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Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 78 - 76: Against The Alpha Wolf
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Back to Alex's location.

Alex had just finished allocating his BP and SP unaware of the Second Princess's plot.

His skill Blink range has increased to 400 meters (1312 ft) and he only needs 250 MP per usage. He had not tested the new skill Intimidation he gained from Gracier but he was sure he will be using it soon. As its name suggests, it's a skill used on a weaker monster to intimidate them, making them fear you, the weaker monster will freeze when under this skill for a few seconds, it can also work on a little bit stronger than the skill's user, but the duration will be shortened due to their strong willpower.

Alex decided finally to remove the materials from the dead wolves, however at that moment he felt a sudden sense of crisis coming from his back, so without waiting he blinked and appeared 100 meters away.

Then he saw something that left his spine chilling. Almost after he left a long vertical Wind blade cut through the place he was previously standing at until it reached the trees 70 meters away from his current location.

If he has been slower by a half-beat he would have been seriously injured, or worst he may even lose a limb or two. Fear assaulted him, Alex quickly shook his head and focused on the culprit of the current situation.

It was a Wind wolf, not your typical one, this one's height was higher than the previous wolves, around 8 meters, a normal Wind wolf's height was around 3 meters and their fur color was grey. However, this Big wolf color was White, It was without a doubt an alpha, the leader of the pack he had just slain.


The Alpha howled in frustration, never would have thought this human could avoid an attack that was so fast. It seems this human does have some skill, for him to have killed his subordinates while he was busy somewhere else. It doesn't matter because he was going to make this human pay, with a vicious glint inside its eyes, the Alpha glared at Alex.

〖Carefull Master, this one is dangerous and faster than the others. He's stronger than any monsters you ever faced.〗Silveria advised.

''I know, Sil,'' Alex said, sweat dripping from his forehead. He could not know when he just appraised the damned monster. He was restraining himself not to shout 'Wtf'

『 Alpha Wind wolf

Level: 35

Magic: Wind

Magic Power: 1900/2000

Attack: 400

Defense: 200

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Agility: 500

Intelligence: 190

Luck: 40

Skills: Wind blades Level 3, Wind Bullet Level 3, Wind Barrier Level 4, Wind Tornado Level 5』

''Shit for real? 500 points in Agility, you gotta be kidding me. He has almost twice my AGI, and what with those ridiculous skills? None of them are low levels, especially the last one, it sounds too dangerous. Well, his defense is low, though. I just need to touch him with my knives or bullets, I doubt it will be that easy. This fight isn't going to be easy at all.''

Alex cursed under his breath before bringing out the pendant with the eagle design his sister had gifted him. He felt lighter all of sudden, checking his status quickly, Alex saw that he was left with 1300 MP and 50 points has been added to his AGI stat, surely because of the pendant he just worn.

Suddenly, the Alpha vanished and reappeared in Alex's back slashing at his back with its claws, Alex spun around and quickly brought out his knives, Razor and Reaper.

Reaper was the name of his last knife. When the Alpha saw the shining silver blade (Reaper) he quickly retreated his claw, he felt threatened by the blade, he will be injured by it, his instinct was screaming at him. It was why he chose to retreat, he then opened his mouth to shot a Wind bullet at Alex in point-blank range.

Alex quickly bounced away, appearing ten meters away, he counterattacks by launching Five Silver Bettie's (the new throwing knives) successively.

Normally, he should have been caught off guard because everything happened too fast, unfortunately, the Alpha swiftly dodged the Five knives and in turn, he attacked by tapping twice on the ground.

Two Wind blades were sent in Alex's direction, he quickly avoided by jumping on his left, at the same time he aimed Silveria at the Alpha and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

The Alpha was surprised by the silver gun that appeared suddenly, he felt threatened by it, especially those blue projectiles that were coming his way, suddenly he howled.


Suddenly, a shield made of Wind appeared right before the Alpha blocking the bullets.

Alex was surprised even if he had expected something like this, he hadn't thought the shield could block his bullets. Shaking his head he blinked and appeared right behind the Alpha his gun aimed at his rear, however the moment he wanted to shot he heard Silveria's panicked voice.

〖Master, watch out,〗


Sensing the wind coming from his left, Alex wanted to avoid it but it was already too late, he brought his hands in front of him to protect his head.


He got smacked and was sent spiraling across the air, he crashed against a tree.


