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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 8
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Chapter 8

As soon as the words were spoken, a slender figure approached from afar, growing taller and taller as

it drew nearer.

The person who came was none other than Xavier, who was dressed in funeral attire.

He carried on his shoulders a green coffin, which was 10 feet long and 5 feet wide.


The green coffin that weighed 1100 pounds hit the ground, producing a dull thud upon impact.

This sudden scene startled everyone at the banquet.

The noisy banquet suddenly became quiet.

All guests thought. What’s going on? Today is the Vanderbilt family’s sip-and-see party for their

newborn grandchild. Who actually has the audacity to gift a co fin?

“Who is this person?” the head of the Evans family said as he squinted. “How dare this person come

here and cause trouble? That person is doomed

“Hmph, the Vanderbilt family is the foremost family of Oceanheim, the head of the White family said

right after that. They have three sons, all of whom are extraordinary. I reckon this guy must have lost

his mind, daring to bring ill luck upon the Vanderbilt family.

*Osric is present today. Even if there’s a grudge against the Vanderbilt family, making a move at this

moment is somewhat


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The nobles present could not stop chattering. Their expressions were all tinged with pity.

In their eyes, the person who dared to cause trouble for the Vanderbilt family today, even if he had a

certain level of influence, would find it difficult to get away from being dealt with by Osric.

“Xavier, it’s you again, you useless thing! Bodyguards, seize him!”

Beatrix, who was the first to recover from shock, hysterically yelled at the Vanderbilt family’s


After a moment, the Vanderbilt family’s bodyguards, who had long been waiting for order in the

shadows, rushed out and surrounded Xavier.

Beat then walked up to Xavier and said arrogantly, “Xavier, do you think that by becoming the live in

son-in-law of the

family and with them backing you up, you can come here to cause trouble for the Vanderbilt family?

You’re med, and so is the Pemberley family…


1. Slap. Slap

In response to Bratrix’s remarks was a series of slaps.

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The next second, she was hot and sent flying backward before falling heavily with her backside hitting

the floor.

“Duch” Beati said. “It’s so darn painful. My bar le feels like its

feels like its splitting open

While Beatrix was screaming in pain, the cursed loudly at the r nearest guards, saying ‘Blind fools!

Hurry up and help.


Once Betri stood up again, the limped and hid behind the bodyguards, saying, “What are you waiting

for? Beat the shit



Several bodyguards of the Vanderbilt family exchanged glances. They then clenched their fists,

charging toward Xavier.

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Just as the fist of one of the bodyguards was about to come into contact with the tip of Xavier’s nose,

this bodyguard was sent. flying backward as fast as he approached Xavier.

“Thud.” This person fell heavily to the ground, blood trickling from his mouth and nose. He rolled his

eyes. Then, he was completely lifeless.

At the same time, eight powerful figures appeared around Xavier.

Anyone who dares to lay a hand on Mr. Xavier has got to die.”

Ryan’s eyes were cold, and his voice was like thunder, spreading all around.

“He’s dead! He’s dead

The bodyguards of the Vanderbilt family immediately did not dare to make a move. They were just

ordinary guards and had never encountered such a situation before.

Ryan remained calm. They were the Cavanaugh family’s shadow guards. They had undergone

countless killings, and they had crawled out of piles of dead bodies,

To them, killing someone was as easy as breathing.

At that moment, the eight figures seemed like a mountain, overwhelming the bodyguards of the

Vanderbilt family to the point where they looked as if the were suffocating.

“Interesting. Just with a few of you, I wonder if you can withstand the attack of my five hundred soldiers

from the Skystorm Legion!”

“Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh…

Five hundred soldiers wearing the insignia of the Skystorm Legion surged forward like a tide.

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Leopold walked casually, exuding an increasingly imposing presence. It was as if he had attained the

level of a general.

His gaze passed over Ryan and the other seven figures. Then, he turned toward Xavier and said

coldly, “Xavier, kneel down and confess. I’ll then leave your corpse intact.

*Xer, you think that just because you have become the live-in son-in-law of the Pemberley family, you

then have the cence to challenge the Vanderbilt family, huh?

“The Vanderbilt family is the foremost family in Oceanheim. My younger brother is also a general in the

Skystorm Legion

Today, with Osric present, who in all of Oceanheim dares to fucking lay a hand on the Vanderbilt


Ill give you ten minutes to call someone,” Beatrix said. “If no one collects your corpse ten minutes later,

you and your sister will become wandering ghosts.”

Beatrix partially revealed half of her head from behind the bodyguards of the Vanderbilt family, wearing

a resentful expression as she spoke with a virjous smile.

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Leopold, out of consideration for the child. I initially intended to leave a way out for the Vanderbilt

family,” Xavier said. “T change my mind now?

Upon saying that, Xavier glanced sudeways at Beatrix and said. “You want me to make a call, huh?

“Alright. As you wish

Watching Xavier make the call, Beatrix said disapprovingly, “Hmph, you’re using tricks to decrive

others. Let’s see who dares

to back you up today.”

Seated in the main position, Osric had been silent the entire time. His eyes now flickered several times

in succession.

He once again looked at Xavier appraisingly with intensity. As he did so, he kept having the sensation

that he was acquainted with Xavier.

This feeling was just like he had seen Xavier somewhere before.


The impatient Jarvis, no longer hesitating, ordered the five hundred soldiers of the Skystorm Legion to


And he himself also charged straight toward Xavier.

“It’s me you’re up against.” Ryan said

Ryan lunged from the side to block Jarvis.

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The two did not exchange any words. They imunediately engaged in combat.

Faced with the advancing Skystorm Legion soldiers, one of the Cavanaugh family’s covert guards said

solemnly. “Mr. Xavier. take care of yourself

After the guard finished talking, the seven of them positioned themselves in a line formation and

launched an attack against the five hundred soldiers of the Skystorm Legion.


Just then, the ground suddenly began to violently shake, causing a drastic change in the atmosphere.

From the eastern sky, a tall figure gradually approached. That person was clad in battle attire, exuding

an air of menace. It was none other than Alaric, the top general of the Heavenrage Legion.

Behind him was a vast number of soldiers of the Heavenrage Legion, which were greatly imposing

On the western horizon, another figure with a chilling aura suddenly appeared. His name was

Cornelius, the third general of

another the Heavenrage Legion.

Following behind him was also a group of soldiers from the Heavenrage Legion with a formidable aura.

To the north, leading the way was a man in black attire. His name was Duncan

From the south, Eamon, with a shining forehead, led his troops to charge forward.

From the east, the west, the south, and the north, there was a large number of Heavenrage Legion

soldiers rushing in from every direction.

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As these soldiers arrived at Galaxy Hotel and in front of Xavier, all of them knelt down on one knee in

an orderly manner.

“Alaric respectfully welcomes the return of the Warrior!”

“Barnaby respectfully welcomes the return of the Warrior!”

“Comelius respectfully welcomes the return of the Warrior!”

“The soldiers of the Heavourage Legion respectfully welcome the return of the Warrior!”

The eight generals of the Heavenrage Legion, along with tens of thousands of soldiers, all displayed

fervor and respect on their fans at this moment.

It was this man before them, who, in the past few years, led them through battles north and south,

creating one miracle and Irgend after another.

And this man was none other than the leader of the Heavenrage Legion, Xavier the Warrior.




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