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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 616 He Is Gone
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The first words Bai Renxiang's eyes picked as soon as she opened the note was, I'm sorry. For some unknown reason, her heart became troubled and its pace increased.

But she tried not to think of anything negative before even knowing the full content of the note. So she calmed herself a bit and read.

'Hey, love. Good morning. I'm sorry for not being by your side when you woke up. And I know you must be worried. Please, don't be.

Renxiang, I want you to be strong and take care of yourself and Xiaojin. I love you both very much. Everything will be alright, I promise.

'PS: I'm sorry.'

Bai Renxiang's did not only ready that note once. She read it or twice, thrice and even a fourth time. And each time she read, that negative thought she drowned in her mind kept coming back up.

Without another second of just standing there and reading, Bai Renxiang turned back downstairs.

"Yimo! Yimo! Someone get me Yimo," Bai Renxiang called frantically.

"Renxiang honey, what's wrong?" Mrs Li asked as she and Mr Li stood up.

"I'm not sure momma. It's Jin. H-He left me this note and I do not like the feeling I am getting from it one bit," Bai Renxiang said while handing the note to Mrs Li.

Just then, Yimo rushed into the room with the Li family butler following suit.

"You called, ladyboss?" Yimo asked.

"Yes. Where is Fengjin? Where is your boss? And don't even think of lying to me," Bai Renxiang warned with a cold face.

"I have no idea, ladyboss," Yimo shook his head.

He was just getting the car ready to take his boss, ladyboss and little master to school and work when the butler came to call him. So he had no idea where his boss, Li Fengjin could be.

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"Please, tell me the honest truth," Bai Renxiang pleaded in low voice.

"I swear, ladyboss. I have no idea. I was preparing the car to take you all out for the day's work. I have not seen boss and all the cars are still in the garage. Even the drivers are still here," Yimo breathed out.

"Oh God!" Bai Renxiang muttered under her breath and shut her eyes. She could see the honesty in his eyes.

"Then where must he be?" Mrs Li also began to panic.

They was no answer to her question as everyone in the room was as clueless as she is. Bai Renxiang opened her eyes and tapped a few times on her phone.

She then placed the phone beside her ear.

"Who are you calling?" Mrs Li asked.

"Wang Tingxiao. As he is Fengjin's personal assistant, he should be able to know where Fengjin is," Bai Renxiang replied.

They all nodeed in agreement. Soon the call for connected and Wang Tingxiao's energetic voice was heard. Bai Renxiang sighed a secret sigh of relief.

Although she is worried about finding her husband, she did not want it to come as a disturbance to others.

​ "Hello, Renxiang. Good morning," he greeted first.

"Good morning. How is Lisa and Little Yuanjun doing?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"They okay. It's just that he woke up hungry. So Lisa is trending to him while I prepare breakfast."

"That's good to hear. Anyway, I wanted to ask if Li Fengjin is at the office or if he stopped by your house at all," Bai Renxiang proceeded to the main purpose of her call.

"No, he didn't drop by and he does not have to be in the office till afternoon. Why? What's wrong?" Wang Tingxiao asked as he could sense the worry and tension building up.

"I don't know. Jin is not home and he did not take his phone with him or a car. All drivers are at home," Bai Renxiang briefly explained.

"That is kind of weird. I would have said he went to spend some time alone. But if he is doing that, he's always with his phone or he would leave a message to let us know he just want to think," Wang Tingxiao reasoned.

"He did leave a message alright. But in this case, the message does not say if he is out to think or have a breath of fresh air. It is vague," She let out in one breath.

"I see. Let me contact his party assistant to check in of the is an important meeting that suddenly came up. I will let you know the results. But for now call the ready and try to stay calm," he told her.

"I can do all the rest but the last one is impossible. I can't stay calm when I don't know where my husband is," Bai Renxiang spoke the truth.

Calm is the last thing in her mind right now.

"I will get back to you soon," way all Wang Tingxiao said before she ended the call.

"What did he say?" Mr Li asked.

Bai Renxiang shook her head. "Jin is not with him. But he said he will get back to me street calling the other assistant. He wants to check if there was a sudden important meeting."

"I don't like this, Zhe," Mrs Li turned to her husband.

"Let's have a little hope thaty he went to the office and forgot his phone at home," Mr Li said.

Just then, Li Xiaojin came downstairs. He was still sleepy as he yawned.

"Mummy," he called.

"Yes, my love. You are awake," Bai Renxiang went to him.

"Hmm. No one was in their room so I came here," he said after doing his own fair share of greeting his elders.

"Yeah. It's almost time for school. Let's quickly get you ready. You can't be late," Bai Renxiang said as she carried him in her arms.

"Momma please help me contact the others."

"I will, honey," Mrs Li nodded.

As soon as Bai Renxiang was out of sight with Li Xiaojin, Mr Li turned to the butler.

"Tell the men to go out and search for my son. And I want constant updates on the search," he ordered.

"Yes, master," the butler bowed hus head before rushing out to do his given task.

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"As for you, get the car ready to take them to school and work," he said to Yimo.

"Yes, sir."

Left with just the two of them in the room, Mr Li turned to his wife. She was already on a call with Mrs Yang. So he took his phone amd contacted Mr Ye.

After the both of them were done with the call, their eyes met and they both knew the answer. Li Fengjin was with neither of them nor his friends.

"Could it be that maybe he was out and he got attacked and taken away?" Mrs Li asked with her eyes going wide.

"No, dear. Even if Fengjin goes out without protection, he can't just be abducted like that. You should know what your son is capable of." Mr Li cancelled that out.

"I know. I can't help but think so. If it was before, I would not have been this worried. But now he is married and they even have a child. He should not just disappear like that," Mrs Li reasoned.

"You are right. But let's try to keep things poisitive and less tensed for Li Xiaojin at least. He is a smart kid and he will pick up that something is wrong if we wear the worry in our faces."

"Sigh. It must be hard on Renxiang than it is for us. You are right, we should give her hope to allow her to be strong as his note asked," Mrs Li nodded.



Bai Renxiang went to work even when she did not have the heart to. But there were works waiting for her.

Wang Tingxiao did call her back but he did not call with the news she wanted to hear. It was still the same.

Li Fengjin was neither with his friends nor in his office. Indeed, he was nowhere to be found. Gone in fact.

And what ached her heart more was the fact that she had to lie to Li Xiaojin. When the little kid asked about his daddy during breakfast, she told him that he had an urgent business to do in another city.

And that Li Fengjin was not sure himself when he would be back. That was the best she could come up with at that time because no one really knew where Li Fengjin went or when he is coming back.

Whether it will be in a few days time or in a week's time. Neither of them had that idea at all. And she better has to think if she would continue lying.

But she knew better than to tell Li Xiaojin that his daddy just left home with a note for them to be strong and take care of themselves. He may interpret it wrongly.

And we all know that, that cannot be good.