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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15 In the past, Emma would often feel hurt and dejected whenever Trevor criticized her. She would feel

terrible about herself and would feel utterly worthless as an individual. However, things were no longer

the same—Emma no longer lived for the sake of this man, so she didn’t need to care about the way he

thought of her. It didn’t matter even if he saw her as nothing more than a piece of trash.

Hence, Emma didn’t even meet Trevor’s gaze after hearing his words. She simply took the scarf that

she had chosen over to the counter, and she left after paying for it. Trevor, who was left alone in his

spot, felt completely ignored and disregarded once more. He stared at her slim figure as he narrowed

his eyes and sneered under his breath. I’d like to see how much longer she can put on a show! She

used to claim that she loved me, and she would cling to me like a helpless child. I don’t believe that she

can let go of me so easily in just a year’s time. About half an hour later, Emma took a cab and arrived

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at the Bateson Residence.

She chose to visit Christopher at 12PM on a work day so as not to bump into Trevor by accident.

Based on what she knew about Trevor, he would typically visit Christopher during the weekends.

Furthermore, he was usually too busy to have lunch anywhere else apart from his office. Christopher

was excited to see Emma, and he insisted that she stay for lunch. She felt obligated to stay, and she

had just agreed to it when she heard the sound of a car’s engine coming from outside the house.

Moments later, Trevor strode in with his long legs. The look on Emma’s face changed the moment she

saw him. She spun her head to stare at Christopher, but the old man simply chuckled while avoiding

her gaze. She instantly realized that this had been Christopher’s plan all along—he had purposely

arranged for her and Trevor to meet for lunch on the same day. Upon figuring that out, Emma felt rather


What’s he doing this for? Trevor and I have already gotten a divorce. Does he think we are going to

rekindle old flames? Trevor has never felt romantically attracted to me, and I don’t want history to

repeat itself. A marriage without love… It didn’t just break my heart; it also took away all my passion in

life, Emma thought. Trevor was rather shocked when he saw Emma. Soon enough, a victorious look

surfaced in his eyes. I knew it! I knew she wouldn’t be able to put on a show for long. She played hard

to get for a while, yet she ended up getting Grandpa to arrange for me to meet her. Christopher is the

only one in the Bateson Family who supports our relationship, after all.

With that thought, Trevor walked over with his chin tilted upward. “What are you doing here?” he asked

in a cocky tone. Christopher shot Trevor a fierce glare. “Shut up!” he barked. Emma simply ignored the

icy look on Trevor’s face while turning to smile at Christopher. “I believe I should leave now that I’ve

given my gift to you, Grandpa. Thank you for caring for me throughout the past year.” Emma could

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sense the disdain in Trevor’s tone when he spoke earlier. He probably assumes that I’m visiting Old Mr.

Christopher because I want to get close to him, she thought. That was why she uttered the last

sentence, as she didn’t want Trevor to think that everything was about him. Christopher hastily tried to

get her to stay. “It’s so rare for you to drop by. We should have a meal,” he insisted. “It’s fine, Grandpa.

I have other matters to handle.” Emma walked off without turning back. Her figure had just disappeared

outside the gates when Christopher sent his walking stick flying in Trevor’s direction.

“That young woman refused to keep in contact with all of us, and I was the only one who put my pride

down to force her to talk to me throughout the year.” Christopher’s voice was trembling as he growled

at his grandson. “She told me that she was going to visit, so I called and insisted that you came as well.

I just wanted to arrange a time for you guys to see each other. I don’t know what you see in Crystal, but

Emma’s the best woman to me! You don’t have to come up with some excuse. I’m sure you know how

great of a wife she was!” Christopher gave Trevor a long lecture before storming off with his walking

stick. At that point, he didn’t feel like talking to his arrogant grandson any longer.