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Stealing Spree

Chapter 556: Sneaking in to meet her (2)
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“A nurse? What will you need a nurse for?” Her ex-fiance who still looked like a selfish prick that kept on babbling on and on earlier asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Naturally, he didn’t put me in his eyes, thinking I was just a simple nurse, called and brought here by Otoha’s command.

“Hmm? I don’t see why it is your business.”

Otoha coldly answered as she stood up from her seat and stood before her parents.

At this point, the couple was already aware of what’s happening. With a simple glance, I immediately noticed how her mother was frowning while her father was emotionless as they both waited for what she wanted to say.

However, the idiot who’s wearing a white suit and red necktie was still not done. “I’m your fiancé. Why won’t it be my business?”

Instead of facing him, Otoha only gave her a passing glance and answered with the same cold tone. “Stop being disillusioned, it has been taken back. I don’t even know why you are here.”

Without waiting for him to rebut, Otoha already had her head lowered in front of her parents before politely saying, “Mother, father. I will be excusing myself for a moment.”

At this point, while my back was still bent like a servant, I took a glance at them once more.

Her father silently nodded but her mother’s frown deepened. “I don’t like that tone of yours. He’s your fiancé, learn to respect him.”

“I’m sorry, mother. Grandfather had already cancelled it. I don’t have a fiancé anymore.”

“This chi--!”

“Stop it, Tamayo. I let it go when you invited him here without consulting me. You should stop now. Otoha’s grandfather, my father and Kaneko House’s Family Head are in the operating room. Learn to set aside politics and family, will you?”

Although he seemed calm on the surface, the same cold tone delivered his words to his wife.

There’s no doubt. They’re father and daughter.

And hearing him say that somehow changed how I view him.

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He’s not as unreasonable as he seemed to be.

It was actually Otoha’s mother who was pushing for that idiot for Otoha.

Inviting an outsider when it concerned the safety of the head of a strong noble house... even I, as another outsider, understood the logic in it.

The Kaneko House wasn’t without enemies. If news about this event reached their enemies’ ears, there’s no doubt that they would take advantage of it.

Now that I think about it... Otoha told me the origin of that ex-fiance of hers...

He hailed from the close ally of her mother’s lower Noble House. Not just a close ally, the second wife of the head of that House was her cousin.

And the idiot was the Head’s son from his first wife.

That’s the reason why she’s that favorable of him. And, that’s also the reason why she’s that strict to Otoha. Even grounding her at home.

Their plan was probably to completely tie themselves to the Kaneko House but that was stalled when Otoha rejected it and her grandfather consented.

“That’s not--”

Her mother’s frown instantly melted and she hurriedly opened her mouth to explain herself. However, she was once again cut off.

“I told you to stop, didn’t I? Otoha, go on. Go back soon. When your grandfather emerges from that room, he will surely look for you.” He then switched his gaze to the idiot who had an ugly expression on his face at the moment. “And you, if you truly want to marry my daughter, put in a better effort. You sounded pathetic.”

After saying that, he returned to how he was earlier, calm and uncaring. Although he seemed a bit fidgety on one of his legs, it was probably because of how he’s waiting for the result.

The light above the doors to the operating room was still lit which meant they’re still operating.

Moreover, even though I had no idea about what kind of illness caused Otoha’s grandfather to collapse, or why he needed an operation, the operating procedure could go on for an hour or even the whole day if it was severe enough.

Among everyone here, apart from Otoha, her father was surely the one most anxious.

Apparently, he’s not as bad as he seemed or I was just reading his personality incorrectly. In any case, the well-being of his father was his priority more than the incoming problems in politics and their whole Noble House once the worst-case scenario happened.

“Thank you, father. I will be back soon.” Otoha bowed once more before turning her body to us and ignoring the idiot guy that was left speechless on his seat. “Mihara-san, get a room that I can use.”

“Right away, Ojou-sama.”

Although she didn’t indicate what she needed a nurse for, no one questioned it again when her father already gave her permission to go.

Perhaps, she would come up with something later.

Leaving behind that place, I followed behind Otoha while still acting like a subservient nurse who wouldn’t lift his head up in fear of offending someone from a Noble House.

With Mihara-san on the lead, she inquired at a nearby nurse station about a free room that they could use.

Given that every employee of the hospital was already aware of their important patient for today, she got an answer in less than ten seconds.

By the time we arrived in front of the room that the nurse gave a key to, it was actually an unused premium room.

Even though I only had a few experiences in a hospital, the quality of the room could be easily observed just from its internal decoration. Apart from the air condition as well as the hospital bed that was almost like a premium bed for rich people, there’s a sofa, a refrigerator and a TV installed in the room.

Mihara-san opened the door and let us in first before following us inside and locking it.

Whether that was Otoha’s instruction or not, I had no idea.

Nonetheless, as soon as we reached the middle of the room, Otoha immediately turned around and hugged me tightly.

As I was expecting that from her, I received her in my arms and caressed her back.


“Un. This is me.” I pulled down my face mask and answered her in a rather playful tone just to slightly lift the atmosphere.

Even though she only uttered my name, I caught on that she was already about to cry.

“Thank you for coming and sorry for this... unreasonable request.”

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“Don’t say that. This isn’t unreasonable. In fact, I’m glad that you called for me... How can I leave you alone when you’re in this situation?”

Comforting her through words and actions, I eventually moved us to the sofa. Mihara-san remained standing by the door, guarding it.

“I heard from Mihara-san that he’s in ICU, how come he’s already being operated on?”

“The doctors already identified the cause of why he collapsed... They said... it’s not critical but he needed to be operated on to make sure.”

“I see. Then we can expect good news, right?”


Hearing her answer in a somewhat pessimistic tone, I decided to switch topics. Her grandfather is important to her and without knowing the result yet, she’ll continue being like this.

That’s why what I have to do is to take her mind off of it. To let her relax.

“You have bags under your eyes. Are you not sleeping well?”

I traced that area below her eyes and although there’s a clear line on them, thankfully, it’s not as emphasized as I thought. Most likely she just didn’t get enough sleep today.

It happened at dawn. Her sleep most likely got interrupted.

“This... I’m sleeping well. But I woke up too early.”

“Do you want to take a nap? You can use my lap. Or we can move to that bed.” I pointed at the bed wide enough for two. Laying down there could provide more comfort for her.

Plus, I would be next to her.

However, Otoha’s answer was a shake of her head.

“No... Not yet. Until I heard that grandfather is fine... I... I won’t sleep.”

“Alright. Then let me accompany you for a while. If need be, I can stay here all day and be with you.”

“Thank you, Ruki...” After saying that, Otoha pulled my head down and caught my lips with hers. Soon afterward, with a hint of red on her face, she pointed at the bed. “Uhm... what you said earlier... let’s move there... I want to lay down with you.”

“As you wish...” I flashed a smile to her before carrying her in my arms as I moved us to the bed.

For the moment, making her thoroughly relaxed was my first task. Although she didn’t say it, dealing with her mother and that selfish prick surely exhausted her further.

After this ‘relaxing treatment’, I’ll be returning her to them with a light mind.