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Happy Mommy Happy Daddy

Chapter 280
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Chapter 280 Do You Know What It Means to Play Cat And Mouse? After Alora finished speaking, Sherry realized that she had misunderstood something. “Director Xu.” The

woman coughed lightly. “I don’t mean anything else. I was just… a little shocked.”

She was shocked that Alora had actually turned her into this. Previously, when Samir said that Alora had

put on special makeup and turned herself into another person, she did not believe it. After all, how could

such a beautiful woman like Alora pretend to be ugly in such a realistic way?

But now…

When she saw the woman standing in front of her, Sherry understood.

She was careless.

Alora’s determination to pretend to be ugly was unimaginable and unpredictable.

This woman really did not care about her image anymore. That was right. Anyway, she had changed her

name now. Now, everyone knew that her name was Xu Rong. No one knew that she was actually the

one that Mr. Rowan had been looking for for more than a month, the missing Mrs. Rowan “You just need

to get used to my face.”

Alora smiled a little embarrassedly.

If she had known that she could scare Sherry, she should not have let the person with special makeup

do this to her!

“Yes, I will get used to it.” “This place is very beautiful.” Sherry took a deep breath and looked up at the

school behind Alora.

“Thank you.”

Alora originally wanted to take the initiative to support Sherry. However, when she thought about how her

face had just scared her to death, she hesitated. In the end, it was Sherry who walked over and grabbed

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Alora’s arm. “Let’s go in!” The woman’s sudden intimacy stunned Alora for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

A moment later, she laughed softly. “Alright, let’s go in.” After saying that, the two women walked into the

school hand in hand, completely forgetting that there was actually a tall and straight man standing behind



“Dad was ignored just like that?” “Even such a tall and handsome man can be ignored! As expected, a

girl’s friendship is more reliable than love!” The faint sighs of the three little guys came from the


Samir furrowed his eyebrows and somewhat irritably removed the small camera mechanism in his jacket


The screen on the computer was gray.

In the Rowan family’s villa, the three little guys looked at each other in confusion. Stella said, “Are my

words too much? Why did Daddy cut off the signal angrily?”

James said, “Maybe Daddy is not angry because of your words, but because he feels embarrassed? It

was not easy to find Mommy, and he was also involved with Mommy. But in Mommy’s eyes, there is only

Auntie Sherry!” Steve silently typed on the keyboard. “It doesn’t matter. Although Daddy has turned off

the camera, I can also hack into the monitoring system of the Rongdao Martial Arts School and see the

current situation there.” As soon as he finished speaking, the computer screen lit up with the CCTV

footage of the Rongdao Martial Arts School.

The first thing that caught their eyes was… It was Justin and Mingzhong, the two grandfathers, who were

sitting together drinking milk tea and making a bet. Mingzhong was the first to speak. “I bet that Samir

will find a reason to stay here today and not leave.”

“Then … also bet that he will stay here today and not leave!” Justin looked at him doubtfully. Since he

had made a bet with Mingzhong these days, his wallet had been deflated at a speed visible to the naked

eye. Yesterday, Alora had only given him new living expenses. He did not want to spend it all like this.

Mingzhong had Rossie and Easton give him money, but he only had Alora as his only daughter! “If you

and I bet the same, then who will be the other party?” Mingzhong rolled his eyes, “Choose again.” “I

would rather die than choose again!” Justin glared at him.

Just as the two old men were arguing, a clear child’s voice sounded from the camera beside them.

James’ voice was light. “Grandfather, why don’t I be your opponent?” “I bet my father won’t stay in the

Rongdao Martial Arts School. After sending Auntie Sherry over, he will leave directly.” The little guy’s

words made Justin and Mingzhong instantly raise their ears. The two elders searched for a long time

before they realized that it was from the video camera. “Steve did it?” Mingzhong frowned. “It was done

by my brother.” “In short, my two grandfathers, do you want to bet?” James asked with a smile. Did they

want to bet?

Justin and Mingzhong looked at each other. “Yes!” “Alright.”

“If you win, I will ask my daddy to throw money into the mailbox at the door when he goes to Rongdao

Martial Arts School tomorrow.” James cleared his throat. “If we win… you have to promise us one thing,

okay?” “I will definitely not make things difficult for you. It is something you can definitely accomplish!”

James’ words made Justin and Mingzhong look at each other. In the end, the two old men nodded

fiercely. “Alright! It’s a deal!” Turning off the microphone, Stella looked at Steve silently. “How did you

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know that Daddy would definitely leave today?” “If he really stayed there… wouldn’t we lose?” “Because

we skipped class today. I have already made an agreement with the kindergarten teachers. Later, she

will call our daddy and say that the three of us didn’t go to class.” “Although in Daddy’s heart, Mommy is

very important, the three of us are equally important!” Stella, “…” “Is this really not considered cheating?”

James said, “As long as you and Brother don’t tell them, the two grandfathers won’t know that I’m



However, just as the three little guys were discussing how to make a request to the two grandpas, the

kindergarten teacher called. “James, we called your daddy, but we couldn’t get through.”

“How could that be?” James frowned. “It’s true. I tried three times, but I couldn’t get through.” “I can’t help

you,” the teacher on the other side of the line sighed. The phone hung up. Before James could speak,

Steve couldn’t help but sigh. “Grandfathers seem to be preventing us from cheating…” “They block the

phone signal.” James, “…”


As expected, the older, the wiser. Just when the three little guys felt that they would definitely lose the bet

this time, the door of the Rongdao Martial Arts School opened from the inside.

A man in a suit walked out gracefully from the Rongdao Martial Arts School

The three little guys widened their eyes.

Daddy clearly did not receive a call from the kindergarten teacher…

Why did he take the initiative to come out of the martial arts school?

James couldn’t help but pick up the phone and call Samir. The man sat in the car with a dark face. His

eyes were indifferent and his voice was cold. “You guys don’t get it.” “I am playing cat and mouse with
