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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58

“Um… Yes!” Only after eating the ribs that Beau fed her did Eliza realize what had just happened. Her

face flushed a crimson red. Beau picked up another piece of vegetable and placed it in front of her

mouth. She quickly recoiled and said, “There’s… no need.” Although Eliza refused verbally, when Beau

brought the vegetable to her mouth again, Eliza still ate it. Graciana, who was at the same table as the

couple, covered her eyes in silence.

They were being so mushy! She was seriously regretting her decision to have dinner with the

newlyweds. At the thought of that, she took a sip of water and coughed lightly. “Eliza, I’m having a

sudden craving for milk. I’ll go to the mall to get some.” Eliza frowned. “You want milk with barbecue?”

Graciana thought about it for a moment and said, “One always needs a balanced intake of nutrition.”

With that, Graciana stood up and turned to leave. As she left, she heard the confusion in Eliza’s voice as

she questioned, “But Graciana doesn’t even like milk.” Graciana rolled her eyes. ‘Are you an idiot, Eliza?

2 ‘I’m letting you have some quality time together! Graciana thought to herself. Bang—! Suddenly, a

sound brought Graciana back to the present. At a second glance, she realized that she had knocked

down a little girl standing behind her. – “Are you alright?” Graciana quickly helped her up and checked

her for any wounds. Fortunately, the girl had fallen on a carpet, so although she fell, she was not hurt.

“I’m fine.”

The little girl was wearing a white pleated skirt and had her hair in two braids. She looked like a cute doll.

She stared at Graciana with her big, brown eyes. “But auntie, I can’t find my mom and dad…” “A lost

child?’ Alarms sounded in Graciana’s head. After snapping out of it, she quickly whipped out her cell

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phone to call the police. The little girl was quick to stop her. “I think my mom and dad will come and find

me soon.” Then, she looked at Graciana with her huge puppy eyes. “But auntie, I’m feeling a little

hungry.” Seeing how pitiful the adorable little girl was, Graciana’s heart melted. “What would you like to

eat? Auntie will buy it for you.” Liliana glanced at the dish on Eliza’s table in the distance. “I feel like

having pork ribs…” “Pork ribs?” Graciana’s brows furrowed as she recalled that they had just ordered

ribs! So she smiled and picked up the little girl. “That’s easy, I’ll get you some!” As she spoke, she carried

Liliana back to their table. Eliza and Beau were chatting with each other on their phones when Graciana

came back with the child in her arms. Mr. Valentine: “Did your husband cut your food up for you?” Eliza

replied: “Of course! My husband treasures me a lot. He will cut my food up for me every time we eat.”

After sending that, Eliza let out a long sigh of relief. She had already made things very clear. The elderly

Mr. Valentine should . understand that she was not someone he should be trying to make a move on.

However, what Eliza did not expect was that shortly after the message was sent, Mr. Valentine sent her

another message. “As you wish.” Eliza frowned. ‘What did he mean by that? She tried to make sense of

his text message. “Beautiful auntie!” Before she could make sense of what Mr. Valentine meant, she

heard the sweet voice of a little girl. Eliza hurriedly raised her head. The girl in Graciana’s arms was the

one who had asked for the bag of potato chips she had wanted to get in the mall!

“This lassie has strayed from her parents. She said she’s hungry and wanted pork ribs.” Graciana smiled

awkwardly and set Liliana down. “I thought that since we ordered some…” “Eat up.” Beau pushed the

ribs to her indifferently. “Thank you!” Liliana climbed onto a chair and stared brazenly at Beau as she

chewed on the ribs.

‘Was this handsome man the beautiful auntie’s husband? “He’s really good-looking!

He might even be more handsome than Mr. Benton’ She mused. She was a little dispirited as she

pondered. ‘Mr. Benton might not even be able to trump over this gentleman if they were to compete

forthe beautiful auntie? The little girl became more and more downcast. The ribs she was chewing on

became tasteless. In the end, she simply stopped eating, picked up the beverage next to her, and took a

huge gulp. But the beverage tasted.. The moment she had a taste of it, she felt something amiss. But

she had already swallowed the beverage, which burned its way down her throat and into her stomach.

Suddenly, a hand reached over and snatched away the glass in her hand. . A man’s deep and chilly

voice sounded by her ear. “Who said you could drink this?”

The voice was so stern that Liliana instinctively shrank back. “I.” ‘Oh, no! I must have pissed off the

beautiful auntie’s husband. My plan to approach the beautiful auntie has failed! Liliana thought. Just as

the little girl was at a loss for words, Beau stood up. His tall and straight body cast a shadow that loomed

over Liliana. Feeling frightened and dizzy, the little girl was on the verge of tears. “Handsome uncle, I

didn’t mean to drink your wine…” Before she could finish, the man reached out and picked her up. . On

the other side of the table, Eliza was whispering to Graciana about the conversation she had with Mr.

Valentine. She hurriedly raised her head when she heard the commotion. She saw Beau pick up the

little girl and make his way to the car as fast as he could. “She had some of my wine. I am taking her to

go flush out her stomach.” Eliza stared blankly at them for a moment before immediately realizing how

serious the matter was. She hurriedly picked up her bag and chased after them. Graciana also got up

and was about to catch up with them. But the owner of the diner stopped her. “That will be a total of 58.2

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dollars, please.” Graciana had no choice but to stay back and foot the bill. What happened to Beau

buying them dinner?


The diner was not far from the hospital. Beau arrived in the hospital with the little girl in his arms in

approximately 20 minutes. “I’m fine. I don’t want to flush out my stomach!”

The little girl struggled desperately in his arms, tears cascading like a waterfall. “It’s going to be so

uncomfortable! “I don’t want it!!!” Beau held her tightly in his arms. “Stop struggling. I’m doing this for

your own


Demarion had mistakenly drunk his grandfather’s red wine before and had been admitted to the hospital

for a long time due to an alcohol allergy. Liliana looked at the man with tears in her eyes. “You are so

fierce! “You cannot possibly be nice to the beautiful auntie if you’re this fierce! “I’ll get Mr. Benton to take

my beautiful auntie away from you! Boohoo—!” . Beau could only frown. He had always hated seeing

children cry. Demarion and Braint had always been very sensible and rarely cried in front of him.

However, for some unknown reason, the crying little lass in his arms did not repulse him one bit. On the

contrary, he only felt sorry for her and didn’t wish to see her crying so miserably. “I’ll hold her.” Eliza

pursed her lips and walked over to hold Liliana in her arms. “Children cannot take alcohol. Uncle is doing

this for your own good.” They arrived at the emergency room as she coaxed Liliana. The doctor pushed

his glasses up and lifted his eyes to ask the little girl a few questions. “What’s your name?” “Liliana.”

“Are these your parents?” “… No, they are a beautiful auntie and an uncle who is handsome but fierce.”