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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20 Humiliation

“Well, Emily has been living on her own for so long. It’s natural that she doesn’t have proper manners


Emma looked at her husband worriedly and changed the topic. “William, we wanted to use Mia’s

wedding to settle Emily’s marriage too. The way she’s behaving now, I’m afraid she won’t come back

so easily.”

William snorted coldly with a face full of greed.

“Even if she doesn’t want to, she has to come back. I will think of a way, it is not up to her! Besides,

when the time is up, the Smith family will definitely come to ask for her. When the time comes, where

else will we find a bride for them? She is no longer pure and it was such a horrible scandal at the time.

It is Emily’s good luck that the Smith family is willing to have her at all! Only a fool will object to it.”

The marriage with the Smith family was the real reason why they wanted Emily back this time.

The Smith family was famous in J City. They were beyond wealthy with impressive descendants in

every generation and the current generation was no exception.

Everything about the Smith family was excellent, but unfortunately, in this generation, there was a son

who was an infamous playboy.

He did anything he pleased and had a terrible reputation. All his bad doings finally came back to bite

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him, and he’d broken his leg in a high-speed car crash. It was said that he wouldn’t ever be able to

walk normally again, and he was now disabled for life. Coincidentally, he was also at the age where he

should get married. But with his terrible reputation, what kind of woman would be willing to marry him?

Those above or equal to him wouldn’t give him the time of day, and he was too picky to marry someone

below his social standing. The Smith family was very worried, they searched everywhere for a young

lady of equal social status. They were at their wit’s end, promising a big betrothal gift even if the woman

was a divorcee. Two months ago, because of a business deal, the Armstrong Group suffered a huge

loss and urgently needed a sum of money to pay their debts. Just as William was worrying, Emma

came up with the idea of offering up Emily to the Smith family and using the betrothal money to save

their company.

The Armstrong Group was not a small enterprise, and the Smith family would agree.

At that time, William did not hesitate and agreed happily.

Emily had been an embarrassment to him, he had long stopped treating her as a daughter. But now

she was going to be useful to the family again, there was no way she could turn it down.

Anyway, she would benefit from being married into another wealthy family. It was more than she

deserved. In William’s, opinion, Emily not only should have no reason to refuse, but she should also be

on her knees thanking him for his kindness. Yet, this stupid girl really didn’t know what was good for

her. Emma and Mia looked at each other.

They saw the light of victory in each other’s eyes.

They hated Emily to the bone. The mother and daughter were united in their deepest wish, to see Emily

down on her luck. The worse her situation was, the happier they were! William was determined to

facilitate the marriage between the Smith and Armstrong families.

Marrying such a notorious playboy who was now a cripple, was basically sentencing Emily to death.

Emma immediately walked to her husband and smiled at him. “William, Emily is such an ungrateful

daughter. You have your work cut out for you.” “What’s so hard about this?” William looked at his

younger daughter, concerned about her injury. “Mia, you are injured. If you are seriously hurt, stay at

home and rest for a few days. I will call a private doctor to take a look at you. In a few days, it will be

your wedding with Charles, stay home and recover until your big day.” Mia was happy and any physical

pain she was feeling immediately faded. In reality, she’d just had a scrape and dirtied her clothes. It

wasn’t anything at all. She nodded slightly and said in a sweet and sickly voice, “Yes Daddy” Mia was

practically gloating. What could be more humiliating than marrying a cripple? They made a good pair.

An improper woman, pregnant out of wedlock; and the infamous playboy, now crippled for life. They

were both embarrassments to their family, and they were really well-matched in terms of social status.

And when the marriage was set in stone, that bitch would not covet her Charles anymore.

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Emily was feeding Grandma Lucy her lunch, and she sneezed suddenlv.

At the same time, she felt a chill in her body, and she could not help but shiver.

The porridge in her hand spilled out, and she quickly wiped it with a tissue. Fortunately, it did not spill

on her grandmother.

Lucy looked at her with concern. Seeing that she was trembling and sneezing, she thought Emily was

catching a chill.

“Emily, close the window if it’s cold. The weather is changing. You have to take care of yourself and

wear more clothes.” “Okay.” Emily smiled. She got up and closed the window. She felt a little strange. It

was noon, and it wasn’t even that cold. She felt that something bad was going to happen.

Lucy seemed to suddenly remember something and said, “Remember to bring coats for Ethan and

Sofia when you go pick them up later. Little kids have poor immune systems, it would be bad if they

caught colds.”

As their great-grandmother, Lucy loved the two little babies more than anything in the world. If they got

sick, she would worry to no end. Emily came over and said, “Grandma, I’m staying here with you

tonight. I’ve asked Vivian to go pick them up.”

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