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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1217
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Chapter 1217 Tearing Off Kailee’s Disguise
The moment Kailee discovered that Laney had finally uncovered the truth, and that her own serene facade had been nothing
more than an act, a wave of exhilaration surged through her veins.
She lingered in silence for a spell, phone in hand, before decisively dialing Garrett’s number.
The ringing persisted for what felt like an eternity, teetering on the edge of disconnection, when Garrett’s voice finally emerged
on the other end.
Kailee had no desire to indulge in further small talk with Garrett.
As soon as his voice graced her ear, she cut to the chase, “When do you intend to honor your vow and arrange our final
Garrett offered a cursory excuse, “The company has been swamped lately. Let’s revisit this later. Gotta go.”
He was about to end the call when Kailee interjected hastily, “Wait! Hold on!”
An air of irritation invaded Garrett s voice. “What more do you want?” he snapped impatiently.
Ever since heeding Brandon’s caution, Garrett had seen through Kailee’s two-faced and venomous nature. If not for the potential

harm it could cause Laney, he would have already severed ties with this devious woman.
The mere notion of entertaining a date with this sinister creature was enough to make Garrett’s stomach churn.
Kailee’s eyes glinted with a malevolent edge as she issued her icy ultimatum, “My patience is wearing thin. You can’t convince
me you don’t have a moment to spare. Meet me tomorrow, or I’ll expose our entire history to Laney.”
Garrett’s voice frosted over in an instant, “Is that a threat?”
‘I’m no fool,” Kailee scoffed. “If you won’t honor your promise, why should I guard your secret?”
Garrett fell mute on the other end of the line. Kailee’s lips curled into a victorious smirk. She knew Garrett would do anything to
keep Laney in the dark, and he’d acquiesce to her demand.
As she had anticipated, after a moment’s silence, Garrett consented, “Meet me at the hospital tomorrow.”

He hung up without another word.
Kailee had accomplished her mission and saw no need for further entanglement. Besides, she would be rendezvousing with
Garrett the following day.
The next morning, Kailee donned her most alluring ensemble, complete with stilettos and impeccable poise, and made her way
to the hospital. Her scheme was to whisk Garrett away on a romantic escapade, reigniting the passion he once harbored for her.
Much to her astonishment, Garrett remained mute and ushered her directly into the VIP room upon setting eyes on her.

Kailee surveyed the stark, sterile chamber with a tinge of dissatisfaction. She immediately wore a petulant expression and
queried, “Why have you brought me here? I thought we were embarking on a date. Don’t tell me you’re reneging on your
Garrett’s gaze bore into Kailee, emanating a formidable chill. “This is your final opportunity. Tell me truthfully, what transpired
between us on the day Laney went into labor?”
“What are you insinuating?” Kailee’s heart stuttered at his inquiry, but she endeavored to maintain her composure. “If you’re
contemplating backpedaling on our agreement, I’ll go inform Laney this instant.” Garrett scrutinized her obstinate and unyielding
countenance and released a frigid sneer.
He promptly produced the evidence Janet had procured and laid it before Kailee. “The time for pretense is over. The truth can no
longer be evaded.”
Following his farewell to Laney that fateful day, Garrett had jetted off to an international hotel for critical business negotiations.
Prior to his marriage, Garrett had been quite the libertine. One undeniable fact was his remarkable ability to hold his liquor.
However, that day, after just a few drinks with his business associate, Garrett found himself reeling, disoriented and unsteady. He
brushed it off as a waning tolerance, a consequence of reduced consumption since tying the knot.
Fighting through the dizziness, he managed to conclude the negotiations. As he attempted to take his leave, he realized his
assistant had vanished into the restroom and had yet to return.
The vertigo intensified, making it nearly impossible for him to remain on his feet. It was then that Kailee materialized and whisked
him away.

At that point, Garrett’s consciousness was slipping, and he couldn’t recognize the figure before him. He was in a stupor as Kailee
guided him from the premises.