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I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 250: 7th Circle Spell
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Chapter 250: 7th Circle Spell

Noticing the burning mark in the intruder's clothes, Jayna knew that they had already used all their life-saving items to withstand Jayna's previous attack. Suddenly, the intruder noticed concentrated miasma energy coming from above.

They found Anna has a wing made of miasma shooting a massive [Miasma Blast] towards them. Seeing that there is no time to escape, they immediately counter it using their own attack.

[Sword Art - Wheeling Slash] [Spear Art - Piercing Needle] *BOOM* The two attacks clashed and disrupted everyone's vision.

In the meantime, inside the tunnel after [Fire Oil] exploded revealed three people in hideous cloth unharmed. Looking at the intruder, both Angus and Gilford become solemn and vigilant.

"Troublesome.. let's hurry. We don't have much time left." said one of the people before disappearing on the spot.

Looking at the disappearing intruder in front of him, Angus felt a danger coming at him and instantly used Domain [Domain - Yin Yang Stance]. He immediately noticed that the intruder was already in front of him, brandishing a dagger.

Without wasting any moment, Angus moves his hand and parries the incoming attack. *Tap* Angus touches the intruder using his hand and sends him off-balance towards the lava wall.

*Bam* Using his superhuman reflex, the intruder managed to stop his momentum from entering the lava wall on the side by embedding his foot towards the ground. The sudden situation surprises everyone.

Before the intruder gets his bearings, Angus launches an attack towards the intruder [Domain - Starry Night]. Like countless stars in the sky, Angus's punches and kicks hit the intruder's back at unbelievable speed. *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

The intruder couldn't even respond before being pushed into the lava wall. The intruder starts getting burned inside the lava wall despite his attempt to protect his body using mana.

The intruder couldn't withstand the burning sensation inside the lava and released a tremendous amount of mana towards the surrounding area. *Whoosh*

"Arggghh!!" screamed the intruder as he tried going out from the lava.

At the same time, the other two intruders decide to use this chance to attack Angus. Seeing this, Gilford also did not stay silent either. He immediately summons Alfredo in the small form to hold the two incoming intruders.

The two intruders are surprised at the sudden appearance of Colossus. Since Alfredo is in smaller form, his speed is faster than his gigantic form.

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Combined with the improvement Gilford made during all these years, Alfredo has already become a top-notch Colossus in any form.

*BAM* Alfredo begins to punch the two incoming intruders using its metallic fist. Although it is only a normal fist attack, its power is compared with the grade six full-power attack.

The two intruders didn't expect such a force behind Alfredo's attack and were thrown behind. In the meantime, Angus takes a rune card and uses it against the intruder inside the lava [3rd Circle - Thunderball]. *Bzzztt*

A concentrated ball of lightning appeared in front of Angus and shot towards the intruder. The intruder couldn't escape the attack, getting hit directly by the [Thunderball].

"Graahh!!!" screamed the intruder in pain.

Although the Thunderball barely damages the intruder's body, the shocking sensation halts his mana control and concentration. This forced the intruder to once again get contact with the lava around him.

The pain of being burned and the shock in his body make him lose his mind. Soon, the intruder died inside the lava. However, The other two intruders didn't react, even looking at their dead teammate.

Seeing this, 'They are professional.' thought Angus.

Then, the two intruders once again came towards Angus and Gilford. At the same time, Gilford just finished casting [Lock On] on both of them to perceive the two intruders. Now, he could follow the movement of the two intruders.

Combined with the [Analyze], Gilford controls Alfredo to intercept the two intruders. Even if the two intruders are fast, they are still not as fast as Gilford's mind speed. At first, Alfredo is losing since he is still not as fast as the two intruders.

At this split second, Angus gives some enchantment spell towards Alfredo. The difference between Battle golem and Colossus is only from their spec and combat capability.

But also the support they could receive. Colossus is not just a simple machine but could also think for themself. This makes Colossus a half-living machine and could receive enchantment spells.

After receiving enchantment spells, Alfredo's speed and strength became on par with the two intruders and managed to hold them down. The intruder is also surprised at this since Colossus, like Alfredo, is a rare thing.

