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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 29
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Continuous knocking jerks me awake, “Ella, are you awake? Mom sent me up to tell you supper is done.”

I hear Elise through my bedroom door, “Why is your door locked? Ella, are you up, did you hear me?”

“Yes, I’m up! I’ll be down in a minute.” I call out as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I’m confused for a

moment as to why Elise is at my apartment, but then I remember that I’m home. I quickly sit up and look

around my room, but I’m alone. I remember Jace being in my room, but was it real or was it just a


Flipping my covers to the side, I look down at myself and see that I’m bare except for my bra, which is

still pushed down under my breasts. I frown before I realize that Jace really was here, and a smile begins

to form. If Jace was here, then that means that none of it was a dream, and then I look down once again.

Ugh it may be a huge turn on when he smears his stuff on me at that time, but it’s quite disgusting once

it’s all dry.

Grabbing some sleep shorts and a t-shirt from my luggage, along with a pair of panties, I head in for a

quick shower. There is no way that I will go down to my family with his spunk dried all over me. He did

tell me that I could wash when I showered, so I’m just

going to hop in a bit earlier than usual.

By the time I get downstairs, everyone is almost done already, “I’m sorry, I needed to shower.”

“Oh, that’s alright, sweetie. I’m sure you were feeling a bit dirty after the day you had.” My mom smiles,

but I cough because she doesn’t realize just how true her words are, “Are you okay, baby? Take a drink

of water.” She instructs, and so I grab my glass that’ s in front of me and guzzle it down. When I glance

back at her, she’s smirking. Oh my God, does she know? Did she hear me? I can’ t look at my mom

anymore, so I concentrate on the meatloaf and cheesy potatoes on my plate.

“Does Jace know you’re back yet?” My dad asks, and I shrug while shoveling more food into my mouth.

“Oh, Ethan, Ella just got back and then napped, I’m sure she hasn’t had time to talk to him.” My mom

chuckles, and I know right then that she knows something, but I’m not about to ask.

“Hey, you know kids these days, Elaine, they are always glued to their phones. You never know if she

texted him as soon as she got to her room.” My dad winks at me as he takes a drink of his water.

“They aren’t kids anymore, Ethan. They are adults,” mom smirks over at me briefly before turning her

attention back to dad, “You need to stop insulting them.”

“It’s okay, mom, really.” I say, only because if I don’t say anything then others will get suspicious that

something is up.

“No, sweetie. You are eighteen and Jace is almost nineteen, your father should see you as adults now.”

She finishes the food on her plate and then sits back to drink the rest of her wine.

I just continue to eat and try to ignore the pounding inside my chest that my mom has caused. I can’t

believe she heard us, or me, or whoever–it doesn’t matter. The point is, she now knows something is up,

and I’m sure that I will be getting twenty questions as soon as she gets me alone.

“I don’t want to think of my little girl as an eighteen-year-old.” My father pouts.

“What’s wrong with seeing her as such?” My mom asks, chuckling.

My dad stands up to take his plate to the sink and stops to grab my mom’s empty plate as well, “Because

I know exactly what you were doing with me when you were eighteen.” He kisses the top of my mom’s

head and laughs when she swats him.

“Watch your mouth in front of the kids, Ethan!”

My siblings and I roll our eyes at each other because we are used to seeing them like this. Just like how

he grabs her when she

least expects it, and plants one on her. All I can do is smile, because I see the love that they have for

each other. Will I have that with Jace? It’s kind of hard to see him playing with me like my dad does my

mom, but then again, what we have between us isn’t something that a lot of people see. It’s taboo, and I

think that is why I’ve been denying it for so long, but I’m tired of conforming to the rest of the world just

because they don’t understand. I still don’t, but I’m wanting to learn more, I’m wanting to know more

about what my sexual desires mean.

My phone buzzes a little after eleven in the morning with a text from Jace.


13:21 D

Lunch Date

JP: Hey gorgeous, I’ll be by about noon to pick you up.

‘Holy crap, I forgot all about lunch!’ I cry out as I lay on my bed reading a romance on my phone.

