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Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 A Valid Reason to Meet Me Again

“Stop thinking about it, you little brat! I’m the one who gave birth to you, so I know what your dad looked

like,” Nicole replied. Then, she warned under her breath, “Don’t call any random guy ‘Dad’ again from

now on. Otherwise, I’m gonna leave you abroad and not bring you back.”

Hayden curled his lips. Despite his urge to retort, he didn’t make a sound for fear that his mother would

really leave him abroad.

Nicole exited the airport with her son to hail a taxi. Since she would return to the country every year to

visit her mother’s grave, she purchased an apartment in Goldwick. With a size of only 80 square feet, the

apartment was anything but spacious, but it was big enough to accommodate her and her son.

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She had just hailed a taxi and was about to shove her luggage into the trunk when she suddenly spotted

a figure in the distance. That tall figure in black that gives off chilly vibes, isn’t he the narcissistic freak

whom I’ve just met outside the airport washroom?

Standing beside the man was a tall and slim woman who looked strongly familiar to Nicole from behind.

Well, to be able to pair off with such a freak, that woman probably isn’t of sound mind either, Nicole

thought viciously to herself while withdrawing her gaze.

It was already getting toward evening when Nicole finished tidying up the house after returning home.

Upon recollecting herself, she suddenly noticed that Hayden was strangely quiet today, and a bad feeling

came to her. Heading over to the sofa, she saw Hayden doing something on the laptop on his lap. When

she moved closer to take a look, she noticed that he was holding an ID card in his hand!

The man on the ID card was pursing his thin lips, looking stern with his black, steely eyes. Although it

was just a photo, one could tell that he was very full of himself. I-Isn’t he the freak at the airport?!

“Hayden, where did you get this ID card?” Nicole struggled to suppress her urge to swear. Since when

did Hayden become so capable as to lift somebody’s ID card…

Upon hearing her words, Hayden closed the laptop with the ID card in his hand. Lifting his face up, he

replied with a straight face, “I picked it up from the floor. I wanted to give it back to the man at first, but I

didn’t since he was mean to us.”

Nicole looked down at the sofa, only to be rendered speechless by the sight of a black wallet placed

beside Hayden. That guy seemed to have a bit of a background. If we don’t return the wallet to him right

now, once he finds out about it, he’ll definitely assume us to be thieves. There’ll be no way for us to

prove our innocence then!

She felt somewhat helpless. This son of mine really won’t give me peace even for a single day, she

thought. She picked up the wallet from the sofa and flipped through it. Inside it were a dozen 100-dollar

notes and quite a number of cards, from which she took out one that seemed like a business card.

The business card was very simple; it only had a name and a phone number. “Colton Gardner…” Nicole

mumbled aloud. She couldn’t help feeling that she had heard of the name somewhere. No matter what,

let’s return it first before anything else, or else we’ll get in trouble. She dialed the number on the business

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It took a few seconds before the phone call was put through. “Hello?” A deep and chilly male voice

greeted Nicole’s ear.

Feeling her skin crawl in an instant, Nicole explained, “Hi there, I found your wallet. I’m—”

“Are you the woman at the airport?”

Nicole was startled. She didn’t expect the man to have such a good memory as to recognize her from

her voice alone. “Yeah, it’s me.”

Colton gave a chuckle, but his words were grim. “You’re quite crafty, aren’t you? Now you have a valid

reason to meet me again.”

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