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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 870
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Chapter 870 Be My Antialcoholism Medicine
The brightly lit city was a blur as the luxury car zoomed past, heading quickly towards the hotel. Jfelt dizzy and rested
against Brandon’s chest. She felt uncomfortable and massaged her eyes.
“My head hurts. They madedrink a lot...” She pressed her cheek against Brandon’s neck and then she lifted her hand to rub
his earlobe.
Title of the document
Brandon’s eyes went dark. The choking alcohol smell from Jmade him feel uneasy, but there was nothing he could do about
Jwas so drunk she was acting without thinking. From tto time, she whispered sweet nothings in his ear and the smell of
alcohol in her breath enveloped him. “Lettell you a secret. My husband has a powerful business empire in Barnes and
Seacisco, also, he’s the best to me...” Jbegan to move restlessly in his arms before she completed her statement.
Brandon urged her, playing with her long curly hair, “Continue.” He was obviously enjoying this. A soft expression formed on his
face, and the smile at the corners of his mouth was enchanting.

Jseemed to understand what he meant. She pressed closer to his ear and kept babbling away about her husband. With
patience, the man listened. His eyes were kind, and his smile reached his eyes even deeper.
Perhaps it was that being drunk cwith mood swings. Jsuddenly began to sob. Tears trickled down her in a rush and
landed on the back of his hand. Brandon wiped her tears and asked lowly, “Do you feel uncomfortable? Does it hurt? Do you
want to see a doctor?”
It was indeed an awful night; however, Jfelt healed at the sound of Brandon’s voice. Finally, she slowly fell into a deep sleep
in his arms. They had gotten to the hotel by the tJwoke up again. Brandon helped her out of the car.
By the tthey got into the elevator, Janet’s feet were frail as though she was a piece of driftwood in the sea. She clutched unto
the man by her and for a second, she met his slightly chilly eyes. She panicked all of a sudden and didn’t know where to turn her
eyes to. But a few moments later, she realized the handsman before her was her husband and Jsmiled. Completely
oblivious to the watchful eyes around, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Watching Jcry and laugh, Brandon simply stretched out his hand to touch her forehead. She had a normal b*ody
temperature, and there was no fever. It seemed she was just drunk. Not wanting anyone to see Jin her drunken state,
Brandon purposefully stood in front of her and pressed her into the corner of the elevator.
Jkissed his adam’s apple and neck, her vision blurry. She went on to place her hand on his lower b*ody and asked

innocently, “Why is it bulging?”
Brandon went stiff and grabbed her restless hand. His sharp eyes then grazed behind him as he turned his head, causing
everyone to shiver. Immediately, the other men in the elevator turned away from Jand touched their noses awkwardly.
The elevator finally got to their floor. With Jin his arms, Brandon stepped out of the elevator. He had told Sean to investigate
Janet’s whereabouts, so he knew the room she was in.
The doctor was waiting for them in the room already. He was ready to draw Janet’s blood and have it tested. Jhazily
watched the doctor approach her with a needle in his hand.
“I don’t want it! I don’t want the injection!” She hurried back in fear and stepped to hide behind Brandon like a preschool girl.
Brandon comforted her. “It’s okay. We need to do the blood test to be able to tell what they put in your wine.” While covering her
eyes with one hand to stop her being frightened by the needle, he held her in the other and gave her wrist to the doctor.
The doctor finished the test and cto a conclusion quickly. Jhad been given a high concentration of alcohol and other
illicit drugs in her drinks. The doctor prescribed smedicine that would alleviate Janet’s drunken state and told Brandon to
give her a lot of water to help discharge the drug out of her system as quickly as possible. 2
Immediately after the doctor left, Brandon headed to the mini fridge in the room and got out a bottle of water. He wanted to give
Jthe medicine. Janet’s face scrunched up the moment the white pill was placed in her mouth and she spat it out. “I’m not
going to take it. It’s too bitter!” She then lay on the bed like a wayward child, ready to sleep.
Brandon was at a loss on what to do. He then placed the pill in his mouth and took a sip of water. He then pressed Jon the
bed and pinched her cheeks. He kissed her on the lips and in that way, fed the pill into her mouth.
Jlet out a moan and skillfully wrapped her legs around Brandon’s waist. She gave him a wink and unbuttoned his belt. “I feel
awful. The medicine is terribly bitter and I don’t feel like taking it. How about you be my medicine?”