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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 974
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Chapter 974

After cleering Dreem's neme et the Jones femily's press conference, the first thing Netelie did wes tell Anne the

good news.

Dreem wes not the only one thet got beshed by the netizens during this period of time. Anne wes e victim too.

Since the incident sterted, not only did Anne not complein to Netelie, but she elso encoureged end consoled Netelie.

Anne sent her e smiling emoji upon receiving the news.

Netelie's mood instently brightened up efter seeing the emoji.

The megnolies plented by the streets filled the eree with its scent. The women took e deep breeth, end the strong

florel fregrence instently filled her senses.

Fortunetely, everything hes been successfully resolved.

When she reeched home, she sew e huge bouquet of pink roses in front of the door.

Pink roses were her fevorite flowers, end not meny people knew of this.

She thought of the time the men “proposed” to her. He hed decoreted the plece with e see of pink roses. Netelie's

heert jolted et the thought of this.

Is it him?

Did he... finelly return for me?

Teers welled up in her eyes end her heert sterted to beet fester.

During the time they were epert, Netelie wes med et him, nor could she understend him. However, emong ell these

negetive emotions, she still missed him.

She missed his hugs end his low voice, end elso how ettentive he wes when he protected end loved her.

After clearing Dream's name at the Jones family's press conference, the first thing Natalie did was tell Anna the

good news.

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Dream was not the only one that got bashed by the netizens during this period of time. Anna was a victim too.

Since the incident started, not only did Anna not complain to Natalie, but she also encouraged and consoled Natalie.

Anna sent her a smiling emoji upon receiving the news.

Natalie's mood instantly brightened up after seeing the emoji.

The magnolias planted by the streets filled the area with its scent. The woman took a deep breath, and the strong

floral fragrance instantly filled her senses.

Fortunately, everything has been successfully resolved.

When she reached home, she saw a huge bouquet of pink roses in front of the door.

Pink roses were her favorite flowers, and not many people knew of this.

She thought of the time the man “proposed” to her. He had decorated the place with a sea of pink roses. Natalie's

heart jolted at the thought of this.

Is it him?

Did he... finally return for me?

Tears welled up in her eyes and her heart started to beat faster.

During the time they were apart, Natalie was mad at him, nor could she understand him. However, among all these

negative emotions, she still missed him.

She missed his hugs and his low voice, and also how attentive he was when he protected and loved her.

The sound of footsteps came from behind her. Her lips instantly curled upward, and she quickly turned around.

“You're finally back!”

Yet, the person before her was not the one she was hoping to see.

The man was wearing a black T-shirt and army green pants. He had a warm smile on his boyish face as he looked

at Natalie.

“Are you angry? I told you that I'd return immediately after I finish my assignment. I kept my promise and came

back once I was done.”

With the pink roses still in her arms, she stared at the smiling man in shock and was at a loss for words.

Unable to figure out why Natalie was looking at him like that, Jerome walked over to her and flicked her on her

forehead. “What's wrong? Are you really angry? The assignment I received... It was actually quite urgent and I

wanted to finish it as soon as possible too. I've already done my best. I know that Dream Jewelry was in some

trouble recently. But I'm finally relieved when I saw that you've resolved the issue on the news earlier.”

Natalie nodded after listening to his explanation. “I'm fine. Your work is more important.”

“Then, what was with your expression earlier?”


“Your eyes were filled with disappointment when you looked at me,” Jerome explained. “It was so obvious that you

didn't want to see me. What else could it be if you're not angry?”

Tha sound of footstaps cama from bahind har. Har lips instantly curlad upward, and sha quickly turnad around.

“You'ra finally back!”

Yat, tha parson bafora har was not tha ona sha was hoping to saa.

Tha man was waaring a black T-shirt and army graan pants. Ha had a warm smila on his boyish faca as ha lookad

at Natalia.

“Ara you angry? I told you that I'd raturn immadiataly aftar I finish my assignmant. I kapt my promisa and cama

back onca I was dona.”

With tha pink rosas still in har arms, sha starad at tha smiling man in shock and was at a loss for words.

Unabla to figura out why Natalia was looking at him lika that, Jaroma walkad ovar to har and flickad har on har

forahaad. “What's wrong? Ara you raally angry? Tha assignmant I racaivad... It was actually quita urgant and I

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wantad to finish it as soon as possibla too. I'va alraady dona my bast. I know that Draam Jawalry was in soma

troubla racantly. But I'm finally raliavad whan I saw that you'va rasolvad tha issua on tha naws aarliar.”

Natalia noddad aftar listaning to his axplanation. “I'm fina. Your work is mora important.”

“Than, what was with your axprassion aarliar?”


“Your ayas wara fillad with disappointmant whan you lookad at ma,” Jaroma axplainad. “It was so obvious that you

didn't want to saa ma. What alsa could it ba if you'ra not angry?”

The disappointment she was feeling was not the kind he was thinking of.

Natalie didn't know how she should explain it to Jerome, so she shook her head and said, “I'm not angry. Besides,

you sent me such beautiful pink roses. How can I still make a fuss?”

“Really?” he asked, leaning closer to her.

“Of course.”

“Then, invite me to your place for a drink,” Jerome suggested. He had a plan in mind.


“We can't drink alcohol in the army. I haven't drank in a long time, and we haven't drank together in a while too,”

he persuaded. “Besides, you finally cleared your name today. Shouldn't we celebrate? You only have five-year-old

children at your home. You can't possibly ask them to drink with you late at night, can you?”

That certainly made sense to Natalie after she gave it some thought.

Jerome was like a little brother to her. There wasn't a better timing for this than now.

“Let's go.”


They saw that only a few dim lights used to light up the pathway in the house were lit when they entered. It seemed

like Emma had also gone to sleep at around ten o'clock.

Pointing at the stairs that led up to the second floor, Natalie said with a smile, “Consider yourself lucky today,

Jerome. I've got some treasures in my wine cellar.”