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Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 139 Tower Of Growth [4] 5th Floor
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On the other side of the Orc tribe camp, Jiho, Anya, Freya, and Amery arrived. Along the way, Jiho and Amery were mostly quiet, while the other two, Freya and Anya, did most of the random conversation, which, though random, contained significance in some way.

"Do you think entering this Tower has an age restriction? You know, even seven-year-old kids who just received the System are still kids. With their curiosity, they might access this Tower without knowing anything."

Freya asked as she glanced at Anya — whose crimson eyes were looking ahead.

Anya was originally a quiet woman until she saw herself on Jiho. During those moments, she realized how other people in her surroundings turned out to be uncomfortable with her quietness.

At first, she thought maybe it was her status being from the Amasawa family, similar to how other people admire but keep their distance from the two princesses. But she belatedly realized that it was her bearing that resulted from not having a person to approach her.

From time to time, in her few months in the academy, Anya tried to give signals that she could be talked to. Anya even thought that it was more irritating to converse with her father than with strangers.

"Hm, according to what I've been told, thirteen years old and above are eligible to enter. Well, players at that age probably have already undergone some curriculum in a training center before they attend an academy."

"Is that so... "That's good, I guess."

Freya said with a faint smile, remembering the Failure Penalty of the Tower of Growth.

"Uh, I've been meaning to ask the two of you, Freya and Amery. To be honest, I can peek through the Status Windows, but for some unknown reason, I can't seem to see the descriptions of your Skills, Attributes, or Authority. I apologize for checking it without your permission, though."

Freya, Amery, Russell, and Amelie could "edit" their respective Status Windows, making it something that wasn't suspicious or conspicuous enough. Freya and Amelie were about to ask Russell about their issues regarding the missing descriptions, but at that time, Amery just told them an unbelievable truth.

Even though they edited their respective Status Windows, at least filtering out the extraordinary skills or their Star Contract, the information they contained seemed to be snuffed out of existence.

"Um, I don't mind. About that, it's a private matter. Sorry."

Freya didn't mind Anya taking a peek at her Status Window.

Obviously, she did the same to other players most of the time.

"It's not an issue. Secrets couldn't just be divulged, right?"

"Orcs ahead."

Jiho broke the conversation between the two as the cloud of smoke that seemed to want to reach the sky could be seen from a distance, a few meters away.

Freya faintly smiled at Anya's words, but she didn't respond anymore.

In a world where Systems, Gods, Goddesses, and Constellations exist, it remained the best choice not to share anything significant with other people without any valid reason. In fact, it's the reason why Freya, Russell, and the other two wouldn't divulge anything about themselves to these people, regardless of their social status, especially since that information was something that could be turned into weakness.

A minute or two later, the four of them arrived behind a clump of green, razorblade-like bushes. After confirming the number of Orcs in their little abode, they proceeded to take them head-on.

Amery utilized the sword technique she learned, the Pale Crimson Sword Technique. Freya, who has yet to learn any Sword Technique, utilized the Intrinsic Effect: [Desolation] to slow the orcs' movement, and then either Anya or Jiho would finish the job.

Just a few minutes later, a massacre had transpired.

[Your Player Party has successfully cleared the 4th floor.]

[Your Player Party will be automatically transported to the "Waiting Room."]

Without any warning, all of them turned into blue lights and then vanished from their spots.


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[The Player Party has arrived in the "Waiting Room."]

[The Player Party has received a reward for accomplishing the 1st to 4th floor!]

[Reward: Great Rejuvenation.]

[Each of Player Party member's Health, Stamina, Mana, and Power will be restored by fifty percent.]

[Duration before automatically proceeding to the next floor: 9 minutes, 04 seconds.]

[The Player Party Leader can solely decide if the party will proceed to the next floor.]

"So, if there's any remaining duration, we'll be able to rest, but Samantha has the final say if she wants to quickly go to the next floor, huh."

Anya spoke, glancing around. The eight of them arrived in a square, spacious room with gray, opaque walls; there was no window. On different sides of the room, a plain-looking metallic bed with a gray mattress was situated; it was exactly eight in number, meant for each of them.

"This is cozy enough. I thought the reward would be something material, but I guess that's fine, too. Ha! I'm refreshed!"

Amelie, who experienced living in the sewers or scrounging for everyday meals, found the single bed relaxing as green light enveloped each one of them, rejuvenating their bodies.

<What's with her?>

Freya's voice entered Amelie's head. Amelie looked at Freya, perplexed; she then saw Freya looking at Samantha, who was sitting on the bed situated in the middle, with an unknown expression.

<Ah. Well, she says she wants closure, but she's maybe on her red days. Haha.>

<Tsk. Whatever. Anyway, let's ask Oppa about our problem. You know.>

The two approached Russell, who seemed mentally tired as he didn't greet or look at anyone and just went to lie down on one of the beds situated near the wall; millions of thoughts were flooding his mind.

Freya, who saw her older brother, felt that it wasn't the right time to ask for her concern.

<What is it?>

This time, Russell sent them a telepathic message, including Amery.

<Ah, Oppa, there's something weird going on. Some of the information regarding our respective Status Windows disappeared. like it was erased.>

<I see... it's probably due to Nihility. Don't mind it for now, and let's focus on the next floor.>


The remaining duration that's given to clear the first to fourth floors ended. Samantha didn't proceed, deciding by herself; rather, she let everyone rest for at least more than five minutes.

[You have arrived at Floor 5 of the Tower of Growth!]

The eight of them arrived at an enclosed space similar to the waiting room they just left from. This room was around seventy-five to eighty square meters, and then, for the first time, there was an enormous door in front of them that looked wooden but ancient.

