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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

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The next morning, Natalie woke up to an empty bed. Letting out a small yawn, she made her way

downstairs and found Brandon already dressed for work.

“Still sleepy? Why don’t you get some more rest?” Brandon said with a gentle smile, adjusting his tie. It

was clear he was about to leave for the company.

Noticing Natalie’s grogginess, he walked over and lightly k**sed her on the cheek. “The bodyguard I

hired for you is waiting outside.”

Natalie nodded sleepily, watching as Brandon put on his coat and left. After having breakfast, she got

dressed and headed towards the door.

Standing outside was a strong and fierce-looking female bodyguard, a complete contrast to the petite

Laney. With this intimidating new addition by her side, Natalie doubted anyone would dare approach

her now.

“Good morning, Mrs. Larson!” greeted the specially trained bodyguard, acting and speaking in a brisk


Smiling awkwardly, Natalie replied, “Hello, nice to meet you.” She then set off for work, with the female

bodyguard closely following behind.

Upon reaching the studio entrance, they came face-to-face with Dalores. Glancing at the bodyguard

behind Natalie, Dalores sneered contemptuously. She had never been fond of Natalie and saw her

bringing a bodyguard to work as a show-off move.

“Wow, I can’t believe you brought a servant to work,” Dalores sarcastically remarked, deliberately

blocking their path. “Natalie, tell your little servant to step aside. We can’t let just anyone enter our

office. Mark’s Studio is a place for designers, not lowly people like her.”

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Natalie pursed her l*ps unhappily. Dalores’ words were as rude as ever. “This is my bodyguard,”

Natalie explained impatiently. “She’s not a servant. She’s responsible for my safety.”

Dalores threw her head back and burst into laughter, finding Natalie’s explanation absurd. “Are you

delusional? Do you think your own colleagues are out to kill you? You just brought a servant to take

care of you, didn’t you? You’re just a big baby! Well, let me remind you that Mr. Wesley would never

allow your servant to come inside.”

Knowing it was futile to argue with Dalores’ unreasonable behavior, Natalie turned to the bodyguard

and suggested, “How about you wait in the café outside? I’ll join you right after work.”

The female bodyguard shook her head grimly. “Mr. Larson instructed me to be with you at all times,

anywhere. I won’t be able to protect you from outside the office.”

Dalores sneered unhappily. Why was Natalie so fortunate? Not only did she come from a wealthy

family, but she also had a caring and handsome husband. It felt incredibly unfair.

As jealousy consumed Dalores, she raised her voice and attempted to chase the bodyguard away. “I’ve

already told you that you can’t be here! This is our office! Get out!”

Unfazed by Dalores’ aggression, the bodyguard stood her ground. In a swift motion, the tables turned,

and Dalores found herself pinned to the ground, her arms restrained behind her back.

The pain in Dalores’ arms made her wail helplessly. “Ouch! Let me go! Help! Somebody, help me!”

Dalores’ cries caught the attention of the studio employees, including Draco. He emerged from the

studio and asked, “What’s happening here? Why are you yelling right outside our studio?”

Draco observed the intense confrontation bet**en Dolores and Natalie, then turned to Natalie with a

puzzled exp**ssion. “Natalie, can you please explain what’s happening here?”

Natalie signaled her bodyguard to release Dolores and began to clarify the situation. “Dolores

instigated a fight with me and my bodyguard, so she was restrained.”

As soon as Dolores was freed, she shot an angry glare at Natalie before turning to Draco with a pitiful

exp**ssion. “Mr. Wesley, it’s all Natalie’s fault! She tried to bring her servant into the office, but I told her

it wasn’t allowed. So she ordered her servant to beat me up!”

Fed up with Dolores’s lies, Natalie approached Draco and spoke candidly. “This woman is not my

servant; she’s my bodyguard. Something terrible happened after work yesterday. The billboard on the

roof of this building fell and almost killed me. For my own safety, I decided to have bodyguards

accompany me today.”

Crossing her arms in disdain, Dolores sneered, “You’re exaggerating. The fallen billboard was just an

accident. Why would you need bodyguards? What a lame excuse!”

Ignoring Dolores’s remarks, Natalie focused her gaze on Draco and asked earnestly, “Mr. Wesley, you

must have heard about the billboard incident, right?”

Draco nodded, recalling the news of the incident. It was reported that Natalie had a narrow escape

from being crushed by the falling billboard, and Brandon had heroically protected her. His brow

furrowed. “Are you injured? Have you been to the hospital?”

After contemplating for a moment, Natalie decided to reveal the truth. “No, but my husband got injured.

Although the police labeled it as an accident, I sense something suspicious.”

The mastermind behind the incident remained hidden, and Natalie was unsure where to look. Perhaps

even their current situation was being monitored. After pondering for a while, Draco reached a decision.

“I’ll allow your bodyguard into the studio, but she must follow the rules and not disrupt anyone’s work,

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Natalie was pleasantly surprised by Draco’s consideration. What a kind boss! She smiled gratefully and

nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Wesley. I’ll get to work now.”

Excusing herself, Natalie entered the studio accompanied by her bodyguard. Just as she was about to

reach her workstation, Dolores’s sharp voice called out from behind. “You can’t just leave! Your so-

called bodyguard hurt my arm earlier. How are you going to compensate me for that?”

Natalie was speechless, glancing at Dolores’s arm, which only had minor bruising. The bruise would

likely fade within minutes. How dare Dolores demand compensation? It was clear she was attempting

to blackmail her! As Draco walked past them, he coldly remarked, casting a glance at the petty bruise

on Dolores’s arm, “If you’re genuinely injured, you can take a leave and see a doctor. Besides, we have

Tasha now. The studio will manage without you.”

Dolores flared up in anger, her nostrils flaring. Draco was evidently taking Natalie’s side. Dolores hid

her arm behind her back and lowered her head, pretending to be wronged. “It’s fine. It’s just a minor

injury. I can still work,” she muttered before storming off to her station.

Once Dolores was out of earshot, Natalie couldn’t help but snicker. She briefly entertained the thought

that Dolores might have tampered with the fallen billboard. However, upon reflection, Dolores seemed

too dim-witted to devise such a devious plan. Could she have discovered Natalie’s conflict with Charis

and used it against her? At least Dolores could be ruled out as a suspect. But if it wasn’t her, then who

could it be? Natalie was determined to uncover the truth. She found a seat for her bodyguard in the

office and instructed her to wait quietly while she went to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Natalie turned on her cell phone and reviewed the strange messages she had

received the previous night. It was daytime now, and she doubted any ghosts would haunt her while the

sun was still up. With determination, Natalie dialed the mysterious sender’s number, eager to get to the

bottom of this mystery.