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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16

| was fuming inside, and then it hitthat this might be a big misunderstanding.

Calling for his babe was the real deal.

As was leaving the door open.

But Hogan was definitely not looking for me.

Connecting the dots with Hilary’s mention of a family dinner, | figured Hogan must have had sbeef with

Cecilla tonight.

After all, other than Cecilia, no one else could get Mr. High-and-Mighty Hogan to cknocking for peace at this


Certainly not me.

With that in mind, | collected myself and reminded him, “Mr. Zade, your babe’s upstairs.”

After saying that, | tried to shove him away.

But instead of letting go, Hogan pulledin even tighter, “Babe, you're still mad at me, aren’t you?”

His sweet-talking and clingy hug stoked the fire in my chest even more.

| gritted my back teeth and said earnestly, “Hogan, you've got the wrong person.”

But Hogan wouldn't have it, “Too much, huh? Last night you were calling‘babe,’ and now straight to first


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Clearly, the guy was plastered.

| took a deep breath and said, “Hogan, look up and see who | really am, will you?”

The man slowly lifted his head, our eyes met, and | caught a glimpse of red at the corner of his


| was taken aback, feeling like something lightly scratched at my heart, swallowing the words |

was about to say.

This was the first tI'd seen Hogan lose his cool like this.

The next second, he was all overlike a man possessed, pinningagainst the foyer.

When our lips met, | unexpectedly saw a surge of desire in his eyes.

My breathing was all over the place.

A total mess.

It felt like there was a hole in my chest, the more intense Hogan's kisses, the colder my heart




| couldn’t stand it anymore and bit down on his lip without any courtesy.


Hogan winced in pain, took a sharp breath, and looked atin astonishment.

Ljust watched him calmly, my breathing still erratic, “Clear-headed now?”

Hogan seemed to still be tangled in the moment, and after a few seconds, he licked the blood off his lip and

stormed out the door.

With the slamming of the door, | collapsed like a deflated balloon, slumping to the ground.

CMonday morning, | went to work as usual, only to bump into Cecilia at the elevator.

The girl was sporting a cute bun, engrossed in messaging.

She seemed in a good mood.

When she saw me, she cheerfully greeted, “Hey Xaviera, good morning.”

The joy in her eyes was obvious.

Not the look of someone who had been cornered at the Zade family dinner.

When | thought of Hogan's disheveled state last night, a flicker of doubt crossed my mind.

Just then, a man’s voice cfrom Cecilia's phone, “You had a tough night too, don’t worry, I'll handle things at


Deep and husky, as if he had just woken up.

Hogan's voice.

Cecilia probably didn’t realize she had accidentally turned on the speaker, and after locking the screen, she

sneaked a peek at me.

Then she stepped aside to text back.

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As the elevator doors closed, | faintly heard Cecilia say, “Hogan, hearing you say that really makeshappy.”

Now it all made sense.

Hogan, bitten by the love bug, swallowed his pride and silently protected Cecilia.

How could the girl not be in high spirits?

Not like me.

away at

| spent the morning hammering coding.

After lunch, the studoor burst open, and a man in a suit, carrying coffee, stepped in, “Hello everyone, I'm Mr.

Zade's assistant, Zachary, here to bring Mrs. Zade her afternoon tea.”

| found the voice familiar, and when | looked up at Zachary, it clicked.

He was Hogan's junior from the finance department, who idolized Hogan back in the day, and now here he was,

running errands post-graduation, delivering afternoon tea.

It seemed that Cecilia had managed to spark sromance in Hogan.

| gave a self-mocking smirk, and as | was about to look away, | saw Zachary striding towards

1. me.

As our eyes met. | heard him chuckle. “Mrs. Zade, your coffee.

As he said this, Cecilia just stepped out of the office, and hearing him, she bowed her head.

Her face went pale in embarrassment.