I’m not even looking pretty at the moment! I fumble with my phone, trying to text him back.

ME: Okay, sounds good! See you soon =)

I toss my phone aside and run to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. It’s a good thing

that I don’t really wear makeup, because I would not have time to do everything. I quickly pull my hair up

into a super cute messy bun and then throw on a bit of mascara and a nude lip gloss. Next, I rummage

through my clothes, finding a pair of blue, ripped skinny jeans and my favorite off-the-shoulder beige top,

pairing my outfit with tan ankle boots. I throw in some gold hoops and grab my crossover purse before

heading downstairs. I can hear my mom moving around in the kitchen, so I stay close to the front door,

praying that she doesn’t come out before Jace gets here.

Unfortunately, I’m not so lucky, as she comes walking into the living room and catches me looking out the

window, “Are you going somewhere?”

I jump and spin around with my hand on my chest, “Geesh, mom!” I chuckle before answering, “Yes, I’m

going to lunch with a friend.”

Her brow raises as she crosses her arms, and smirks, *This friend wouldn’t happen to live next door and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

drive a jeep, would they?”

Sighing, there’s no reason to hide it from her now, “Yes mom, it’s Jace,” I glance out the window, “Just

don’t make a big deal about it, please.”

She holds her hands in the air, “Hey, I’m not making a big deal,” she turns and heads back to the kitchen,

but then sticks her head out, “Hope you’re being safe!” I can hear her giggle as she disappears


I face palm myself, because my mom just literally called me out; just great! There is a honk from the

driveway, and I quickly leave the house, not being able to get to the jeep fast enough. I jump into the

passenger seat, and before I can do anything, my face is grabbed, and a mouth slams against mine,

demanding entrance. Of course, I oblige because Jace is the greatest kisser, not that I ve had much

experience, but still.

“Mm, what was that for?” I ask as he pulls away, forgetting the incident with my mom all together.

He shrugs, “Just because,” His eyes skim over me, “Seatbelt, Ella.”

I quickly pull the strap over my chest and click it in before leaning back and rolling my head to the side,

so I can see him, “So, where are we going?”

“What are you wanting to eat?” He asks.

“It doesn’t matter to me, what are you in the mood for?”

He grins and looks me up and down, “Do you really have to ask?”

Islap his arm and gasp, Jace! You are horrible; you know I meant food!”

“Well, specify more next time.” He puts the jeep in reverse and pulls out of my drive. As soon as he

changes the gear to drive, he picks up my hand and places it on his thigh, holding it there, “Do you still

like that burger place that we always used to go to?”

“Oh, you mean Fred’s Diner? I haven’t been there in years, but yes, I’m pretty sure I still like them.”

Memories come flooding back with all the times that we would go to the burger place, just to hang out

and eat. I love their Mushroom and Swiss burger with fries and a chocolate shake. Damn, my stomach

growls loudly, just from me thinking about it.

“It’s a good thing that I picked you up when I did.” Jace jokes, and looks me up and down once more,

“You’re looking good today, Ella. Did you do that for me?”

“I just sort of threw it on, but I did think of you most of the morning, so maybe it influenced the way I

dressed.” I smile shyly. Why is it so hard to tell him things without blushing?

“You’re cute when you blush like that, but you don’t need to be embarrassed to tell me things, Ella,” He

lifts my hand and kisses my fingers, “Never be embarrassed around me.”

“I’m trying, Jace.” I smile at him.

Jace keeps his eyes on the road for the most part but his thumb tracing circles on the palm of my hand is

having the same effect on me as if he were staring deeply at me with his bright green eyes. Tingles form

and every so often I have to squeeze my thighs



Lunch Date

together. My head is still pressed against the head rest as I turn to glance at him and see that his eyes

are on my lower extremities as he smirks. He knows what his touch does to me, and I don’t know if I like

it. The power he has when it comes to my desires is scary and yet fascinating to me. That’s why I’ve

decided to jump into this whatever it is that Jace and I have, because even though I want to face this fear

I have of what others may think, I also want to discover just how deep my desires go, and Jace seems to

know more about my own desires than I do.

