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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 Why Is She Suddenly Like This?

On the contrary, the atmosphere inside the car was tense throughout the journey.

Yacob was too terrified to speak up as Elias repeatedly played the surveillance footage in

the backseat. Then, Elias carefully observed every subtle expression on Amanda’s face

before she entered the house. She seems angry. Why is she so furious?

In the meantime, he went directly to the ward upon his arrival at the hospital. After the

wound was attended to, Grace was admitted for observation. He could hear her sobbing

as he approached the door. “Doctor, can I recover from this? If I don’t get better soon, my

career is over. I don’t want that-”

“Miss Murphy, please calm down. Your agitation could cause the wound to reopen. We will

do everything possible to improve the follow-up treatment plan, but you will unlikely

recover completely.”

“What? How can this be? Isn’t your hospital the best at treating scars? Are those

advertisements an elaborate hoax?”

“Miss Murphy, please calm down. Look, your wound has already reopened. It will affect



Soon, the room’s noise volume rose sharply, and the door swung open. Grace’s sobbing

stopped as she stared at Elias, who had just entered the ward.

“You can leave first,” he said to the doctor.

After hearing this, the doctor quickly exited the ward, and Yacob quietly closed the door



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After that, Elias walked to the bedside and was shocked by her appearance. How did she

get injured like this? He saw a deep wound on her fair arm and a long scar on her cheek

covered with blood- stained gauze. He knew the wound on her cheek would inevitably

leave a scar and likely end her career in the entertainment industry. After all, the

entertainment industry was heavily reliant on


“Elias… I don’t want to be like this. I want to be my old self. I don’t want this- She grabbed

the man’s arm, crying in pain. Her suffering wasn’t feigned, but rather, it was genuine.

After all, she had ruined her own face. Aside from being concerned about her future in the

entertainment industry, she was also concerned that he would dislike her. She was well

aware that all men were naturally lustful about appearances….

Grace started to regret her impulsiveness. Why did I slash my cheek so ruthlessly? Even

so, I know Elias won’t care if I’ve hurt other parts of my body. Then, she clung desperately

to his arm, crying and screaming in agony. She eventually kept wailing for a while until he

became impatient.


Chapter 102 Why Is She …

+10 pearls

“What happened? Why did Amanda hurt your face like this? What happened between you

two?” he asked. Why would Amanda commit such an act? I find it hard to believe she

would be so vicious. Furthermore, as a lawyer, wouldn’t she be aware of the consequences

of such actions, especially with surveillance cameras present? Such a malicious act could

result in imprisonment.

Then, she stifled her voice and sobbed through her words. “I don’t know why she did this.

As soon as she entered, she started hitting me. I feel like she has gone crazy! She has

been blaming me for your divorce, and she even claimed that her child wouldn’t have died

four years ago if it weren’t for me! Then, she kept hitting me and accused me of seducing

you and bewitching your mind. She accused me of being a vixen and said she planned to

disfigure me so I could no longer seduce you…” She displayed exceptional acting skills

while fabricating a story about Amanda’s mental instability. Moreover, all that mattered to

her was establishing herself firmly in Elias” affections.

Elias’ dark eyes were filled with astonishment upon hearing this. How could Amanda do

this? Then. he asked, “Why did she suddenly act like this?” Nevertheless, it’s true that four

years ago, Grace was the reason I divorced Amanda and cruelly abandoned her, leading to

the death of her unborn child, but….

“I don’t know either, Elias. I’m so scared. I feel like she has truly gone insane. She has

gone as saying she wants to tell you that the child is alive, but she won’t tell you where

the child is that you’ll be tortured forever without ever being able to find the child-While

Grace was talking, her eyes darted nervously as if she were afraid he would catch on to

her fibbing.

“That’s impossible! The child was aborted four years ago. She has already told me!” he

said, pushing the woman on the hospital bed away. The Amanda she describes sounds like

someone who has completely lost their mind. From what I saw yesterday. Amanda seems

fine and completely normal. How did she have a mental breakdown out of the blue and

start acting so irrationally?

After hearing his remark, she hysterically shouted at the man. Then, why did she treat me

like this? Do you think I’m lying to you? Didn’t Yacob show you the surveillance footage?

She came to my house on her own accord, and as soon as she entered, she started hitting

me, cursing at me, and eventually using a fruit knife to ruin my face! Do you think I’m

stupid enough to slash my own face? I’m still a celebrity! How can I survive in the

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entertainment industry like this?” After speaking, she broke down mentally and cried out

loudly, filling the entire hospital room with her pitiful wails.

Elias remained silent upon hearing this. I had viewed the surveillance footage and can

confirm that Amanda struck Grace in the face when the door opened. Still, I don’t get why

Amanda would do this or why she would have such a sudden and intense dislike for Grace.

Even if Amanda’s suffering from those years ago was directly attributable to Grace, I am

no longer in a relationship with her. So, why…

Then, Grace grabbed his arm tightly and said, “Amanda also stated that she wishes to

sully your memory of me. She wants to tell you that the car accident was also caused by

me. Elias, don’t believe her. Please don’t believe her… How could I harm you? How could I

cause a car accident to kill you? This woman has truly gone insane!”

However, he took one look at the bloodied bandage on her cheek, frowned, and then




Chapter 102 Why Is She…

+10 pearls

“Elias! I beg you not to believe her words. I had no idea what happened four years ago,

nor was 1 aware that you had a child together. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let you

divorce her- She knew this was her last chance, so she wailed at the man’s indifferent

back. As soon as Elias was out of sight, her sobbing stopped, and she wiped away her

tears. Ha… I’ve already inoculated him against Amanda’s words, so I don’t think her words

would affect him. I don’t think he’ll just brush this off because he’s always felt bad about

me and my brother, especially note that my face is ruined. Then, she looked at the tightly

closed door and whispered, “Yelan, please watch over me through this trial. Otherwise, I

won’t have another chance anymore. I can’t lose Elias…