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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 393
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Nan Xing had always been a sprightly man. But, he seemed to be dejected after the fight he had with Nan Chen.

Truth be told, Nan Chen had always been strict with his brother. He set high standards for him because he had high

hopes for him.

Although the bar was higher than the ones for the management level’s employees, Nan Xing knew it was for his


Hence, he had never once blamed Nan Chen. However, he couldn’t take it because Nan Chen thought he should be

blamed for the mess that had occurred in Vietnam.

Nan Xing wasn’t a fool either. He knew he had been used as a comparison to Nan Chen all along.

Although they resembled one another in terms of look, Nan Xing was aware that he wasn’t a match for Nan Chen in

any aspect.

Nevertheless, Nan Xing was never jealous of his brother, despite being inferior to him.

He didn’t mind being the inferior one amongst his siblings. In fact, he had always been proud of his brother for his

exceptional achievements in everything he did.

Even though he had never enjoyed dealing with the tasks that had been assigned, he tried his best to execute them

so he could be of aid to Nan Chen.

He was dejected because Nan Chen suspected him since the project fell apart. His brother had implied he was the

one behind the downfall because he seemed to have an ulterior goal.

He was very hurt.

Ning Ran did an outstanding job, playing the role of a listener as she sat by Nan Xing’s side silently, while the man

told her everything he had been keeping to himself.

She couldn’t fathom the commercial aspects of the project Nan Xing had brought up in front of her due to its

complex nature, yet she thought something seemed to be odd about the entire incident.

As soon as Nan Xing finished his orated speech, he turned around and stared at Ning Ran with a pitiable front.

“What should I do to earn Chen’s trust again?”

Ning Ran nodded and stated, “Thanks for this information with me. It means a lot to me because it shows that you

think that I’m a trustworthy friend of yours.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? You’re not a friend of mine because you’re a freaking family member of mine,

okay?” Nan Xing corrected Ning Ran.

“Alright. If that’s the case, I’m going to tell you my point of view. Actually, I think something’s wrong.”

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“What’s wrong then?”

“Did you have the fight with your brother in his office?”


“Was there anybody around back then? Did they hear the content of the fight?”

“I think so? The door of Chen’s office wasn’t shut tight. By the time I made my way out of his office, I caught a

glimpse of a few people checking on me. Therefore, I think there were a few who were aware of the fight.”

“There you go! Think about it. Your brother is such a smart guy. If you’re the one who has messed up the entire

project, you’ll put the entire family to shame. Do you think he’s going to expose your fault in front of others?

Judging by his overprotective personality, I’m sure he’s going to keep everyone else in the dark and talk to you in

private. Why would he summon you to his office and teach you a lesson in front of others? Do you really think that’s

how Nan Chen work” Ning Ran asked in return.

Upon hearing Ning Ran’s words, he exclaimed, “You’re right!”

“I’m pretty sure the fight has been intended because it’s a show for others,” Ning Ran assured Nan Xing.

Nan Xing managed to figure out the meaning behind Ning Ran’s words immediately.

“Does that mean he’s trying to put on an act to deceive others?”


“Why would he go to great lengths to put on a show in front of others? What exactly is he up to?”

“I have no idea because it’s an internal affair in your family. Since I’m merely an outsider, I can’t figure out his

actual intention either.”

“In other words, Chen isn’t suspecting me at all?”

“I think so. You’re the one he trusted the most; he will never fight with you over a mere project. This doesn’t seem

like something he would do.”

“If that’s the case, I need to figure out the rationale behind his action!”

“No! I don’t think that’s very wise of you because I’m certain he’s going to keep you in the dark for the time being.”

Halfway through their conversation, Nan Xing received a call.

The moment he hung up the call, he asked, “Mr. Wang, a member of the board of directors, asked me to join him

for a cup of tea. Do you want to tag along with me?”

“Have you lost your mind? Why would I want to tag along when I’m merely an outsider?” Ning Ran dissed.

“He’s trying to figure out the reason behind the fight that had occurred in the morning. What should I tell him?”

“If he’s trying to poke his nose into this particular incident, you have to behave as though you’re infuriated for real!

