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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

Hearing that, she thought he was just kidding. In her view, those advertisements were deliberately made by the

Xanthos family and the Hamilton family for a marriage of convenience so no one would dare to take it down. It was

dark in front of her eyes. His hand pressed against her skin, and she could feel a trace of warmth from it.

After a while, she took his hand down and looked up at him. “Thank you, Jon.” She thought he said those words to

comfort her. “Well, let’s go home for dinner.” As she said that, she took his hand and walked back home.

He glanced at the huge projection advertising again before walking away with her.

When they arrived at her rental home, Rosalie went to the security post in the residential area and picked up the

parcel there. It was a sweater she bought online.

After opening the parcel, she took out the sweater and touched its material. “Not bad. According to the price, it’s

still value for money, she thought.

Then she said, “Jon, come and try this. Let’s see whether the sweater fits you well.”

The sweater was blue-green and had a plaid pattern. When Jonathan put it on, Rosalie’s eyes lit up. She exclaimed

inwardly, “Well, he looks really good in this.”

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and said, “Jon, bend down.”

Jonathan bent down as he heard that. Rosalie held a comb and combed his bangs backward. Instantly, a face with a

distinct figure appeared.

Rosalie had always known he was good-looking, but his bangs covered most of his eyes when the two were

together. So at that moment, when his eyes were fully revealed before her, she was amazed again.

“My Jon is so handsome,” Rosalie could not help exclaiming. “If you comb your bangs backward, I guess a group of

girls will chase after you and grab the flyers in your hands when you distribute them on the road.

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He smiled slightly. Her words ‘my Jon’ seemed to please him.

“Why don’t we go to the barber shop and get you a haircut later! It’s a pity that your hair covers your beautiful

eyes,” she


“What’s the pity? This look can only be shown to you, Rosie, Jonathan said.

Rosalie laughed. “You can wear this sweater tomorrow. I’ll wash the sweater after you change out of it.”

“Okay,” he responded.

Then she opened her phone camera, took a picture of Jonathan wearing the sweater, and posted it on Instagram.

Speaking of which, there were only a few people on her Instagram. She only had two friends. One was Lillian, and

the other was Jonathan.

“I want to show Lillian, and I think she will envy me for having a younger brother,” said Rosalie. Only at such a

moment would she behave like a young girl instead of being indifferent like most of the time.

As expected, Lillian liked the post shortly and sent her a message: [This sweater looks good. How much is it?]

Rosalie: [40 dollars. It’s good in quality and materials. Plus, it can keep you warm.]

Lillian: [I’ll buy one for my dad, too. By the way, your brother has a perfect figure. Actually, he can try to be a

model for online stores. The standard is not high, but the income is much higher than distributing flyers.]

Rosalie thought it was good, so she asked Jonathan, “What do you think of being a model for online fashion stores?”

Chapter 22

“So-so,” he said.

“But compared to your current job as a flyer distributor, this job is much more profitable and stable,” she refuted.

He stared at her. “Rosie, do you think I’m earning too little money?”


“Ah, no!” She denied it and explained, “I just hope you can have a better life. From her perspective, her life would

be as it was, but she hoped he could live a better life.

“Ill have a better life. By that time, I can also give you the kind of life you want, Rosie.” He looked at her seriously

when he spoke.

It was clearly just a game for him, but at that moment, he wanted to give her a new life in the future for real. It was

indeed easy for him.

Rosalie laughed. She did not think Jon could give her the life she wanted, but she did not want to hurt his self-

esteem, so she said, “Okay, okay. I will wait until you make a lot of money to support me in the future, Jon. And

then, I can live a comfortable life as a parasite.

“Okay,” he replied, and a gleam of light flashed across his deep eyes. He could protect her and let her be a parasite

for the rest of her life if she wished to.

The next day, when Carlos went to the pantry, he heard some colleagues talking. ‘Did you see the sweater Mr.

Youngblood wore today?”

“No, what’s wrong?”

“It seems to be from Amazon’s Lightning Deal”

“No way. How could Mr. Youngblood wear best-selling clothes from Amazon?”

“I think it’s impossible too. Could it be from a certain famous brand that has inspired knock-offs and best-selling

products by others? But Mr. Youngblood gives off a different vibe with that sweater on. It looks so good that I also

want to buy one for my husband.”

“Hey, send me the sweater link later”

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Carlos’ body trembled, and he left the pantry silently. He felt embarrassed to tell those two colleagues that the

clothes on Jonathan that day were indeed from Amazon’s Lightning Deal. He even saw someone wearing the same

sweater as Jonathan in the company that day.

Jonathan did not care much but glanced at the colleague faintly.

However, that colleague looked shocked and did not seem to believe that Jonathan was wearing the same sweater

as himself. Carlos returned to the CEO’s Office and saw Jonathan had taken off his suit jacket. He was reading

documents at his desk. The best-selling sweater on him made him look more elegant and scholarly than usual, with

a less fierce and murderous


Carlos thought. “This sweater must be bought by Rosalie for him. Mr. Youngblood usually changes out of the clothes

he wore in the rental home before he came to the company. But today, he didn’t change the sweater. What does it

mean? Moreover, when will Mr. Youngblood stop going back and forth daily to that small rental home like this?

However, Carlos naturally dared not to ask Jonathan those questions.

“Mr. Youngblood, this is the acquisition plan that you want.” Carlos put the documents on Jonathan’s desk. When he

was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Jonathan.

“Did you know that Zachary of the Xanthos family made a lot of holographic projection advertising for Yvette in the

city?” Jonathan asked.

Carlos was stunned as he did not expect that Jonathan would suddenly ask about that.

15:52 Wed, 6 Sept 10

Chapter 22

“Yes, I know,” Carlos answered.

“How many such projection advertising is there in this city?” Jonathan asked again.