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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121
That evening, Bella ventured to the address she had received, discovering a run- down house isolated in the middle of nowhere.
Despite the early hour, an eerie darkness enveloped the dwelling “Hello?” she called tentatively, her voice echoing in the dim
“What do you want, Bella?” A voice asked suddenly startling her.
“Derrick?” she confirined. In the dimness, a figure moved.
“I was satisfied watching you ruin Ethan’s pack and entire life just being yourself.” He chuckled lightly, as if finding it all very
“You’re that man,” she muttered. “Why is this place so dark? Turn on the light, please,” she requested. A light flickered, revealing
the bare room.
“Why did you come here, Bella?” he asked. She felt a bit conscious; he could see her, but she could barely see him.
“I need your help; I’m about to be kicked out of everything,” she explained anxiously.
“What does that have to do with me? I mean, after you did what I instructed, I let you play Luna. Now you need my help again?”
he muttered.
“All of those efforts would become useless if we don’t do something fast,” she said, her voice raising a little.
She walked deeper into the dim room. “Are you aware Hazel’s returned?” she asked.
“I know, I know everything, Bella,” he replied.
“How do you think Ethan hasn’t found out your lies yet? I always cleaned up your messes and loopholes,” he said. “Because I
need you to remain with Ethan.”
“What do you mean?” she asked him, confused.
“Naomi, the man who suddenly returned from that pack you used to work with, among many others,” he said casually. “And
Chris,” he added, his features falling slightly.
“That was you?” she asked, stepping forward.
“Chris went poking around too much, but it was an accident. I didn’t mean to have him killed. The other man was easily taken
care of in jail. And as for Naomi, you
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Chapter 121
were recognized. Ethan would go back to ask her questions, so I had her taken care of,” he admitted.
“Her sudden death would arouse suspicion, so I had someone intercept him on his way to find out. Thus the Alzheimer story.”
She was stunned and in awe. All those times, she thought it was just luck.
“You know why I’ve been covering you up? I want to see how Ethan ends. Slow, painfully, and ignorant. Really entertaining,” he
muttered, an amused tone playing at his voice.

“And I’m thinking Axel might be next on that hit list,” he muttered, staring down.
“A shame, isn’t it? We used to be friends,” he mumbled.
“He was trailing after you on your way here. He’s wary of you, isn’t he?” The man asked.
“How did you...?”
“I’ve got money, lots of it,” he replied easily.

“So I’ve been cleaning up your messes, and now you want to back out because you can’t handle Ethan?” He asked
“I can! It’s just tricky now,” she answered.
“The plan was simple enough: get Hazel to leave. You improvised, you stayed, and I let you cause I thought it was entertaining. I
let you keep Ethan. That was me being generous. But now Hazel’s back, you want to give up?” He said with a sigh.
“I’m not giving up. Ethan was clearly made up to go after Hazel. She wouldn’t be the woman cast aside, she had sworn to
“That plan changed; Ethan would definitely be reunited with Hazel,” she said sourly.
“You want him to be miserable, right?” Bella asked, her eyes shining with anger.
in curiosity.
“Well, he’s about to get a happily ever after.” Derrick’s eyes
shot up
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“Ethan has kids,” she broke the news to him..
Chapter 121
Derrick’s eyes narrowed through the darkness.