He grunted in pain, he was feeling dizzy, he was bleeding from his head, if he were to listen to his body he would rest, however, he got no time for rest, he quickly rolled on the ground escaping another Wind blades.

Before the Alpha could come attacking at close range Alex used his Divine Sense to keep him as far as possible until he recovered enough to stand, both human and monster glared at each other.

Alex was sure he would have at least left an injury or two when he blinked and appeared on the monster rear, unfortunately, it didn't go as he planned, he had forgotten about the wolf's tail, if he hadn't brought his hands in front of his head he would be dead by now, thanks to his high defense he didn't suffer a heavy injury, nevertheless, he was frustrated.

So was the Alpha, he was sure to kill the human when he appeared behind him, unfortunately, the weak human survived, no he must acknowledge that this human was stronger than the humans he had faced until now because he got injured, it happened when Alex was shooting randomly to keep him at a distance. One of the Alpha rear legs was pierced when he was also firing a Wind bullet at Alex. The Alpha did not move because he didn't want Alex to notice its injury. Speed being his main advantage he lost it now because of that injury, he must come up with a way to deal with this human before he took notice of his injury and take advantage of it, humans are devious by nature, he knew it.

A stablemate was installed now that both of them were injured, Alex on the head, one of his eyes was closed, blood got in and he had trouble seeing so he decided to close it. The Alpha on its rear leg.

Alex downed a High-grade recovery potion to recover his MP, then he held Razor in his left hand while Silveria was aimed at the Alpha. They both stared at each other, blue eyes clashed against green eye, suddenly the Alpha howled, a Wind shield appeared in front of him, then one on his left, then right and finally behind him to form a perfect Shield.

Alex's eyes widened, however, his surprise got replaced by fear when he saw Wind started to gather in front of Alpha.

''No good.''

Alex knew instantly what the wolf was planning and he couldn't let him cast that dangerous spell thus he threw Razor at the wolf in the hope it works, however it got deviated.

Wind slowly continued to gather in the front of the Wind shields trying to form a small tornado, the trees in the vicinity started shaking losing their leaves.

''What to do?" Alex asked himself, it will be suicidal to appear behind the wolf because the knife could not pierce the shield, same thing with his bullets, he was out of solutions, if the wolf manages to complete the spell, he would be died for sure, everything will be erased in kilometers. Even the wolf will be swept in it, reason why he created that perfect shield.

Alex Intimidation skill will not work on this monster, the difference in level was too high, he was lost.



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Alex was too focused on thinking about a plausible solution thus he didn't hear Silveria's calls.

〖Master, I have a solution.〗Silveria shouted Alex felt dizzy all of sudden.

''No need to shout like that, or are you planning to finish me before the wolf does?" Alex asked dishearten.

〖It is not my fault, I was calling for a while already but you aren't answering, so I shouted to draw your attention.〗

''My bad. You said you have a solution don't you?''

〖Yes, I do have a solution〗Silveria affirmed.

''Explain quickly.'' Alex urged her because the small tornado was increasing, even from where he stood he was started to feel the Wind.

〖You are too weak to use it, but well I guess you will not die.〗Silveria murmured.


〖No, nothing. Let me take control of your body for a second, be ready to act just after me.〗She said not going into the details.

Even if he wanted more details he decided to follow Silveria's advice first.

By now the Wind tornado was grown up, destroying the trees in the vicinity. The Alpha howled before glaring at Alex ready to unleash its spell, he was expecting to see the fear on the human's face, however what he saw made him pause for a second, and it was what sealed its fate.

Alex's eye shined silvery, even the cross shape tattoo on his arm shined. He was grinning when he pointed his silver gun at the Wind tornado,

[I Am Master of all creation, Unleash Judgement]

A silver bullet was fired from the gun and went straight toward the Wind tornado and shield, then something astonishing happened, the Wind tornado and Wind Shield disappeared, no, to be more accurate, they got canceled.

The Alpha's eyes widened until they were almost out of their socket, Alex regained control of his body, he summoned his Reaper and threw with all his strength.


The knife went straight toward the Alpha and pierced its head, instantly killing it. Until his death, the Alpha's eyes remained widened because he didn't understand how his spells got canceled.

After confirming the wolf death Alex heaved a sigh, ''What fuck was that bul-"

He did not manage to finish his phrase before being assaulted by an intense pain that makes him lose consciousness.

〖I thought this would happen.〗Silveria said exhaustion filled in her voice.