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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 571 - Because In Hell Is Where We All Belong
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Chapter 571 - Because In Hell Is Where We All Belong

"You did save me the trouble... for once, Hell."

Stefan swung his foot forward and backward at a leisurely pace, as his leg was resting over the other. His eyes studied the pair of crimson eyes that emitted danger. Just moments ago, he felt his connection to his proxy end as Samael beheaded him in one move. So, he anticipated his brother's appearance.

As he waited, he was slightly distracted as he walked down the memory lane. Those days in the past were the days when the emperor was strict, but not to the point he wanted to ruin his children. Sadly, he couldn't remember where everything went downhill. When did things go from those leisurely days to days where waking up felt exhausting and draining?


Stefan was certain if he asked Samael, the latter wouldn't also know. It felt as though everything just happened. Without them knowing, without them noticing. The change only let itself known when they looked back and saw nothing but the blood they left behind. The path where the more they walk forth, the bloodier it would get.

"Stefan." Samael's voice was cold and distant, gazing at the relaxed man sitting on one of the crates in the fort. Stefan was unlike his usual appearance five years ago. He wasn't in a neat uniform adorned with jewels and gold.

Instead, Stefan was just wearing a worn-out cloak. His hair had grown long and was tied up while some silver strands were falling to his side. He had also grown his beard. Aside from those changes, the life in Stefan's eyes was what caught Samael's attention. They didn't hold the same fire as five years ago, nor did they hold his grudges against the world.

They were empty.

A man who saw life and death as nothing would treat it with nonchalance. That was what Samael's initial thought as soon he locked eyes with him.

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"You found out about it quite early," Stefan spoke with the same indifferent tone. "I'm impressed. You truly are amazing, Hell."

Samael shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? I am born to be amazing."

"And arrogant." Stefan chuckled, as he had grown used by his brother's arrogance by now. "You've been and will always be arrogant and... irresponsible. Just now, I was revisiting the time in the distant past and thought, 'wow... this third brother of mine is surely someone I shouldn't have trusted.'"

He slowly tilted his head back, gazing at the darkfield Samael unleashed. One could tell it was a far stronger darkfield than what Zero and Stefan put up together. To think a single man created this darkfield, Stefan would be foolish not to be amazed by it. Such a feat would only be attained by Samael, for he was born to be uselessly amazing.

"If only I didn't hold on to the words uttered recklessly, I wonder... if the deep traces it left in my soul wouldn't hurt as much as it did?" Stefan carefully pulled his head forth and looked at Samael once again. His lips curled up into an incomprehensible smile.

"If I didn't hold on to those 'you will always be there for me,' and 'you will save me in trouble,' would the betrayal be less painful?"

Samael remained silent as he let his brother talk, for this would be the last they would. As he listened, he couldn't also argue with him since he knew deep down he had committed irreversible mistakes in the past. After all, they didn't have a terrible relationship from the beginning. There were those early days where this young brother of his would seek him as he was... his number one supporter in his work.

The first person who had looked forward to all Samael's creation and would fight to get the first copy of anything he would do. That was Stefan. That was the little brother he knew before everything went south.

"Hell, I gave up everything," Stefan continued while holding his brother's gaze. "Just like what you asked five years ago, I stopped. Hah... that butler of yours had his interesting way of playing with one's mind, for sure."

"Listening to Fabian might break you to insanity or strengthen your mind."

Stefan chuckled while rocking his head. "I won't deny that. He asked me, why did I come back? I also wondered, Hell. Why did I come back in here when I already know what will happen?"

"Because we always do..." this time, Samael had his answers. "... this place is like a curse. No matter where we go, no matter how far, and even if we reach the last island... we always find ourselves stepping foot in this damn hell."

"Because in hell... is where we all belong," Stefan whispered with a bitter smile.

"Because in hell is where we all belong," Samael repeated with a slight nod. "Father's words had instilled deep within us, Stefan."

"It sure did." Stefan slowly lifted his leg away from the other as he slowly got up to his feet. "No matter how we despised him, he lived deep in every La Crox... so deep we loathe ourselves just as much as we loathe him."

This time, Samael couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded in agreement. "You always say the right thing. I'd say you're always as impressive as always."

"I am."

"Arrogant too," He shrugged, uttering the words Stefan spoke previously. When he did, both of them shared a few seconds of chuckles as if they weren't planning to put an end to this long feud.

"Oh, brother..." Stefan took a deep breath after he recovered from laughing. "Just when did it all go wrong? I can't trace where it all began and who to blame for it. Was it truly father? Was it because of the people whispering in his ear? Was it because of his prodigal son, who only knew was to challenge his authority at every turn he gets? Or... was it all of us? Who should we really need to blame?"

"If I know, I would've gossiped about it with my wife."

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Stefan clicked his tongue. "Don't brag. She'll be mine if you die in here."

"Oh no. My wife will kill me twice if I die here."

"Aren't you obedient?" Stefan smirked as he gazed at him, "Then, I wish you luck."

"I won't. I will bid you farewell, though." The side of Samael's lips stretched until his fangs were showing. "It was a hell of a life, Stefan."

"It was a hell of a life, Hell."

The two of them remained silent for a few seconds, just staring at each other. They listened to the soundless song of the wind before their lips parted at the same time.

"Lancelot," whispered Stefan while Samael chanted, "blood art," as he sliced across his palm.

In the next beat, a fierce clash ensued with their lives on the line. They knew that to end this, one of them must die to close this long chapter in their long, tragic life.



Did you know? alienfrommars, the original author of The Duke's Passion, rewrote a ton of chapters before they were published and trashed tons of outlines? It was safe to say this would've been longer if she didn't rewrite chapters from scratch and it would've been shorter if she followed the original outline. But no regrets.


Why is your penname alienfrommars?

Because... I'm an alien... from mars.... :)