Ethan had kids?
“Yes, with Hazel. I confirmed it,” she finished.
Derrick drew a sharp intake of breath. And in a split second, Bella found herself slammed into a wall, pinned down by Derrick.
“What are you playing at?” He barked into her face.
“What did you say?!” He yelled, holding her in a choke grip.
Bella fell silent, her eyes fixed on the man before her. Emerging from the concealed spot, his features became discernible in the
dim lights. She wore a mixture of fear and repulsion on her face as she observed him.
His skin bore the gruesome evidence of severe burns, as if melting off; a ghastly and horrifying sight that extended to other parts
of his b*dy that the eyes could see Derrick noticed Bella’s reaction and slowly released her.
“Why do I hate Ethan?” the man spoke gently, dropping Bella before turning away. Bella’s eyes widened.
“Ethan and I were friends. I’m like this because of him,” he explained, revealing the scars that marred his b*dy. “Ethan and his
father ruined my family, and what do we get in return? A stu pid memorial every da mn year!” he exclaimed, laughing bitterly.
“You’re Derrick? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” Bella queried, a slight tremor in her voice.
“As you can see,” he gestured to himself. “I did die. What’s left of me? Is this a person living?” he questioned.
“Take a good look. And as if that wasn’t enough, Ethan took my mate and married her,” he continued through gritted teeth.
Bella’s head snapped up in shock.
“What did you say?” she gasped.
Hazel was, in fact, this man’s mate? That revelation explained his relentless pursuit to destroy Ethan and keep them apart.
“Ethan had a family, something I’ll never have. I lost my wolf, my family,
Chapter 121
everything,” he spoke calmly. “He took my mate. And now, he has kids with her?!” he yelled, his anger escalating.
.”I didn’t actually care what he did, what you did, as long as what was mine was far away from him, and now they’re bonded for
life?” he questioned, eyes widened in fury.

“We still have time; he doesn’t know they’re his yet,” Bella spoke hurriedly, focusing on extracting herself from this entangledFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“He doesn’t?” The man chuckled bitterly. “What kind of Alpha doesn’t recognize his
own cubs?”
He advanced towards Bella with a sudden realization. “You’re brilliant,” he declared, patting her head. “You’ve been poisoning
him faithfully, haven’t you?” he asked, laughing. Bella observed him, recognizing the madness in his eyes and erratic b*dy
language. Dealing with this man felt like striking a deal with the devil, yet Bella was plotting her own strategy inwardly.
Her plan was straightforward – bring everything to a halt once Hazel’s kids were eliminated. This erratic man would be dealt with
afterward. Undeterred, she pressed forward. “We can make him miserable for life, since he doesn’t even know they’re his yet,”
she explained, mischief gleaming in her eyes.
“For a second there, one could have thought you were in love with Ethan. Your obsession was slowly killing him, so I let you
have your fun,” Derrick muttered. Bella was glad the lights were dimmed.
“You don’t have a problem killing your mates kids?” Bella asked him doubtfully.
“They’re Ethan’s. He shouldn’t have had kids. A continuation of his bloodline, his father’s bloodline; I would rather die than see
that happen,” he muttered.
“Good. Then we have the same enemy,” she said with a sinister smile.
“Let’s make him even more miserable. If Ethan finds out they’re his just after the kids die, it would make him even more
miserable, wouldn’t it?” He would definitely hate Hazel afterwards. Then with Hazel and her kids out of the way, she would have
him all to herself.
“The little boy poses a big problem; he seems to be connecting to Ethan.”
“How come? Are you sure he still doesn’t know?” Derrick asked, a little skeptical. “He should surely suspect something by now,”
he added with a frown.
Chapter 121
“He does, he nearly found out. Ethan had gotten suspicious and took samples; I had the samples switched just in time,” she
“They’re twins, a girl and a boy,” she continued, passing their pictures to him. His eyes lingered on them for a long time,
softening a little. Kids, one thing he’d never have.
“I have one question, though. How were we able to fool Ethan that first night?” she asked, genuinely curious. She was just
following instructions that night and didn’t actually know anything.
“I’m definitely not his mate,” she muttered with a scowl. The way everything had played out shocked even her. It had happened
so fast.
“It was easy; you’re definitely not, but the substance we used was from his mate,” Derrick replied simply.
“His mate?” she questioned, deep in thought. “So that’s why Ethan lost his head,” she muttered. .

“Ethan’s mate, where is she?” Bella asked curiously. “Gone,” came his curt reply.
“What do you mean gone?” she asked. Ignoring her question, he turned and began walking away.
“I’ll send for you when it’s time,” he muttered.
“The kid should be gone in an unsuspecting manner,” she warned cautiously. But Derrick wasn’t listening; his eyes were trained
on the pictures in front of him. Ethan’s kids.
“What do you have planned? Say it; I’ve got money,” he said.
“For the little boy, we can arrange an accident,” she stated.
“And the girl?” he asked. “She’s slated for a life-threatening surgery soon. Let’s say an accident... a complication occurs,” she
finished with a smile.