“What are you thinking, Ella?” Jace’s deep voice comes out.

I lick my lips, “Nothing really, just us…and this,” I hold up our hands, “It’s so surreal to me. I mean, you

were my best friend for years, then you were my bully, and now.•*

“What, Ella..what am I now?”

“I’m not quite sure; why don’t you tell me.” I give him a small smile.

“I’m yours, Ella. That’s what I am, just as much as you are mine,” he pauses as he parks his jeep in a

parking spot at Fred’s Diner before turning back to me, “It was always supposed to be us, we just went

about getting here a different way,” He chuckles sadly, “I’m sorry that I had to cause you pain in order for

us to get where we are now, but we are going to move on from that. No more bringing up that part of our


Squeezing his hand, I stare into his eyes, “It was that part of our lives that got me to open my eyes and

see you in a different way. Maybe we were supposed to go through all that, so I could find my way,” I

think back to the first time I had felt feelings towards him. It was the first time he shoved me against a

locker and then put his face real close to mine and told me that I was not to speak to him unless he gave

me permission. It was the first time I saw how green his eyes really were, the first time that his scent got

to me, and the first time that I felt tingles below for Jace Palmer, “I never thought of you as more than a

friend before that. It took me until the first time you shoved me against that locker to not only open my

eyes to you, but also to the desires I have deep inside.”

*And what desires are those exactly?” He asks.

“I’m not exactly sure, but I’m pretty sure that you do…” My sentence ends in a whisper as my heart

begins to race, and goosebumps form on my skin.

Jace leans over the center as he caresses my cheek, “I have a pretty good idea, Ella. I see it in your

eyes every time I command you to do something. I can almost smell your arousal each time I use my

Dom voice with you. You are a natural submissive, Ella, and I want to show you your full potential. I have

a deep-seeded need to be the one to dominate you, to give you everything that your body calls out for,

and then some. Are you truly ready for this, Ella?”

I turn my face into his palm and place a kiss on it as I nod, “Yeah, I think so, I hope so.”

He suddenly gets a shit-eating-grin on his face, “You’re wet right now, aren’t you?”

“Jace,” I gasp, but then accidentally roll my eyes before unbuckling my seatbelt.

He’s quick to grab both my hands and pin them above my head with one of his, “Was that an eyeroll that

I just saw?” He cocks a brow at me.

“1-I don’t know, did I?” I ask sheepishly.

“Ella, you know what happens when you roll your eyes at me,” My breath catches as he brings his face in

close before leaning into my neck and breathing in my scent, “God, woman, you drive me crazy!”

“I’m sorry, Jace, I didn’t mean to roll my eyes, I swear.” I’m breathless as I feel his hot breath caress my


“It’s too late, Ella. You know I need to punish you now.” He yanks at the button of my jeans and opens

them before pulling the zipper down with his free hand, snaking his hand down into the front of my jeans

and then panties, “Mm, so wet.” He plunges a finger into me and thrusts a few times before adding

another one, “I’m going to get you so worked up, and as soon as you’re about to come, I’m going to pull

my sopping wet fingers out and lick every last drop of you off of each finger. You’re not going to come,

Ella, that’s your punishment this time. It will be worse next time, remember that.”

I whimper as my hips begin to move with his hand. He fucks me hard and fast with his two fingers but is

careful not to go in too deep. That’s where I want him, though, so deep inside me that I can’t tell where I

end, and he begins.

“God, Jace…”

“Does that feel good, Ella?”



Lunch Date

“Yes…” 1 pant.

“Just think of how good my cock will feel once it’s finally inside this tight cunt of yours, baby.”

I can’t think at all at the moment, I can only feel. I try to fight the building climax inside, but there is no

stopping it, so instead, I try to reach it before he realizes, that way I can feel the explosion before he pulls


I’m literally humping his hand inside his jeep, in broad daylight, and I don’t care. It kind of turns me on

knowing that people may see us. I bite my lip and stare into his lust-filled eyes while spreading my legs a

bit more to give him better access.

