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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 247
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12:01 Chapter 248 After talking in circles, they finally got to the point. He just hoped the Irving family would drop the charges and release Wade and Yvonne.

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"We don't want compensation, just justice. Yvonne and Wade hired someone to commit murder, nearly killing my brother. We wor withdraw the lawsuit,* S~Earch the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"Yes, my kids made a mistake, but no one died, right?* Melinda interrupted, "Your father and brother are fine. So why take this to court? Tell us what compensation you want ' Melinda's heart was heavy. She had just cfrom the police station, and in one night, Wade and Yvonne had been tortured beyond recognition. How could they endure more of this? "Wade has to go to prison; that's the price for his actions." "We should be talking to your father, not you," Melinda snapped at Flora.

Her gaze darkened as she looked at Flora. Her kids were usually obedient. If it weren't for the constant pressure from the Irving family. they wouldn't have resorted to violence.

"We chere in good faith, trying to talk things out. Don't be ungrateful. The fight could be seen as a simple brawl. As I understand, Henrik fought back. Going to court is time-consuming and uncertain. Why make it ugly? The Brimer family is wealthy and powerful. Are you sure you can win a lawsuit against us?" Crimson almost laughed. Did Melinda really think she could intimidate Flora? Flora was a master at wielding power.

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Raul was shaking with rage. Her son had nearly beaten Henrik to death, and now she even threatened him. Did they think the Irving family was an easy target? "We might not be as rich as the Brimer family, but we're committed to this lawsuit. Wade will definitely spend years in prison." Paul and Melinda's faces darkened. They weren't afraid of the Irving family but worried about Connor. The Irving family alone wasn't a threat, but if Connor intervened, it would be a problem.

Selene, who had cwith Paul and Melinda, believed in paying for one's mistakes. Wade and Yvonne's predicament was their own doing. Still, they were her relatives. Looking at Flora, who was typing away on her laptop, Selene said, 'Flora, the Brimer family is at fault, but do you need to take it this far? Wade and Yvonne are young. Do you really want them to spend the rest of their lives in prison?" Flora's fingers flew over her keyboard. She looked up and retorted, "And who do you think you are?* Selene was taken aback, not expecting Flora's bluntness. Her face fell.

"Raul, are you set on making enemies of the Brimer family?" Paul starech Raul down. They had tried everything, but the Irvings were adamant. It was tto get tough.

"If anything happens to my kids, you will pay. There will ca day when e youth bed us for mercy. Let's go!”

The Brimer family stormed out, and to anyone watching, it might have looked like the living family were the real villains. Flora glanced at her screen, hit the final enter key, and sent her message. Her reveng