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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 680
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“In this cruel world you have now graduated from being weaklings to being warriors and that is something that is worth to celebrate this much.”

“With strength you guys wouldn’t just be able to protect yourselves but those that you care about.”

He then look at the old fox villagers that were preparing the meals for the twelve individuals, the twelve fox warriors looks at their old generation and couldn’t help but feel warmth in their heart.

They swore to protect them and make their village greater than before, they would make the village prosper with their own hands, they realised that leaving everything to Shadowslash is okay but it wouldn’t as meaningful and satisfying as doing it themselves.

Knowing that he had lit a fire in their hearts Shadowslash smiles, he then returns to his room and started meditating, this is the only way to increase the pace of his soul essence transforming into yin and yang soul essence.

The next day, after a full night of meditation he couldn’t help but feel a bit relaxed, he then went to where the twelve were located.

The twelve individuals partied the whole night so they were feeling a bit hungover, when they sense him approaching they immediately use the cultivation technique that he had given them to cure their headache.


Seeing that their attention is now on him, he finally decided to inform him about his plan “Yesterday I have told you that I would have plans regarding the twelve of you.”

“I will be splitting all of you in 3 groups, the first group would be stationed back to the camp, they would be responsible for the safety of the trainees back on the camp.”

He then pointed at four individuals and told them to go to the side, they are already chosen as the first group.

The four individuals he had chosen were the people that were quite popular with the trainee because of their personality, two were kind and two were very strict.

“The second group would be stationed around the village, the village is now protected by four beasts that I have subdued and we have Sakura here so they wouldn’t need to guard the village but they need to scout the surrounding every now and then.”

He then picked the four best hunters in the group leaving only the strongest four behind, upon seeing this the 8 that were chosen immediately knew that the last group would definitely have the most important job.

Upon seeing their expression he immediately knew what kind of thoughts they are having and shook his head “Do you all think that I am going to give the most important mission to the third group?”

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The twelve looks at each other and hesitated as they saw his expression but upon thinking the arrangement once again they could only nod their head.

He sighed upon seeing this and explained “The future of the village would definitely be affected by the performance of the first group, do you think that isn’t important.”

The twelve shook their head upon hearing this, their strength have increased to a great degree after graduating from the camp so they knew that guarding the trainees would definitely be important.

“The second group would be responsible for mapping out the entire area of the village, it meant that they would be the foundation of the future plan of the village to expand, is this not important?”

Once again the twelve shook their heads, they realised that their thoughts were really affected by strength, for them if the strongest individuals were the ones to be chosen to be the third group that meant they would have the most important mission.

Hearing what Shadowslash have said to them, they realised that all of their mission were important for the village and future generation of the village.

“The third group would be stationed on the new city that the Long Armed Monkey Tribe and Iron Boar Tribe are building, their responsibility is to show their strength to our two subordinate tribes so that they wouldn’t look down on this village.”

“They are also required to listen to the order of the temporary city lord.”

Monnet then raised her hand, even though she might not be the strongest she is still considered the leader of the third group that has Komi, Alexia and Alice with it.

Upon seeing him nod his head, she asks the question that was bugging her “Who will be the temporary city lord?”

Raising his eyebrow he smiles at her and asks “Aren’t you gonna ask who is the city lord of the new city?”

She shook her head and answers in a confident manner “There is only one individual worthy of being the city lord and it is you my lord.”

He started laughing when he heard this, he then approached her and rubs her head causing her to feel a bit embarrassed.

Even though she look so cold all the time, she always felt that she was being treated like a little kid in front of her idol, she couldn’t deny that it felt good being praised but she wanted to show that she isn’t a kid.

“The temporary lord is someone still busy with her work, the first group would be the one informing her about her new role.”

Immediately those that were quite sharp knew whom he is talking about and they couldn’t help but feel excited.

He smiles and told the first group “Go inform her to get back to village immediately, I want to bring all of you to Monster City.”

The four individuals from the first group bows and immediately left, their speed are truly top notch compared others in the same cultivation level as them.

The second group then also went out, the first mission that he had given them is to familiarize themselves with the four guardian beasts around the village.

In terms of strength, the strongest guardian beast is no longer the Blue Water Snake, it is now Green the Tree Tiger.

Shadowslash then carries the third group as he wanted to show them the four guardian beasts also, even though they aren’t stationed in the village it wouldn’t hurt to add more knowledge about the situation of their village.

Their first stop is the current strongest guardian beast of the village, Green, the second group have already arrived at the scene.

They were in awe as they saw Green’s majestic image sleeping atop of a giant tree, even though he is sleeping his aura still caused the second group to feel pressured.

When the third group laid their eyes on the Green, their reaction are exactly like the second group.


Name: Green

Race: Beast

Species: Tree Tiger

Bloodline: [War Tiger (Impure)], [Great Tree Beast (Mildly Impure)]

Grade: Legendary

Gender: Female

Level: Inner Core Rank/Crimson Gold Rank Level 1

Attributes: Nature/ Strength

Vital Qi/Monster Qi: S Grade

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Elemental Energy: [Nature Qi: 9th Grade]

Skills: [War Tiger Roar], [Nature Blast], [Tearing Claw], [Tiger Pounce], [Vine Chain]

Racial Trait: [Nature Manipulation], [Nature Qi Affinity], [War Tiger Body], [Undying Vitality]

Passive Ability: [Great Aura Pressure], [Enhanced Speed], [Treasured Plant Seeking Nose]

Active Abilities: [Thorny Armor]

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Monster Core Explosion], [Berserk]


“I present you the guardian of the east, the first guardian beast that this village has and also your village chief partner, Green!”

Green opens his eyes when he heard his shout, he then let’s out a loud roar that cause the eight to tremble, they then saw him jump off the tree.

He first bows to Shadowslash and looks at the eight warriors and immediately release his full strength causing the pressure he emits to intensify.

The power nearly cause all the eight warriors to retreat but they gritted their teeth and continue to bear the pressure.

Green then retracts his pressure and looks at the eight warriors calmly just like a senior evaluating the younger generation, he and Phina were partners so he is quite strict in his evaluation.

He returns back to his nap spot, the expression of the eight warriors became happy as they clearly saw that Green have accepted them as warriors.

Their next stop was the most violent guardian beast of all, the guardian beast of the south the Crowned Fire Turtle.

When they arrived at the location of the lair of the Crowned Fire Turtle, the eight warriors were shocked.

They could see the land is covered with plants and trees that were covered with flames, fortunately for them Shadowslash is able to negate the heat using his energy to cover them.

They entered a cave that is full of glistening ores that were radiating intense heat, a couple of meters deep in the cave was a place filled with lava.

On the center of the lava filled place was a small plot of land, in the land a flower was thriving in it and a turtle was sleeping next to it.