"Tch.. We can't afford to waste any more time. Let's use it." said one of the intruders.

"Are you sure? We should use it against Draught." replied the other intruder.

"What else can we do? At this rate, the weapon will be completed," said the intruder.

"Fine, let's do it." replied the other intruder as each of them took out crystal runes.

Seeing this, Angus feels a bad premonition.

"Gilford!!" yelled Angus as he was ready to activate his [Domain].

Gilford also notices the crystal rune and controls Alfredo to intercept them. Before Alfredo reaches them, the two intruders have already broken the rune crystal and activated it. *Crack* *Whoosh*

A blinding light envelops everything starting from the two intruders [5th Circle Spell - Brilliance].

In the meantime, on the outside of the tunnel. Jayna and Anna begin to clash with the other two intruders at high speed while Ilgor supports them. Many small shockwaves appeared as they fought.

However, soon their differences in grade started to show up. Anna starts to get tired and low on energy as she continuously uses [Miasma Blast] to fend off the two intruders. Jayna and Ilgor also begin to be exhausted.

On the other hand, the two intruders are still fine, with only a few scratches and burn marks on their clothes from Jayna's first attack.

"Why don't you all just give up? If it is not because we want to use you as a hostage, all of you will be dead by now." said the intruder.

"Shut up, Bubble. Anna can still fight." replied Anna.

But, her miasma claws are already getting thinner and smaller.

"Don't think you already win now. We could still fight." said Jayna.

"Tch.. I guess we should just take one of them and kill the rest." said the intruder.

"Agree." said the other intruder.

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At this moment, both of them feel a colossal mana fluctuation coming from the underground. At the same time, inside the underground tunnel, just as Angus wants to use Domain to block the attack, he hears an inaudible voice from behind [Shield].

A translucent barrier envelope both Angus and Gilford before [Brilliance] hit them. The barrier and the spell keep hitting each other. Under the strong force of [Brilliance], the barrier starts to get cracked but is mended at incredible speed as the crack appears.

After a while, the spell finally recedes, leaving a globe-shaped empty field. The current underground tunnel is gone, replaced by the blank field. Everyone could even see the outside world with a few small lava pools in the surrounding area.

In the middle of the field, the two intruders stood up, looking at the old man in front of them. Currently, in front of the two intruders stands an old man Draught.

"Who is the one that sent you?" said Draught coldly.

Both of the intruders didn't respond and kept looking at Draught. They know just a moment of carelessness. Both of them could die before they could think.

"Not going to answer, huh? Then, die!!" said Draught as he released a mysterious, strong aura towards the two intruders.

Just as the aura touches one of the two intruders, a blast of bluish energy counters Draught mysterious force. While Draught is surprised at the sudden appearance of the mysterious energy, the intruders take another crystal rune and break it.

Seeing this wake-up Draught from his stupor. As the crystal breaks, a gigantic water giant appears before him and releases a massive tsunami of water at Draught. [7th Circle - Neptune's Wrath]

"You are courting death!!" yelled Draught as he punched, countering the gigantic water giant.

*BOOOMM* The two forces collided and created a devastating shockwave towards the surrounding area. Even the other two intruders and Jayna's group could feel the tremor and the aftermath.

Seeing the incoming shockwave, Angus goes in front of Gilford and uses [Unbreakable Shield] to defend themselves. As he predicted, the barrier shield Draught used on them before couldn't hold against the devastating shockwave.

As the devastating shockwave rages on, Angus could feel his mana depletes at fast speed, trying to maintain [Unbreakable Shield].

"Argghhh!!!" screamed Angus as he gave his all to defend against the attack.

Just as Angus's almost exhausted all his mana, another strong shockwave containing pure fire mana comes from behind them and cancels the devastating shockwave. *DOOOM* Along with it, the whole artificial world trembles.

The Forge that should be already hot becomes hotter and starts to burn even the stone platform. Fortunately, Angus's group wears a special necklace to offset this heat. However, the intruder who only defends themselves using mana starts to feel roasted slowly.

As Angus and Gilford look behind them, they see the black door already opened and a bright red skin colored person levitating in the air. The person is like a sun that keeps radiating heat and light towards the surroundings.