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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

Comelia was speechless.

Was this really something they should be discussing?–

But she then thought about her boss‘ upset appearance,

It was possible though.

Comelia sneaked a glance at Marcus, who elegantly swung his golf club and got a hole–in–one.

However, the president of Digital Sports wasn’t as smooth, swinging several times without getting any

balls in..

After a few rounds, the president of Digital Sports waved for someone to bring water.

Seeing this, Comelia immediately handed Marcus a bottle of water and a towel.

The president of Digital Sports looked at Cornelia, his eyes blatantly scanning her body…

Comelia was dressed in a white shirt and knee–length skirt, her long hair tied up in a bun, revealing her

slender neck. Her makeup was light and elegant, and she looked clean and professional – a typical

office attire.

However, the president of Digital Sports kept staring at her chest, his gaze so lewd it was as if Cornelia

wasn’t wearing anything. “President Hartley, your new assistant is not only young and beautiful, but her

figure is top–notch as well.”

Marcus responded indifferently, “Mr. Ducler, you flatter her.”

The president of Digital Sports chuckled and asked Cornelia, “Miss, do you know how to play golf?”

As the president’s assistant, Cornelia did know a little, but she wasn’t an expert, and it wasn’t her place

to play in this situation.

“Mr. Ducler, I don’t.” She hated the way he looked at her, but to avoid making everyone uncomfortable,

she didn’t react. She took the empty water bottle from Marcus and prepared to step aside.

However, Mr. Ducler reached out and directly touched her butt, then wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Miss, if you don’t know, let me teach you.”

Cornelia instinctively stomped hard on Mr. Ducler’s foot, causing him to let go of her due to the pain

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and glare at her angrily.

Once free, Cornelia immediately stepped aside, anxiously looking at Marcus….

In such a business negotiation, she had offended a partner and might be fired.

What Cornelia didn’t expect was Marcus suddenly speaking up, “Mr. Ducler, she’s mine.”

He looked at Mr. Ducler, his face expressionless, but his eyes revealed his displeasure.

Mr. Ducler appeared to have an epiphany and quickly apologized, “President Hartley, I’m sorry, I

apologize to you.”

Mr. Ducler continued speaking to Marcus but never took his eyes off Cornelia, “I really thought

President Hartley was like the rumors

said, not interested in women. Since you haven’t gotten tired of this one, I’ll wait a little longer.”

“Mr. Ducler, apologize to her immediately!” Marcus played with his golf club, his face sporting a faint

smile, making it hard to read his

true emotions.

Mr. Ducler paused, then laughed, “President Hartley, we’re partners, she’s just your plaything…”

The word “plaything” was like a poisonous needle stabbing into Cornelia’s heart, bringing up some

unpleasant memories.

She had obtained her job through her own abilities and earned money through her own skills. Why was

she being humiliated just because she was a woman and happened to be pretty?

This time, Cornelia didn’t wait for Marcus to speak. She stood up for herself, “Mr. Ducler, don’t you

have any women in your family? Weren’t you also born from a woman after ten months of pregnancy?

Or do you think you need to humiliate a woman to prove your strength?”

She stood tall, neither humble nor arrogant, and spoke eloquently.

Ben also came over, “Mr. Ducler, the Hartley Group doesn’t lack partners like you, but our company

respects and cares for every employee.”

Hearing both assistants speak up, Mr. Ducler finally realized the seriousness of the situation. “President

Hartley, I’m truly sorry, I shouldn’t have treated your employee like that…” He paused, “Miss Cornelia,

I’m very sorry!”

Marcus swung the golf club forcefully, and the white ball flew out, hitting a nearby tree trunk before

flying back towards them, nearly hitting Mr. Ducler’s head.

Mr. Ducler’s legs went weak, almost dropping to his knees. “President Hartley, it was my bad, please

forgive me…”

Marcus didn’t respond, his cold gaze sweeping over Mr. Ducler’s right hand before turning away.


Chapter 4

Cornelia grabbed her laptop bag and hurried to catch up. “President Hartley, thank you for helping me


Marcus walked ahead of her, his 6’2” height towering over her 5’6” frame. Cornelia couldn’t see his

expression but heard his deep and powerful voice.

“The ones who are wrong are those who sexually harass you, not you. Stand up against bullying in the

workplace, no matter the situation. You don’t have to suffer in silence. The entire Hartley Group is

behind you.”

It was the first time Cornelia had heard him talk so much. His deep, powerful voice telling her that the

harasser was wrong, not her, giving her a sense of security. She said, “Thank you, President Hartley. I

know what to do now.”

Marcus looked back and saw her reddened eyes. She hadn’t shown any fear when she was being

bullied just now, but now she finally felt wronged.

He couldn’t help but soften his tone, “You’re working by my side and you represent me. You don’t need

to be afraid of anyone.”

“Yes.” Cornelia nodded, her voice nasal, not from fear, but gratitude.

Back then when she was bullied, if there had been someone like him to stand up and say the abuser

was wrong, not her, the victim, she wouldn’t have ended up homeless and with a bad reputation..

Marcus added, “You did a great job just now.”

Cornelia felt a warmth in her heart, “Thank you!”

At that moment, Ben caught up and said, “President Hartley, I’ve informed the relevant departments to

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cancel the collaboration with Digital Sports.”

The Hartley Group had been working on developing chips for several years and had achieved great

results. However, because the patents were not yet approved, the company still had to collaborate with

mature chip manufacturers like Digital Sports for some of its products.

Now that the collaboration was suddenly terminated, it would cause some losses for the group.

Although Cornelia knew Marcus did this not only to protect her, his employee, but also to uphold the

company’s dignity, her respect for him grew even more.

In this cold and indifferent era, being able to work for such a company with a boss who protects his

subordinates, she felt very lucky.

Because of the interruption of the partnership with Digital Sports, the Hartley Group had to find a new

chip supplier.

In the afternoon, Cornelia and others flew to the Capital with Marcus for a business trip, to negotiate

with the new chip company.

After two weeks of intense negotiations, they finally reached a cooperation agreement with the new


They would take a flight back to Riverton the next morning. After dinner, Cornelia found she still had

some time and decided to buy some local specialties for Zack and Abigail.

When Ben heard she planned to go shopping alone, he asked, “Cornelia, do you need me to

accompany you?”

A beautiful girl, alone in an unfamiliar city at night, might be a bit dangerous.

He turned to his boss, “President Hartley, do you want to get some gifts for your wife?”

Marcus thought of the man’s voice on the phone that night and frowned slightly.

But after thinking about it carefully, just hearing a man’s voice on the phone couldn’t prove anything,

maybe it was just a misunderstanding….

He nodded, “You guys decide.”

Cornelia also offered a suggestion, “President Hartley, choosing a gift for your wife personally would be

more sincere.”

However, Cornelia soon regretted it because shopping alone with her boss made her feel very


Originally, the three of them came together, but because the parking lot at the mall was full, Ben had to

drive around looking for a parking spot, leaving Cornelia and Marcus by themselves.