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God of Blackfield

Chapter 206.1: I’ll Go
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Chapter 206.1: I’ll Go

“Mr. Kang Chan, I’d like to introduce you to someone. This is attorney Song Chang-Wook,” Kim Hyung-Jung said.

“I’m Song Chang-Wook.”

Song Chang-Wook gave Kang Chan a firm handshake. He was short, had a seemingly firm physique, and neatly trimmed but unstyled gray hair. For a lawyer, his eyes were quite fierce.

“Let’s go,” Kim Hyung-Jung told the two. He got in the passenger seat, and Kang Chan and Song Chang-Wook got in the back.

Kang Chan glanced around him. More than thirty National Intelligence Service agents got into other cars and vans as well, seemingly intent on going with them.

“Manager Kim, I don’t want the National Intelligence Service to be in trouble because of me,” Kang Chan said. He didn’t want to make something this small bigger than it had to be. He had already prepared himself to face all the consequences of his actions when he faced Sharlan anyway.

“The prosecution can investigate you all they want, but if they decide to arrest you for a shallow or senseless reason, we won’t just stand still and watch.”

Kim Hyung-Jung sounded so determined that Kang Chan couldn’t argue anymore.

Song Chang-Wook, who hadn’t said anything since, turned to Kang Chan.

“Tell me, how much do you love South Korea?” the old gentleman asked, his eyes becoming even fiercer. “I can’t help but be curious.”

The question made Kang Chan cringe.

“I’m not too sure,” he replied, unfazed by the look in Song Chang-Wook’s eyes. It didn’t seem suppressive, boastful, or arrogant, so he found no reason not to answer politely.

“The people I care about asked me to do this type of work, so I gave them what they wanted. I came all the way here for the same reason. I honestly haven’t thought about dedicating my life to South Korea as its soldiers or agents do, but I have decided to do whatever it takes to protect the people I hold dear,” Kang Chan continued.

Song Chang-Wook stared at Kang Chan as he listened, seemingly engraving every word the latter said in his mind. Afterward, he turned his attention to the road ahead.

It took about fifteen minutes to go to the public prosecutor’s office from Samseong-dong.

As Kang Chan got out of the car, Kim Hyung-Jung took out his ID, clipped it on his suit, and wore sunglasses.

“Let’s go,” Kim Hyung-Jung said.

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As the three of them headed inside, the cars that the agents were in all stopped in a line in front of the building.

Kang Chan went past the metal detector and got on an elevator with Kim Hyung-Jung and Song Chang-Wook.


Reaching the fifth floor, they stepped off the elevator and walked across the hallway, finding doors that looked alike on both sides of it. Perhaps it was because of the atmosphere, but it felt as if the hallway and the doors were trying to discourage people from proceeding.

It didn’t take long for them to find room 506.

The moment they opened the door and headed inside, Lee Seung-Ryul raised his head and jumped up to his feet. “W-what brings you here, Prosecutor-General?”

“I resigned a long time ago, so what are you calling me Prosecutor-General for? I’m here today as Mr. Kang Chan’s lawyer,” Song Chang-Wook answered.

Was he the Prosecutor-General before Kim Seong-Woong?

Lee Seung-Ryul exhaled softly as his gaze alternated between the three. He seemed to have found himself in a predicament. “Please have a seat.”

The only seat available was the metal chair that was in front of the prosecutor’s seat. The investigators had to move another chair next to it to accommodate the extra guest.

The room was quite large.

They sat facing Lee Seung-Ryul. To their left was a drink stand and a desk with a female employee sitting behind it, and to their right were two more desks with investigators on them, both patiently waiting.

To Lee Seung-Ryul’s left was a camcorder they had set up in advance.

“The lawyer is allowed to stay and observe with his client, but the other person must leave,” Lee Seung-Ryul told Kim Hyung-Jung. He sounded firm and determined.

“I’ll be outside, Mr. Kang Chan,” Kim Hyung-Jung told Kang Chan in turn as if he was reporting to him. He then walked out the door. His actions and words made it completely clear to both Lee Seung-Ryul and Song Chang-Wook that he would be standing guard right outside in case he was ever needed.

“Would you like some tea?” Lee Seung-Ryul asked.

“Yes please.”

A female employee quickly stood up and brought over a paper cup with a green tea bag in it.

“Prosecutor Lee,” Song Chang-Wook called.

“Please go ahead.”

“There’s something that I want to talk to you about before we proceed with the investigation. Will you tell your employees to leave us for a moment?”

“As you wish.”

Lee Seung-Ryul looked and nodded to both sides of the room. In response, the investigators and the female employee went outside.

“Please go ahead,” Lee Seung-Ryul said, now left alone with the defending party. He seemed to be having a hard time dealing with Song Chang-Wook.

