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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Elleen was caught off guard for a moment before she slowly opened her eyes.

She stared at the ceiling, thinking, and asked, “Why isn’t she recording the show anymore?”

Phyllis‘ voice came from the other side. Im going to sue Kenley and the company I’m swamped with

things to do, so I might pause my showbiz


Phyllis‘ words were simple, but whether it was against a top star like Kenley or against a management

company with a contract in hand, she, a not–so–famous female artist, was undoubtedly challenging a

powerful opponent.

The room fell into a long silence.

“Alright, let’s hit the sack “Bblythe didn’t want the atmosphere to get too serious.

Eileen then spoke. “When you get back, send me your email address.”

Bblythe and Phyllis both turned their heads to look at her.

“Why?” Phyllis asked.

Eileen had closed her eyes. “I have something to send you. You’ll know when the time comes.”

The next morning, after bidding farewell to the host couple, the group finally wrapped up the second

shoot and started their journey home. The production team returned their personal items. Eileen stood

at the front door of the villa. As she unlocked her phone, she saw that others had already started

making calls.

Everyone seemed busy, whether it was work, friends, or family. If they were to disappear for a day or

two, the whole world would look for them.

Eileen unlocked her phone. She found no missed calls. She checked WhatsApp but she didn’t have

many friends, and no one had messaged her. She felt a pang of jealousy watching others on their

phones, then sourly opened Twitter. It wasn’t until she opened Twitter that she received a lot of new

messages. Thousands of messages cursing her, tens of thousands of malicious comments.

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Eileen was teary–eyed when looking at these comments. Since the last time she responded to some

fans who didn’t like her, her Twitter had gained a lot more haters, who cursed her daily in various ways.

Eileen scrolled through her home page to find that the comments on her tweet had reached a hundred

thousand and was almost unable to

accommodate new comments.

She quickly tweeted a new post, providing a new comment section for those who didn’t like her.

Eileen. “Hello there.”

Seemingly meaningless words, but within less than a minute after posting, over a hundred haters

started to comment on her tweet, leaving messages.

-Eileen, you whore

-Eileen, get out of our sight.

—You still dare to tweet, how dare you?

Just as the live streaming was about to end, the cameraman panned over the guests, finally resting on

Eileen, who was laughing very happily, looking at her phone with a gentle face. The cameraman

laughed and moved the camera over. “Eileen, what are you looking at that makes you so happy?”

Eileen generously showed her phone screen to everyone, letting the cameraman capture it..

The cameraman took a shot, and his face immediately turned. The live chatroom comments also

suddenly stopped at that moment. The screen was filled with rude words, insults, and personal attacks,

making it dizzying to read.

[This is totally hate speech, isn’t it? And the way netizens curse is really hard to hear]

[Eileen is really cunning]

-What does it mean?]

—[She’s reading hate comments in front of the camera, isn’t she just trying to cry about how badly

she’s being cursed in front of the camera, then gain sympathy By the way, does this make more fans

feel sorry for her?]

—[Is that really the case?]

Just when netizens thought they had seen through the truth and were about to witness a splendid

performance across the screen, they saw Eileen gently touching the hate comments on the screen,

saying contentedly, “Whenever I feel lonely, seeing their comments fills my heart with warmth. Because

know that no matter how down and out, or lonely I am, there is always this group of people. Even

though they don’t know me, they still pay attention to my every move. They carefully critique my every

action, and they also send their regards to my friends and family many times. Even though everyone

might abandon me, only they, are always there for me”

After Eileen finished speaking, she was happily liking the comments from those who cursed her in front

of the camera. Just as she was liking, her Twitter account suddenly logged out. She was taken aback

and then tried to refresh the page.

After refreshing, the screen on her phone immediately became the login page. She confirmed that

there was no problem with her network, but no matter how many times she entered the password, she

couldn’t log into her Twitter anymore.

Her face changed drastically, and she asked the cameraman in horror, “What’s going on? Is my phone


The cameraman replied, “Your account has been logged into by someone else.”

Eileen was puzzled. “Logged in by someone else?”

The cameraman said, “It looks like your Twitter password has been changed too.

Elleen was furious. “My account was hacked! How can these criminals do this…”

Before she could finish her sentence, her phone rang. It was a call from Ophelia.

Eileen answered the call

On the other end of the phone, Ophelia’s shrill voice came “I’m the one who logged into your Twitter

account! From now on, if you dare to tweet without the company of a staff member, I’ll kill you!”

The call came quickly and ended quickly Eileen looked at the call that had been hung up, deep in


The cameraman next to her immediately pointed the camera at Elleen’s face.

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The barrage was surrounded by [Hahahaha]

—[Hahahaha, Eileen is stunned]

—Hahahaha, you were too proud, you got scolded, let’s see if you dare to do that again!]

–[Hahahaha, the person who called Eileen is really amazing, she actually dares to scold Eileen like

that, I really admire this person!]

On the other side, after Egbert hung up the phone, he saw Eileen at the front door, looking downcast

under the camera’s filming, and even kicking the pebbles on the ground with a melancholic face.

She looked really pitiful, Egbert frowned and walked over. “What’s wrong?”

The cameraman immediately focused the lens on Egbert. The number of comments in the live

broadcast roorn immediately increased, all praising Egbert

Eileen saw Egbert coming over, gave him a pretentious melancholic look, and suddenly asked, “Have

you checked Twitter?”

Egbert was stunned. “What’s up?”

Eileen said, “Can you check Twitter now?”

Thinking something had happened, Egbert logged into Twitter and checked the trending topics but

didn’t find anything special.

Eileen, standing on tiptoes, said, “Check the comments.”

“On my account? Egbert looked at Eileen in confusion, but still opened his last tweet. That tweet was

posted a month ago, a sponsored advertisement tweet, and it wasn’t even his own post, it was posted

by his assistant. There were over 700,000 comments under that tweet.

Eileen’s eyes lit up. “Over 700,000 comments, statistically speaking, there should be around 100,000

dissing you, right?”

Egbert frowned. “Dissing me?”

Egbert opened the comments, and after reading many, he found they were all praising him. No one

was criticizing him.

He looked at Eileen, not really understanding. “What exactly happened?”

Eileen had already turned her head away with a look of disgust. She glanced at him with a very

disdainful and contemptuous look, and said leisurely, “No one criticize you, your life is too boring. My

life is more interesting. You can only silently envy me.”

Egbert frowned. “What?”