to assyou patched up with the hot husband?" James voice broughtout of my reverie. "Huh?" My eyes flickered to him. "What?" "You've been roaming around pouting since the past four days. And you're back to being all smiley today." "I wasn't pouting since the past four days." "You're pouting again.

I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

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When the main office door opened, everyone went silent. Viktor didn't cto work every day, this was just the fourth tI had seen him in the two weeks I had been working here, which was probably because his company had two branches. across the city.

I brought my attention back to the spreadsheet I was working on until a shadow fell upon my desk and I looked up at the man in the grey suit. "Ms. Baker, can I see you in my office?" I nodded, getting up instantly after him as he walked right back into his office. The entire floor stared atand I turned to James, shooting him an equally confused look as I followed my boss to his office and entered after knocking.

"Yes, Sir?" Viktor had already sat back on his chair. His office was dark green and black, but somehow despite the dark interior, it wasn't very intimidating. "It's been two weeks since you joined," He acknowledged, "Are you liking it here?" "Tam." I nodded, lips pursed.

"Have you gotten a grip on the work?" He asked, "You assisted Drew last week in working with a client. Did you understand your role?" "Yes, Sir." "Good, Because Drew just served in his two week notice yesterday, and he hasn't ctoday because of a family emergency. Can you handle his work today? Take lead?" I nodded again, a lot quicker this time. I was being asked to be the interim head analyst in our team. Only for today, but it was still something. "Yes. Of course, Sir." "Are you absolutely sure?" He looked atdubiously.

"Yes." 1/3 Chapter 22 "Okay, good. Because we have an.... unexpected client today. He got up from his chair, "The meeting is set outside. We leave now.

It was almost lunch break. I had to call my grandfather, make sure he took his medicines..

These are your work hours, yes? I pay you to work wherever that might be?" My boss asked raising an eyebrow. He somehow took my silence as hesitance... oh, f*ck.

"Yes, Mr. Hart. 1 instantly said, pushing away all other thoughts.

“Let's go then.” He said, walked out, and I followed him. All eyes turned to him again, and sto me. James stared atand I sneaked him a little smile to let him know everything is okay.

We were downstairs with a car parked in front of us, and he said: "Get in." I had already offended him once. Without saying another word, got in. He sat on the other end, a very respectable distance between us. Alyssa, his assistant crunning behind, sitting in the front seat.

I didn't think all of us would be riding together.

Peter usually takes a separate work car. I had never seen any of Gabriel's employees in the car with him.

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While Viktor briefed Alyssa on the meeting and her job, I texted Grandpa his reminder to take medicines and left Alice a message to call him later and check on him since I was stuck at work.

Viktor turned towhen he was done briefing Alyssa, and I immediately kept my phone aside. "This is a meeting our company wasn't expecting, or prepared for,” he tells me, "I'm going to need you to study the statistics of the deal they'll provide, and see if it's a profitable venture for us. I'll be expecting a full report of your opinion and review on my desk on Monday"

"Yes, Sir." I nod, basically the only two words I ever utter to him along with the only action- nodding. He was a nice man, very arrogant for a thirty year old who becthe CEO of a company that was minting more money every day than an average man earned in the entire year. I respected him for his humility, and feared him for his business skills. not We parked outside what looked like a small ground, fenced on all sides, trees dispersed along with wooden tables that were mostly empty.. except one. There was a small truck parked to the side with menus stuck on it. It was a restaurant of ssorts, but also not.

What an irregular place to conduct a meeting. I thought, hugging my coat closer as we stepped out. The city was getting chiller by the day.

Viktor walked first followed by his assistant and then me, trailing behind, slightly distracted because my Grandpa hadn't replied yet, which was unusual. He usually keeps his phone around to be able to dial someone in case of emergencies.

I paid attention only when I realised the man who stood frozen with a notepad in his hand looked a lot like Peter, and I turned my head so fast to the table it almost sprained my neck.

And of course, the man standing in front ofhad to be my husband.

Completely ignoring Viktor's outstretched hand towards him for a shake, Gabriel's eyes were fixed at me, his jaw hardened, his fist curled as he forced it into his pocket, growling under his breath but still loud enough for everyone to hear, "Oh you've got to be f*cking kidding me. X