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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 664 The history of Grimsbanne
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Chapter 664  The history of Grimsbanne

At the beginning of the world, it was said that humans only lived in this world. Overseeing them was a lamb, the protector, and guardian of the world, giving balance to life and death; the cycle of life.

Until an event in the empyrean realm — the place where the gods and goddess resided — occurred, resulting in the attempted execution of one of the gods. However, this god, whom other divine being feared because of a prophesy escaped the empyrean realm to the mortal realm.

With this cursed existence present in the world of the mortal, disasters occurred. Hence, to stop him from wreaking havoc on this beautiful world created out of mercy for those who wanted to live, the moon goddess and the god of the underworld had an agreement.

Their alliance has grown into fruition, which would be called the child of evil. The child of evil crawled his way to the surface of the mortal realm, born with only one purpose: to kill the cursed being wreaking havoc in the world.

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However, what the mood goddess and the god of the underworld didn't fathom was that as the child of evil stayed in the mortal realm, the more he questioned his existence and purpose. Humans were weak and the cursed god was strong, and yet, he had found the lamb who oversaw the mortal realm.

Meanwhile, the child of evil had to live and survive by taking another. He was born to be evil even before he wanted to become evil. The unfairness of the purpose of his existence and how he was created in the first place had nurtured this seed of anger within.

So in the end, the child of evil, set his eyes on the empyrean realm, blaming those gods for pushing the moon goddess to make a covenant with the god of the underground world, and desired revenge. To do so, the child of evil built an army of undead, which were now called vampires.

The first attempt to return to the empyrean realm resulted in a war that the elders called the holy war between werewolves and vampires. The cursed god, who was a wolf, devoured the lamb and created his own army of brutal lycans.

It was said the holy war was so destructive that the gods had to intervene. Still, due to their persistence and corrupted existence, the wolf, the lamb, and the child of evil survived. The lamb and the wolf managed to hide in the empyrean realm while the child of evil stayed underground, waiting for his chance to crawl his way back to the mortal realm.

The consequence of the holy war for the surviving vampires was to never walk under the sunlight once again. Meanwhile, the werewolves' sentences were lighter than the former race. Despite the display of favoritism, vampires, who couldn't stand under the sunlight, took an oath to live differently and silently, away from the will of the child of evil.

That was why when the time was ripe and the child of evil, the lamb, and the wolf once again walked on the surface of the mortal realm, the vampires had changed. Although the vampires' sentence was lifted with the help of the god of the underground as a retaliation for the moon goddess who betrayed him, they no longer desire vengeance.

What the vampires sought was to live in peace. They wanted to have a place they could call home and where they were accepted. Their patience and good intention soon brought fruit as humans and witches alike allied with the vampires until the small land became an empire.

However, upon the return of the child of evil, everything spiraled into another long darkness. The Grimsbanne, the royal family at that time, was corrupted by the child of evil. The cursed evil used the emperor's grievance about the loss of his empress to his advantage.

Causing discord between vampires and werewolves once again, the crown prince, who watched his kind father fall into ruin as the child of evil corrupt him, made an oath. With no one else to help the vampires, the crown prince sacrificed himself: his morals, principles, and the beliefs he was raised to become a sage king to save his people.

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Acting as the villain, the crown prince had become the most vicious vampire and helped the child of evil achieve his goal. All he wished was that the child of evil leaves the mortal realm, to leave his people alone. But the child of evil never left empty-handed, nor he was the type to not have a backup plan.

Hence, he made a pact with the crown prince, hatching two seeds. A twin — a boy and a girl — to continue their bloodline to fulfill the prophecy.

"Two seeds that will reproduce. Seven seeds; a result of the seven sins that will endanger our kind to extinction?" Samael furrowed his brows, repeating what Tilly said just now after the little history time of the mainland and the existence of vampires.

Tilly nodded. "Currently, there were seven Grimsbanne existing. Me, Marsella, Abel, you, Claude, Law, and Sunny. This is probably the reason everyone wants us dead."

"Hell…" he placed his palm on the grass, leaning back comfortably, eyes still on Tilly. "So, you're saying it's just because of a mere prophecy?"

"It could be, but since the vampires on the mainland had initially set their eyes on Lilou, there must be underlying reasons."

"I know, right? The prophecy is just an excuse. They simply didn't like the idea of an abominable existence." Samael rocked his head as he pondered the information Tilly told him. It was new to him because he had always believed vampires existed from the beginning of the world.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he got. So, he snapped his eyes and set them back to her.

"Tilly, why now? I get it that the numbers of existing Grimsbanne now match the ones told in the prophecy. However, there used to be… eight. My little brother died prematurely, and if we count your parents, that makes us ten. Why now and not in the past? It doesn't make sense." he tilted his head to the side, waiting for Tilly's explanation for that.