“Fuck, Ella, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?” He asks.

There is no hesitation on my part, “Yes, Jace, only for you.”

“Damn straight, only for me. Now fuck my hand harder until you need to come. You’re going to give

yourself the punishment.” Jace glances down to where his hand disappears and I obey him, thrusting my

hips as fast as I can while his fingers impale me.

I bite the inside of my cheek to hide the moan that is trying to escape. I feel it, it’s right there, ready to

toss me over the edge, so I give it my all, It’s when his thumb begins to rub my clit that I become

deliriously unhinged as my climax hits its peak. I’m ready to fall over the edge, to get that euphoric

feeling, but then it’s gone in the blink of an eye.

“Bad girl, Ella. You tried to come after I told you that you couldn’t. That just earned you a spanking over

my knee later.” Jace smirks at my attempt before slowly sucking his fingers off, “Let’s get you fixed back

up, so we can go eat.” He winks at me as he buttons my jeans back up and then gently pats me right

over my clit area, causing me to jerk because it’s so sensitive.

“Jace.” I whine. I don’t want to go eat when I’m feeling this turned on.

“You did this to yourself, Ella,” He gets out of the car and comes around to open my door, “How about

this, we go inside and eat, and then I’ll take you back to my house, where you will receive your

punishment. If you are good, then maybe, I’ll let you have me.” He rubs his package, grinning.

“All I have to do is be good?” I question.


Thesitate a moment. Am I really going to give myself to him today, all while having a sore butt after my

spanking? Not going to lie, the thought really turns me on, “Okay, Jace.” I place my hand in his and let

him help me out of the jeep.

His hand is on my lower back when we walk into Fred’s, nothing has changed in the last few years, and I

smile as I glance up at Jace. He returns the smile and then urges me toward a booth in the corner..our

old booth.

“Oh my God, our old booth!” I exclaim as I slide into the side I always sat in, and he slides in across from

me. I’m already missing the warmth of his hand, but I’ll make do. I’ll have to learn to go without it when I

go back to Connecticut, anyway.

A waitress comes over and hands us some menus after placing a glass of water in front of us. Her name

tag says Courtney, and I try to be polite to every server, but I can already tell that she’s going to be a

hard one, because she’s already making googly eyes at Jace, not even paying attention to me.

“Would you like any appetizers?” She asks Jace.

“None for me, thanks,” Jace says without even looking up at the woman, “But my girlfriend might. Ella,”

he takes my hand, “Do you want any appetizers?”

God, I could kiss him right now! I gaze at him and smile before turning my attention to the waitress who

is now staring at me annoyed, “No thank you, but I would like a diet soda.”

“And I’ll take an iced tea, if you have it.” Jace informs the waitress as he continues to watch me.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks and to take your food order.” Her voice is laced with annoyance, but we

both just shrug it off.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

We order our food shortly after, and I’m impressed that Jace actually remembers that I always ordered

the Mushroom and Swiss burger with fries and a chocolate shake. He winks at me when he sees my

shocked expression, while handing the waitress our menus.

“That was impressive Mister Palmer.”

He shrugs, “You never forget things like that, I guess.”



Lunch Date

It’s true, just like I knew that he would be ordering the double bacon cheeseburger with waffle fries. He

never orders his own shake because he knows that I won’t finish all of mine, so we usually share.

“I guess so,” I grin at him, “So, have you chosen a college yet?”

“Not quite. I’ve been accepted to quite a few, but I’ve been waiting on you.” He says a bit sheepishly.

Gone is the strong Dom, and in place is the old Jace who is a little unsure of himself; it’s quite a contrast.

“What do you mean, you have been waiting on me?” i tilt my head to the side.

“Well, I didn’t know what was going to happen between us, so I held off. Even now, I’m not sure if you

want me closer to you or if you want to keep the distance between us a while longer.”

I think about what he’s saying. Am I ready to have him close to me all the time, or will it be better for us to

stay apart for the time being? I know I have my schooling to concentrate on, but would it really be so bad

if we were closer?

