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Astral Apostle

Chapter 130 - Stealth; Butterfly Effect (2)
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Chapter 130: Stealth; Butterfly Effect (2)

This guard had just taken a whiff of his finger and was intoxicated by the smell. At this moment, he had no time to react.

He had just seen the figure when he was chopped by Zhou Jing’s hand blade. His eyes rolled back, and he fainted.

The entire process took less than a second. Almost no noise was produced, and the other guards were still asleep.

Zhou Jing dealt the finishing blow one by one, clearing the defense of the rooftop, leaving only one guard behind to shake this person awake.

“Uh… is it time to change guards?”

The guard opened his sleepy eyes and spoke subconsciously.

Suddenly, he felt a metallic chill on his neck. He looked down and realized that a long saber was pressed against his neck. His sleepiness was instantly frightened away.

The guard glanced to the side and saw that all his companions had fallen unconscious. His entire body trembled in response.

“No shouting. Tell me what’s going on in the castle. I’m only here for Lutt.”

Zhou Jing spoke in a low voice.

The guard nodded with a tremble and did not dare to disobey. Instead, he spilled everything he knew.

That small salary he received was not enough to support his loyalty.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Because he felt that Lutt had most likely changed rooms, Zhou Jing needed to find Lutt’s location, and the guards stationed inside the castle would know.

The rooftop guard on duty went by rotations, and this guard knew what floor Lutt currently lived on.

According to him, Lutt had changed rooms, but he still lived on the third floor. The original servants’ room with no windows had been converted into a new bedroom for Lutt, with the original lord’s bedroom occupied by a few mutant blood guards.

In addition, every room with a window in the castle had an additional latch added outside the room door. It was locked from the outside. Even if one climbed in through the window, they would have to break through the door. On the entire third floor, the guards were the strictest.

“It seems easier to get into the castle from below than to climb in from the outside.”

Zhou Jing thought to himself, but he did not hesitate to knock this person out.

After dealing with the aftermath, he led Ross from the rooftop to the fourth floor and into the castle.

The fourth floor was not heavily guarded. Guards were patrolling or standing guard, but they were all slacking off.

Although he had changed into a guard’s uniform, this was just a form of insurance. Zhou Jing relied on his extraordinary senses to listen to the breathing around him. He took out the guard posts and tried to circle around them.

The two of them quickly reached the stairs leading to the third floor. Unfortunately, people were guarding this place, so there was no way to circle around.

Zhou Jing pressed down on his round helmet and walked straight over with Ross, prepared to deal with the interrogation and even attack.

However, the guards guarding the stairs only glanced at the two of them. Seeing that they were dressed like guards, they did not care anymore and chatted among themselves as they let the two go downstairs.

Zhou Jing looked straight ahead and walked past with Ross.

As expected… the interior of the castle was already quite lax.

When he arrived on the third floor, the guards were much denser. Zhou Jing circled around for a while and did not alarm anyone. Soon, he found his target.

It was an inconspicuous position in the castle. The corridor extended down a narrow staircase that led straight to the room. There were four guards on duty at the top of the stairs and two others at the door. Everything signified that Lutt lived here.

“The Mutant Blood Guards seem to live on this floor, plus there might be Mutant Blood Guards in Lutt’s room as well. These people can’t be lured away. It doesn’t seem possible to avoid causing a commotion… But we’re already here. As long as we get close to Lutt and capture him, we don’t have to worry about being discovered.”

Zhou Jing pondered for a while before leading Ross to the staircase.

The four guards standing guard at the top of the stairs noticed them. Their scrutinizing gazes landed on the two of them as they tried to identify them.

Zhou Jing quickly approached the four of them. Without waiting for them to ask, he took the initiative to speak.

“Carl called us over. We’re changing shifts.”

“… Who’s Carl?”

The four of them were lost. Just as they were about to question the two, they were greeted with this question first. They started to subconsciously wonder if there was anyone called Carl among the people they knew.

At this moment, Zhou Jing suddenly attacked, his movements quick like a rabbit!

Taking advantage of the short moment when the four of them were in a daze, he quickly punched out like an arrow, hitting the four of them in their chests.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The heavy force penetrated their bodies, breaking their bones and tendons. They screamed and fell to the ground, unable to get up. The leather armor on their bodies had almost no protection against the astonishing force of the punch.

The expression of the guard standing guard at the door of the room not far away suddenly changed. His originally listless state instantly became tense, and he shouted without thinking,

“Enemy attack! There’s…”

The two of them had only shouted half a sentence when Ross, who was behind Zhou Jing, had already rushed forward like a bull.


The two guards couldn’t dodge in time, and Ross knocked them back. Their backs hit the door with a dull thud.

Ross didn’t stop walking as he slammed the both of them against the door.


The sound of wood splintering was heard as the door was smashed into pieces by the three of them.

Ross forced the two guards, whose bones had been broken, into the room.

A sudden loud noise woke the people in the room.

Lutt had been frowning as he had a nightmare. In his dream, he was once again being chased by Jason, who had no chin.

Suddenly, his dream was shattered by a loud bang. He suddenly opened his eyes, still in a daze as he looked at the shattered door.

On the soft couch on the other side of the room, a Mutant Blood Guard was resting while protecting him. He was also woken up by the noise.


The Mutant Blood Guard shouted in shock and anger. He drew his long saber and charged at Ross, who was crawling up from the ground.

However, before the blade could hit Ross, a figure suddenly appeared from the side. A kick hit him as fast as lightning, making him unable to react.