Since your brother wants others to know that both of you are fighting, you have to play along with him and deceive

them,” Ning Ran explained.

Nan Xing showed Ning Ran a thumbs up and complimented, “You’re so smart! No wonder you’re my sister-in-law!”

“Has something gotten into you?” Ning Ran reprimanded Nan Xing.

Wang Shoucai was a member of Nanshi Corporation’s board of directors.

He had a relatively chubby built and had always shown up in front of others with a bright smile.

Usually, he would hold a pair of steel balls in his hands.

Wang Shoucai had always been considered a friendly man amongst the board of directors. He would always greet

others with a bright grin politely, despite the difference between their position within the corporation.

Playing the role of a middleman, Wang Shoucai would play the role of a moderator whenever he was part of an

important conference.

In short, he was popular amongst others.

Finally, Nan Xing reached the designated location. As soon as he entered the private suite, he detected an aromatic

fragrance of tea.

Since he was a young man, he had never taken a liking to tea because his favorite beverage was alcoholic drinks.

He had always deemed drinking tea as an old man’s favorite pastime. Thus, he didn’t bother to figure out the

philosophy associated with tea drinking.

“Hello, 4th Young Master!” Once Wang Shoucai spotted Nan Xing, he got up from his seat and greeted him


“Hello, Mr. Wang. Please address me as Nan Xing instead.”

“Please have a seat! What sort of tea do you like?”

“I have never been a fan of tea because I’m used to drinking alcoholic beverages. Please suit yourself, Mr. Wang.”

Wang Shoucai chuckled, “Oh! You’re right! Do you want to head over to another place for a few drinks?”

“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Wang. Please enjoy yourself and pay no heed to me. I don’t think I should be drinking

when it’s not even evening yet. Besides, I don’t think I will be here for long.”

“Sure. Let’s talk over a cup of tea. This cup of tea is not half bad. Why don’t you give it a try? If it’s not to your

liking, I’ll get someone else to get us another pot.”

Although Nan Xing had never enjoyed drinking tea, he was, after all, the heir of a wealthy family.

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Thus, he could tell the quality of the tea.

He took a sip and noticed the cup of tea was indeed a premium one.

“It’s not half bad, but what brings you to me, Mr. Wang? I’m sure you didn’t reach out to me just for a cup of tea,

right?” Nan Xing didn’t bother to beat around the bush.

“I heard some rumors. Therefore, I’d like to clarify a few things with you,” Wang Shoucai stated his objective.

“What is it about, Mr. Wang?”

“I heard that something’s wrong with the project in Vietnam. Lately, someone got in touch with Mr. Chen and told

him you were the reason the project had fallen apart. It seems as though they were trying to drive a wedge

between you and Mr. Chen.”

“I’m surprised, Mr. Wang. How did you manage to get your hands on the news so soon? You have quite an

impressive connection, huh?” Nan Xing raised his eyebrows and expressed his surprise.

“Naturally, I have my own informants scattered throughout the corporation since I’m a member of the board of

directors. You’re not going to blame me, right?”

Nan Xing nodded in return. “It’s an elephant in the room; everyone is aware every member of the board of

directors has their own informants.”

“Therefore, it isn’t odd for me to get my hands on this particular news, right?”

“Actually, it’s not a rumor because we had a fight. I can’t believe Chen is suspecting me! Speaking of which, I can’t

wait to figure out the person who’s trying to drive a wedge between us. Do you have any idea, Mr. Wang?” Nan Xing


“Please forgive me, but I don’t have any intel regarding the identity of the mastermind. However, I have the perfect

solution to get you out of this nasty situation.” Wang Shoucai offered.

“Oh? Really? That’s such wonderful news! Why don’t you tell me about it? What should I do to get myself out of this

nasty situation?”

“He started suspecting you because the construction of the project had been brought to a halt, right? If you’re able

to turn the tables, I’m sure he won’t doubt you anymore! If you’re able to get everything sorted out on your own,

I’m sure Mr. Chen will stop suspecting you!”

“That sounds like a brilliant idea! What exactly should I do?”

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