“I find it impossible that you don’t know Mr. Kang Chan’s case is nothing but false accusations and that you can be countersued for defamation for it. After all, what he did back then can be justified as acts of self-defense. Tell me the real reason you’re acting this way,” Song Chang-Wook asked.

“We’re going to have to investigate him first to determine whether that’s really the case,” Lee Seung-Ryul answered.

“Are you really determined to see this to the end?” Song Chang-Wook questioned, standing his ground instead of backing down.

“For the prosecution’s honor, I have to proceed with this investigation.”

The corners of Song Chang-Wook’s lips curved into a strange smile. Kang Chan looked at him from the side, which was more than enough for him to determine that the man’s charisma was no laughing matter.

“You do know that you and Prosecutor-General Kim Seong-Woong could be throwing that very honor you speak of to the ground by doing this, don’t you?”

“You’re the one who taught us never to surrender to external pressure,” Lee Seung-Ryul argued.

“I also taught you all to execute a planned investigation.” Even though there wasn’t any emotion in Song Chang-Wook’s words, Kang Chan could clearly tell that he was angry. “Huh Ha-Soo acted to benefit the enemy, and the National Intelligence Service has proof that Prosecutor-General Kim Seong-Woong privately met him twice around the same time. I decided to represent Mr. Kang Chan as his lawyer in hopes of giving the prosecution, my old workplace, one last chance to back down and make things right. I’m not trying to sell my honor just for some money.”

“This will all end if the investigation we conduct on him proves that he’s innocent.”

Song Chang-Wook’s cheek twitched for the first time. He seemed to be holding back his anger. “If you really want to go through with this, then you leave me no other choice. The moment I get up and leave this room, the National Intelligence Service will arrest you and Prosecutor-General Kim Seong-Woong for espionage. It will all be on the evening news.”

“I’ve never acted to benefit the enemy,” Lee Seung-Ryul countered.

In response, Song Chang-Wook took out his phone and pressed a button three or four times.

[We have to do whatever it takes to get that guy named Kang Chan involved in this and put Moon Jae-Hyun and the ruling party in a predicament.]

That was Huh Ha-Soo’s voice.

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How does this gentleman have that?

Song Chang-Wook appeared to be just as surprised as Kang Chan.

[Please don’t worry. The moment I lay my hands on them, not only Kang Chan but even Moon Jae-Hyun won’t be able to get out of it.]

Lee Seung-Ryul didn’t even seem to be aware that his mouth was hanging open.

[We should hasten the process of making our own world. That would make you the next Minister of Justice of South Korea, wouldn’t it?]

[I’m only doing everything that I have to do.]

Afterward, Song Chang-Wook pressed another button and put his phone in his inner chest pocket. “At the time of this recording, North Korean special forces infiltrated our country and launched multiple terrorist attacks. We also have evidence that Huh Ha-Soo met someone named Wui Min-Gook, who’s basically those soldiers’ leader, twice at his own villa. Now that you know all that, do you still intend to proceed with Mr. Kang Chan’s investigation?”

“What on earth is this…?”

“Since the Chairman of the National Assembly has been arrested for acting out of the enemy’s benefit, the National Intelligence Service hoped that the prosecution wouldn’t cause problems as well and lose even more of the public’s faith in them. If it would put you at ease, the NIS at least thinks that Prosecutor-General Kim Seong-Woong didn’t know anything about the terrorist attacks,” Song Chang-Wook added.

Lee Seung-Ryul gulped dryly. He looked as if he had come to his senses now.

“If you still plan to investigate Mr. Kang Chan after this, then proceed with the knowledge that the National Intelligence Service came here fully prepared to execute their operation as well. I just asked them to give the prosecution one last chance because I think you would understand the situation if I explained it to you well enough.”

“The Prosecutor-General has to give his permission first.”

“You can rest easy about that. This doesn’t need his approval.”

“Are you saying that you’ll handle getting the Prosecutor-General’s approval?” Lee Seung-Ryul asked.

“No. Like I said, this doesn’t need it.”

Lee Seung-Ryul, who had only been looking at Song Chang-Wook all this time, turned to Kang Chan. However, he soon quickly dropped his head to the documents, finding Kang Chan’s eyes just as fierce—if not even fiercer—than Song Chang-Wook's.

“I used to work for you in the past, so let me ask you this one last time. Are you absolutely certain that this does not need approval?” Lee Seung-Ryul asked.

“I trust the National Intelligence Service’s capabilities.”

Lee Seung-Ryul dropped his gaze to the documents again and tightly gritted his teeth. After a few moments, with his head still hung, he finally answered, “Alright.”

“Will Mr. Kang Chan be cleared of suspicion?” Song Chang-Wook asked.

“I’ll see to it that this investigation gets closed.”

“Does that mean we can go now?”