The ancient feel to this place seemed to send the party into an ancient past; Celine was enveloped by apprehension but didn't scream. After some time, some enormous torches lit up from the sides and the ceiling, illuminating the entire 5th floor of the Tower.

[Objective: Eliminate the random Boss Monster from a certain False Green Family.]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Good luck, Player!]

At that moment, when the System's message ended, a fabric of space was torn like fragile glass. Russell was then reminded of his first encounter with the Goddess of Night in the Hidden Dungeon, the Oldest Root of Yggdrasil.

Through the torn space, a single, enormous Orc walked out. The difference between this Orc and the ones from the lower floors was its skin color — this one has dark brown skin. He also has white eyes with red pupils; these pair of eyes were burning crimson, seemingly wanting to destroy anyone who woke him up from slumber. He has massive arms and hands so that if someone were locked or gripped into it, his head would surely explode. The Orc only wore a piece of underwear, revealing its well-built body.

Russell and the rest of the party looked up at the Orc, which has a stature of at least five to six meters.

[Defeat the Orc Lord!]

Name: Uruga

Race: Orc Lord

Family: False Green

Rank: D


Strength: 699

Swift: 699

Fortitude: 699

Intelligence: 699

Magic Power: 699


"That's not an easy one."

Samantha muttered, her expression stoic. Celine was hiding behind her back; as an alchemist, she just hoped that she wouldn't be cannon fodder later.


Uruga, the Orc Lord, let out a deafening roar that caused the entire Boss Room to shake. With its enormous body, one wouldn't think that it could move or react quickly, but, at that moment, just after he let out a roar, he vanished from his spot, not giving the party the time to organize themselves.

At the same time, Samantha also vanished from her spot, holding a sword in her hand, ready to thrust the incoming, heavy blow.



Near the middle of the Boss Room, a sword and a fist collided with each other, producing a mild but reverberating shockwave that seemed to cause an aftershock of an earthquake.

"You puny humans dare!"

Samantha, who struck back, momentarily faltered upon hearing the Orc speak. She never heard of a monster in her life that spoke a language, whether a language that was dead, unknown, or not. What's more, it automatically translated in her mind, as well as the others', due to the power of the Tower.

A few seconds later, the others arrived and launched a barrage of attacks against Uruga. Amelie continuously fired a Mana Blast from a distance, destroying the Orc Lord's momentum as she aimed for his eyes; Freya and Amery aimed for his feet and legs, trying to reduce its mobility or completely immobilize him; Anya and Jiho assisted Samantha, still blocking the fist of Uruga.

Russell, on the one hand, was observing the battle from a distance, while Celine, on the other hand, took something from her dimensional inventory for this moment—an Invisibility Potion, exclusive for her puny self.

"Be careful!"

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Russell shouted, but the others didn't let his shout lose their momentum; instead, they continued to skillfully chip away the vitality of the Orc Lord.

"You all will die here!"

Uruga spoke deeply; its voice reverberated. At that moment, something appeared on its hand: a gigantic, sturdy shield, and...

"A harpoon?! Dodge!"

Russell looked at Celine from the distance, who was in the process of gulping down the potion. It was what he was waiting for — for Uruga to use and reveal a skill to prevent something unexpected from happening, especially with Celine's inability to protect herself.


Moving through the shadows, quickly wearing the Mask of Night (EX) discreetly, he arrived in front of Celine and parried the three-meter-long harpoon that was made of bones. But, with the strength of Uruga, Russell was sent flying due to the force of the throw. Celine freaked out and was about to scream, but composed herself and downed the remaining liquid of the Invisibility Potion before tending to Russell, who was smashed against the wall.

"I'm sorry, and thank you! I know you're not okay, so drink this!"

She quickly handed him a Health Potion.

"Thank you; go hide somewhere! It might still sense you."

Russell's words caused Celine's facial expression to be horrified, but she did her best to quickly find an inconspicuous spot.

"Your weak selves will perish here!"

Moving through shadow, Russell quickly arrived behind Uruga, who slammed his shield on the ground, prompting the rest of the party, apart from Celine now hiding somewhere, to scatter away.

With the System's Reboot, they couldn't see the Health Points of the Boss Monster, including its Skills; that's why they weren't letting their guards down and remained wary, though they discovered that it could conjure different weapons.

Another lengthy bone harpoon appeared from Uruga's right hand while he was holding the sturdy shield in his other hand. As soon as he conjured a bone harpoon, Uruga went on the offensive as he lunged towards the formidable one, the woman who managed to block his fist.

[Activating Skill: Eye of the Self (EX)]

[Self-Sword Sword Technique, First Movement: Vertical Thrust]

At that moment, Uruga's battle instinct tingled as he stopped lunging forward and instead jumped to the side, barely dodging the gigantic illusory sword that appeared from the ground.

"You think I won't notice!? Tricky human!"

Russell scoffed at the words of Uruga, who reflexively blocked Russell's attack aimed at his scalp by raising and quickly using the gigantic shield to reach from behind. Russell wondered how this Orc Lord managed to use such a heavy shield to block his sneak attack, but it's not the kind of worry to be contemplated about right now.

The rest of the party, seizing the opportunity that Russell provided, continued attacking.


[Duration: 3 minutes, 37 seconds.]

"This monster is like an impregnable wall!"

Anya exclaimed, irritated.

"I guess I have no choice, everyone, take a step back!"

[Activating Skill: Eye of Depravity (EX)]

[Activating Unique Skill: Sickles of Depravity (SSS+)]

At that moment, when the rest of the party listened to Anya and took some steps back, countless gigantic, crimson eyes appeared and opened in space, looking at the enormous Orc Lord.

The Orc Lord, Uruga, froze.