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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 Savior

Mason was also surprised. He quickly asked, “Mr. Hawking, are there any more of these herbs? If there

are, I hope Mr. Hawking can sell them to us. We’ll take all you’ve


This way, the young master might not have to suffer so much. “What, you think I’m treating you with

cabbages you can buy in the supermarket? | already said they are rare.” Mr. Hawking laughed angrily.

“Then…” Faced with a rare glimmer of hope, Mason was unwilling to give up. Mr. Hawking said, “It was

just a coincidence. The girl who had been supplying us medicinal herbs said that she had obtained a

few by chance. I also asked at that time if there were any extra. She said there were no more.” Mason

clearly revealed a disappointed expression. Lucas’ expression did not change, but the light in his eyes

dimmed a little.

This old illness of his had already been around for many years. All these years, he had searched all

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over the world for famous doctors, but there was no hope of completely curing it. Hevb was just

struggling at death’s door. On the contrary, it could be somewhat alleviated by Mr. Hawking. Now, with

great difficulty, he finally found out that there was such a miraculous medicine. Lucas naturally hoped to

buy more of it and use it for research. Perhaps he could develop a medicine that could cure him

completely. However, the hope was shattered again. Lucas seemed to have become accustomed to


Mr. Hawking also knew that they were disappointed. He comforted them, “Well,

although I only have a few of these herbs, it is enough to last for a few months. At least, during this

period of time, you won’t be in as much pain. When I see that girl again, I will ask her for more. Rest

here for a while tonight, don’t think too much.”

Mr. Hawking thought for a moment, and finally could not help but scold, “If you want to treat your

illness, with my medical skills, I can’t do much. If you can find that famous hermit doctor, Finley

Stevens, perhaps there is still a possibility of him being cured! However, until you find him, you still

have to take care of your own body! You are a human, not a god. Even a robot body wouldn’t be able

to withstand the way you treat yourself!”

Lucas nodded lightly. He had already sent people to look for Finley Stevens ages ago, but there had

been no news at all. He had to doubt whether this person actually existed! Over time, he no longer held

out any hope!

Perhaps it was because his body was weak, but Lucas soon fell asleep again.

On Emily’s side, after dinner, she cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks and said, “Ethan, Sofia, stay at

home and accompany your great-grandmother. Don’t run around. Do you understand? Mommy will go

to the medicine garden and be back soon.” The two little ones nodded obediently and said with a

trembling voice, “Got it, Mommy.” After cleaning up, she took off her apron and went out.

In the medicine garden.

Green plants clustered together, and there was a large area inside. Almost all of them were rare herbs.

These were all things left behind by the old Chinese medicine doctor who taught Emily her medical

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skills. All these years, her master had been trying to cultivate these rare medicinal seeds, but he failed.

In the end, he was disappointed and left this place to travel the world.

No one knew where he went. Emily had only managed to grow some of them for the first time this year.

However, the medicinal herbs were not fully mature yet, and the failure rate was very high, so when the

owner of the medicine shop asked about it, she said there was no more.

Emily looked at the medicinal seedlings in front of her, squatted down and stroked them with her

fingertips, and could not help but sigh. When it rains it pours. Other than these medicinal herbs, she

really did not know how to get any money. She had already decided in her heart that she would ask the

owner of the medicine shop tomorrow if he could accept these medicinal herbs and she hoped to sell

them for a good price…

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