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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 241
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Chapter 241

The staff of the villa were all top–notch professionals, trained to a T When they received orders from

their employer, they ensured their tasks were accomplished to perfection Thus, the moment Magnus

stepped out, Natalia found herself in a state of absolute freedom.

Finally free from Magnus relentless attention, Natalia heaved a sigh of relief. She grabbed a moment to

dial Callum’s number

The phone rang for a long time, but no one picked up. Natalia was surprised, and thought perhaps

Callum was avoiding her calls because she was in France, so she decided to dial the landline in the


“Beep Beep Beep

After a long time, someone finally answered.

“Good afternoon Who’s speaking, please?”

The familiar accent from the other side of the line made Natalia realize it was Rita on the other end.

Rita, could you please get Callum on the line? It’s Natalia.”

Recognizing Natalia’s voice, Rita’s tone was filled with an unmistakable excitement. Thank heavens,

Ms. Clarkson! We’ve finally heard from you! Mr. Callum needs you!

Natalia felt a sudden chill, and she quickly asked, “Rita, what are you talking about? Saved from what?

What happened to Callum?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Ms Clarkson, ever since you left, Mr Callum fell terribly ill. He’s still bedridden, and according to our

private physician, he’s barely hanging on. He’s been calling for you even in his unconscious state Rita

sobbed over the phone

Rita’s crying stabbed Natalia’s heart. She couldn’t fathom how Callum could have fallen critically ill in

just three days since she left. The thought was inconceivable. She had promised him that she would

return! What on earth had she done? Callum was the only family she had in this world.

“Rita, calm down. Tell me everything. What happened to Callum?” Natalia was extremely anxious,

wishing she could teleport to England night away.

“Ms Clarkson, I have to attend to Mr. Callum. I can’t talk much. Please, come back as soon as you can.

If you delay you might not see him again” Rita hurriedly hung up after saying this

Listening to the busy tone from the receiver, Natalia’s heart sank to the bottom of her chest. She had

no idea what had happened to Callum, but she knew Rita wouldn’t joke about such matters.

Rita had said, if Natalia delayed, she might never see Callum again.

Natalia was in a state of panic. She needed to fly back to England immediately. Prompted by her

thoughts, Natalia quickly grabbed her passport from upstairs. ready to leave Magnus French villa.

As she descended the stairs, she noticed someone in the living room. It was Lexi

“Lexi, what brings you here?” Natalia asked in a hurry

Lexi shrugged. Talk about being heartless! I’m leaving France and came here to say goodbye If you’re

too busy. I’ll just go.”

“Alright, ainght, Lexi, my bad You’re leaving France? Why?” Natalia asked

Lexi pointed to her small bag Tonginally came to hang out with Sabrina. I’ve seen everything I needed

to, and even ran into you. Don’t see a reason to stick around. I’m thinking of packing up and heading

back to Melfort.”

Then, noticing the passport in Natalia’s hand, Lexi asked, “Natalia, are you planning to travel?”

Natalia nodded, without any attempt to hide her intentions. Yes, and I must leave right now. Callum is


“Callum” The Duke from England?” Lexi’s eyes lit up. “Natalia, can I come with you? I want to

experience living in a medieval English castle and rejuvenate my soul” Natalia knew Lexis artistic

tendencies were acting up again, but she didn’t bother arguing. Instead, she agreed right away. “Sure,

you were leaving France anyway You might as well come with me to England for a while

“Mommy. I want to go too!”

Little Jonas ran down from upstairs, his eyes filled with determination, “Mommy, I heard your

conversation with Auntie Lexi Wherever you go, I want to go too. I don’t want to be apart from you”

Seeing Jonas on the verge of tears, Natalia’s heart ached. She had just reunited with her son. How

could she possibly leave him behind?

“But, should we tell your daddy? In case he doesn’t agree with you coming with me?” Natalia pondered,

thinking she should seek Magnus permission before taking

Jonas with her

Jonas quickly shook his head “Mommy, Daddy always said that a man should be adventurous. And I

am leaving with you. If you ask him and he doesn’t allow us to leave, what then?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Natalia was speechless Indeed, given Magnus stubborn nature, if he knew she was going back to

England to see Callum, he would certainly not let her go

Under such circumstances, acting first and explaining later would be better So, Natalia impulsively

decided to take Jonas with her to England

Of course, the staff asked about their sudden departure. However Natalia deflected their quenes by

saying they were going out for some fresh air

Soon, a plane was carrying the trio to England Throughout the journey, Jonas kept asking questions

excitedly. He had always been well cared for by Magnus and had never experienced the ty of

traveling alone with Natalia

Upon landing. Natalia hailed a cab and headed straight to her apartment in England in no time, the taxi

pulled up in front of the apartment building. Natalia, cradling Jonas, paid the fare and stepped out of the


Lexi couldn’t help but marvel at the quintessential British architecture in front of them. “What a

gorgeous place. I love it”

“I love it too, Jonas chimed in, not wanting to be left out.

Natalia fished out her keys and unlocked the door, gesturing for Lexi and Jonas to enter “This is my

mom’s place. I’m staying here for now?

“Wow, this place is really nice. I love the layout too. Your mom must have been an artsy type, just my

kind of woman, Lexi said, looking around the place with

batisfied gaze before sinking into the plush comfort of the sofa.