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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 56
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#Chapter 56 – You are mine

As I keep one eye on Annabeth, I notice the a number of Betas in black escorting the members of the

press away from the circle. They protest, clearly desiring to stay, but they are firmly escorted back to

the pool for refreshments.

Annabeth beckons Victor forward again and he stands at her side. “This aspect of the day’s

ceremonies was not announced for security reasons. However, Alpha Kensington seeks to make

another official commitment today, an exchange.”

Annabeth extends her right hand, inviting someone forward. I watch, full of curiosity, as Alpha Willard

steps forward to join those in the circle.

“Alphas Kensington and Willard have come to an accord and today seek to exchange a Rogue wolf, a

move from Willard’s pack to Kensington’s.”

There is a pause as a great murmur of curiosity goes through the crowd. But inside, I am seething.

“Evelyn Ortega,” Annabeth Prath says, holding out her left hand to me. “Would you come forward?”

If my jaw weren’t clenched with rage, it would be on the ground from shock. I am almost trembling with

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my anger, glaring at Victor, who meets my gaze steadily, his hastily-bandanged hand casually tucked in

his pocket, my children’s handprints still on his cheeks.

Victor doesn’t flinch away from me, doesn’t offer any apology or choice. He was ready for this, I can

see, backing me into this corner so he could again have his way.

Behind me, I feel a little pressure on my shoulders. I spin my head to see Stephen, Victor’s secretary,

standing there, dressed all in white. “I’ll take your place in the circle, ma’am,” he says loud enough for

everyone to hear. Then, in a whisper: “please, ma’am, he’s determined. If you put up a fight, he told me

to say he’ll drag you into the circle himself. The paperwork is finished between him and Willard – it’s all

done. This is…a formality.”

Stephen grimaces in apology but I turn away from him without a word. I look directly at Victor, whose

assured stance assures me that it’s all true, that it’s done, that he really will drag me back if I try to run.

f*****g. Alphas.

I stalk to the center of the circle. On my way, I catch a glimpse of Amelia, whose white face and

shocked expression match how I feel on the inside. So he didn’t tell her either. Great.

When I arrive at the center of the circle, I stand just inches from Victor, ignoring Willard completely. I

don’t say a word, just glaring at him, my entire body rigid with rage, communicating, as clearly as it can,

how f*****g dare you.

His body responds, all firmness and power, communicating his own meaning: It’s done, Evelyn. Submit.

It’s for your own good.

I shake my head at him, unwilling to give in. Annabeth begins to speak behind us but I don’t hear a

word she says, my gaze fixed solely on Victor. I don’t want this, my eyes say as I swing my head slowly

from side to side.

Victor takes a step forward, his face softening just an inch. Let me give you this, his gestures say as he

raises his hand, almost to take mine. His eyes flick to the side, where our children stand. For us, for


I take a moment to look to them as well and can see that they are frightened and surprised. They read

our entire bodies, taking in our aggression, our fight. I soften, for them, not wishing them to be

frightened. Somewhere, behind me, I hear Willard talking, but I can’t make out his words.

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Instead, I find myself looking up at Victor, only at Victor. It’s my freedom, my face almost pleads, I’ve

given you everything, my everything – my boys. Why do you want this too?

Come with us, Evelyn, Victor’s eyes bore into mine, speaking that he wants me to be with him, a part of

his family. I want you.

Abruptly, I feel Willard take my left hand and raise it, walking around me in a half circle and placing my

hand ceremoniously in Victor’s, like a father handing off his daughter at the altar on her wedding day.

As my hand touches Victor’s, I gasp, feeling something change within me, something move – an

almost-physical lurch in the center of myself, a reorientation of my body towards – towards him. My

eyes fly open in shock and I see the same expression pass over Victor’s face, though he quickly turns

feral, fierce, protective. Of me.

I claim you, his whole body says as he takes a step forward, his teeth bared. I am shocked, again,

suddenly, to hear him say the words aloud. “I claim you, Evelyn,” he growls, “you are mine.”

Annabeth then places her hand on top our joined ones, looking between us with a wary look on her

face, breaking our spell. I take a small step back, realizing that Victor and I have been staring intensely

at each other in what is usual a very casual exchange of loyalties.

“And, Evelyn?” Annabeth says, still with a strange expression on her face. “Do you accept?”

“Yes,” I breathe, my words barely more than air, as I look back into Victor’s face. “I accept.”

I claim you too, my body says as my lips pull ever so slightly back from my teeth. You are mine.