“How close are you talking about, Jace?”

He scratches the back of his head, “Well, I got into the State University there. I’ll pay a bit more since I’m

from out of state, but it’s not too much more, and I’ll be staying in the dorms, at least for the first year.”

Oh wow, so like ‘in the same town’ close? Will I be able to handle that? I mean, it’s not like we will be

living together or anything, and I’m sure he will be busy with his schoolwork as well. Work will have to

factor into that also, so I think that it’s safe to say that I will be okay with him being close.

“I’ve got two friends that go to State, and they say it’s great. I won’t have an issue if you decide to go

there. As much as I want to keep my new life and my old life separate, you are part of both, and I think it

would be nice to have you closer than what you are now.”

“Are you sure about this, Ella? You do know that I will not hide our relationship or the dynamics of our

relationship from anybody, your friends included. I’m not ashamed of it, and neither should you be.” His

intense stare gives me chills, but it’s in a good way. The way he says that he isn’t ashamed gives me a

little more confidence than I had before, and I find myself nodding my head.

“Words, Ella. I need to hear you say it.” Jace commands.

“Yes, I’m sure. I want to be close to you, Jace. I want you to show me what it is that makes my body ache

for your dominance.” I whisper, and surprisingly, he doesn’t make me repeat myself louder.

He shifts in his seat, though, “Damn it, Ella, you’re going to take care of this hard-on when we get home.”

“Okay, Jace.” I duck my head as I blush, just as the waitress makes her way to our table.

“Here’s a Mushroom and Swiss with fries and a chocolate shake…” I don’t hear the rest of what she

says, because the bell over the door rings and when I look over, I can feel the blood drain from my face.

Jace must see me pale because he cuts off the waitress.

“What is it, Ella?” He asks, concerned.

I can’t talk, though, so he follows the direction in which I’m staring. The Baker twins are seating

themselves across the diner from us. Mason is smirking right at me, while Madison, his sister, is staring

daggers at both me and Jace. I feel as though I can’t move, and all of a sudden, I’m back at that night as

I’m held down and Mason is squeezing and pulling at my breasts.

*Ella!” Jace’s voice pulls me out of the nightmare, *The waitress is boxing up our meal; we will take it

back to my house, baby. Calm down, I won’t let that fucker hurt you, I promise.” He has hold of my hand

and squeezes it for reassurance.

I nod, and squeeze it back, “Thank you, Jace. Although, I’m not sure if I will be hungry anymore after

this,” I frown, “I’m sorry! ruined our lunch date.”

“Hey,” Jace pulls on my hand and urges me to come around to his side, sitting me on his lap, “Don’t you

dare blame yourself, Ella. You didn’t ruin anything, as long as you are still in my company, nothing is

ruined. If anything,” he rubs my thigh, “it’s even better, because now I will have you all too myself.” He

leans in and kisses my neck.

“Do you promise?” I’m still not convinced that he isn’t mad just a little.

“Are you questioning me?” He turns my head by my chin as he asks me this in his deep voice.

Igaze into his eyes, and know right away that he wasn’t lying, so I shake my head, “No, Jace, I believe




Lunch Date

“That’s my good girl.” He says as he fingers the collar around my neck.

There is a gasp beside us, and we both look up at the waitress who is holding our to-go bag with wide

eyes. She looks between us and then at my collar, and all I want to do is chuckle. Surprisingly, I’m not

embarrassed at all.

“Ready to, baby?” Jace asks.

Just to add to the waitress’s shock, I reply, “Yes, Sir.”

She drops the bag on the table and rushes back through the kitchen door. I’m sure she’s telling her co-

workers all about the kinky couple out in the dining room.

Jace snickers, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you did that on purpose, naughty girl.”

I shrug, “I thought it was rude of her to gasp, so I gave her something to really gasp about.”

hand and pulls me through the diner, keeping himself between me and the view of the Baker twins at all

times. It’s the little things like that, that makes my heart melt a little bit more, making me fall a little harder

for the bully next door.