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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 549 - The Memory He Saw At Deaths Door
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Chapter 549 - The Memory He Saw At Death's Door

Years prior to the present time...

Fabian pulled up the hood of his cloak whilst running through the dark, narrow alley. He glanced to his side, seeing multiple shadows skip through time and space at their speed. He clicked his tongue in irritation as water splashed when he stepped on the hollow concrete.

'I hope Charlie is alright,' he thought, thinking that the two of them went in opposite directions to split the vampires chasing after them.

After what happened in the capital of the Great Heart Empire, Fabian traveled with Charlotte to the border between the Heart and Spade kingdom. His initial reasoning was because he knew Samael needed time to make up his mind about what to do in the empire. Knowing his master, Fabian already figured Samael would take the position he had denied for the sake of everyone.

However, as he investigated the borders, Fabian had this unsettling feeling when he met a vampire. Obviously, he didn't know all vampires, but that person he met gave him this eerie feeling, even though the latter told him he was a mere inferior vampire.

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That was the main reason he infiltrated the mainland. If his conclusion that vampires from the mainland were involved in the matters of the empire, he thought of taking out the root of the problem himself. The problem was, no matter how discreet he was, the vampires in this land already knew an outsider infiltrated the land.

And now he and Charlotte were on the run.

Fabian made a turn and squeezed himself between the narrow space of two buildings. Two shadows sprinted past him as he hid.

'It's better not to confront them now,' he said internally, peeking his head out before running once again. 'Troublesome vampires.'

It was not that Fabian hadn't fought them earlier. He had confronted a few; they were all strong, but not enough to overwhelm him. He knew that if he killed more and let those vampires stall time, more powerful vampires would arrive to capture him — worse, kill him on the spot.

"Ugh...!" Fabian suddenly winced as he looked over his shoulder because an arrow grazed him. His eyes sharpened as he glanced up, seeing a figure standing at the building with a large arrow in her hand. But his speed remained the same, pressing on his shoulder as he just ran around aimlessly.

As he did so, Fabian dodged the arrows even without looking back. This time, he also grew bold since he was bleeding; meaning, no matter where he goes, they would find him through his scent. He thought if he led them to somewhere far, like some woods or something, he could fight them and flee easily, that would be better.

And so Fabian ran and ran and ran, following his instincts. On the way, he encountered a few vampires. This time, he took out Maleficent and slew them mercilessly. Good thing he faced countless noble vampires as his victims during those crazy days in the past.

After that, Fabian noticed the buildings were slowly reducing in numbers as he entered the forest. He looked back, only to catch that his pursuers decreased in numbers as well. His brow arched as he sped away, sensing that everyone seemed reluctant to catch him now.

Or rather, they were reluctant to chase after him because of where he was heading. Either way, as long as they stopped chasing after him, Fabian didn't care about their reasons. So, he ran ahead without looking back until he reached the forest clearing.

His brows furrowed as his steps halted. He gazed at the old mansion ahead. The place looked eerie, old, and not well-maintained. A sight that told him no one could live in this abandoned-looking mansion. He looked back once again, and no one was chasing after him.

"That's strange," he muttered, but he didn't dwell on it as he marched towards the mansion. As he opened the rusting gates, it creaked, producing an unsettling sound in this soundless surrounding. Walking inside, the crisp sound of dry leaves under his feet resonated in his ear.

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"Why an abandoned mansion in the middle of this forest?" he wondered, standing on the doorstep.

Based on his observation, the mainland of the vampires was just like the capital of the Heart's Empire. Streets were clean and quiet, establishments and mansions everywhere. So, it was a surprise that a mansion was situated in the middle of this place like it was a haunted house.

Convinced that no one could possibly live in this rundown mansion, Fabian knocked on the door lightly. Just as he did, his brow quirked as the door creaked open. Normal people would immediately turn around and walk away, but Fabian's initial thought was his knocking opened the door for him.

"I'll be entering," he whispered to show respect to the mansion's previous owners or to the ghosts who lived in it. He carefully entered, not opening the door wide, and simply squeezed himself to the small gap of the door. But just as he stepped his foot inside, Fabian halted.

He raised his gaze, and it immediately landed on the person meters away. He blinked twice, and so was the woman holding a lamp in her hand. Long white hair that reached the ground, wearing a white long sleeve dress that also reached the floor. She looked pale as if a ghost, like snow, considering her eyes were also silver.

Neither of them spoke at the presence of another. Fabian sized her up and didn't sense malice from her. But still, meeting this woman only meant there were people who lived here. He caressed his skull ring with a warm smile on his face, preparing himself to attack her if she thought of assaulting him.

But to his surprise, the woman in white with long white hair said nothing as she turned her back against him. He furrowed his brows as she walked away as if she didn't see him. After taking several steps away, Fabian's eyes fell on her hand as she pointed to the side without looking back at him.

"Kitchen." That was all she said before resuming her strides, leaving Fabian puzzled. Normal people's reaction when they knew an intruder was inside their property was to chase them out or catch them. But that woman just said kitchen. What did that even mean?

"Well, this is the mainland.. What am I going to expect in this strange place hidden from the world?" he shrugged as Fabian welcomed himself in.