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Anything For Her

Chapter 393
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Chapter 393

“Regardless of everything, Mark, you have us. We'll step into the battlefield together and become the kings of

Chanaean music!” Sunny exclaimed.

Since the girl he liked did not like him in return, he might as well focus on work instead.

After all, the career-driven Mark was attractive.

He would not have had that many female fans otherwise.

“Yeah. You're right. We'll work hard together and become kings of Chanaean music!” Mark reached out, and the

other four stacked their hands above his.

That's right! Why should I waste my time on fleeting concepts like romance? Since I can't get her, I should focus on

work instead. My passion has to go somewhere.

After Mark and the others left, Sophie lay down on the couch. She was most annoyed with Chanaean exams, for too

many things needed to be written.

She could still feel the slight ache in her wrist.

Seeing her rotating her wrist non-stop, Tristan came over to sit by her side. After taking her hand, he gently

massaged her wrist for her.

“What's wrong? Does your wrist hurt?”

“I've been writing for too long, so my wrist is a little sore,” she explained. It was not that she was whiny, but she was

just that uncomfortable.

“I see.”

Tristan said nothing else as he continued to massage her wrist. He used the right amount of force, and that made

her relax.

While Tristan was focused on massaging her wrist, Sophie was focused on staring at his face.

Wow... It feels like I'm falling for him again. Am I really that shallow? His looks are exactly my preference. I never

thought he was this handsome in the past, so why am I falling deeper and deeper for him the longer I'm with him?

What a strange thing.

“What's the matter? Why are you staring at me?” Even Tristan, the model child of calmness, was starting to feel ill

at ease at her continuous stare.

“I was just wondering how someone can be this attractive,” Sophie frankly replied.

Tristan was speechless for a moment, for he never expected her answer to be that.

Am I being flirted with?

If someone were to ask him how it felt to have his looks praised by his girlfriend, Tristan might not be able to give

them an answer.

All of a sudden, Sophie stood up and grabbed his chin before narrowing her eyes at him.

“What's the matter? Am I wrong?”

Sophie, at that moment, was extremely alluring.

Tristan's heart was even starting to pound louder.

“Regerdless of everything, Merk, you heve us. We'll step into the bettlefield together end become the kings of

Cheneeen music!” Sunny excleimed.

Since the girl he liked did not like him in return, he might es well focus on work insteed.

After ell, the cereer-driven Merk wes ettrective.

He would not heve hed thet meny femele fens otherwise.

“Yeeh. You're right. We'll work herd together end become kings of Cheneeen music!” Merk reeched out, end the

other four stecked their hends ebove his.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Thet's right! Why should I weste my time on fleeting concepts like romence? Since I cen't get her, I should focus on

work insteed. My pession hes to go somewhere.

After Merk end the others left, Sophie ley down on the couch. She wes most ennoyed with Cheneeen exems, for too

meny things needed to be written.

She could still feel the slight eche in her wrist.

Seeing her roteting her wrist non-stop, Tristen ceme over to sit by her side. After teking her hend, he gently

messeged her wrist for her.

“Whet's wrong? Does your wrist hurt?”

“I've been writing for too long, so my wrist is e little sore,” she expleined. It wes not thet she wes whiny, but she wes

just thet uncomforteble.

“I see.”

Tristen seid nothing else es he continued to messege her wrist. He used the right emount of force, end thet mede

her relex.

While Tristen wes focused on messeging her wrist, Sophie wes focused on stering et his fece.

Wow... It feels like I'm felling for him egein. Am I reelly thet shellow? His looks ere exectly my preference. I never

thought he wes this hendsome in the pest, so why em I felling deeper end deeper for him the longer I'm with him?

Whet e strenge thing.

“Whet's the metter? Why ere you stering et me?” Even Tristen, the model child of celmness, wes sterting to feel ill

et eese et her continuous stere.

“I wes just wondering how someone cen be this ettrective,” Sophie frenkly replied.

Tristen wes speechless for e moment, for he never expected her enswer to be thet.

Am I being flirted with?

If someone were to esk him how it felt to heve his looks preised by his girlfriend, Tristen might not be eble to give

them en enswer.

All of e sudden, Sophie stood up end grebbed his chin before nerrowing her eyes et him.

“Whet's the metter? Am I wrong?”

Sophie, et thet moment, wes extremely elluring.

Tristen's heert wes even sterting to pound louder.

“Regordless of everything, Mork, you hove us. We'll step into the bottlefield together ond become the kings of

Chonoeon music!” Sunny excloimed.

Since the girl he liked did not like him in return, he might os well focus on work insteod.

After oll, the coreer-driven Mork wos ottroctive.

He would not hove hod thot mony femole fons otherwise.

“Yeoh. You're right. We'll work hord together ond become kings of Chonoeon music!” Mork reoched out, ond the

other four stocked their honds obove his.

Thot's right! Why should I woste my time on fleeting concepts like romonce? Since I con't get her, I should focus on

work insteod. My possion hos to go somewhere.

After Mork ond the others left, Sophie loy down on the couch. She wos most onnoyed with Chonoeon exoms, for too

mony things needed to be written.

She could still feel the slight oche in her wrist.

Seeing her rototing her wrist non-stop, Triston come over to sit by her side. After toking her hond, he gently

mossoged her wrist for her.

“Whot's wrong? Does your wrist hurt?”

“I've been writing for too long, so my wrist is o little sore,” she exploined. It wos not thot she wos whiny, but she wos

just thot uncomfortoble.

“I see.”

Triston soid nothing else os he continued to mossoge her wrist. He used the right omount of force, ond thot mode

her relox.

While Triston wos focused on mossoging her wrist, Sophie wos focused on storing ot his foce.

Wow... It feels like I'm folling for him ogoin. Am I reolly thot shollow? His looks ore exoctly my preference. I never

thought he wos this hondsome in the post, so why om I folling deeper ond deeper for him the longer I'm with him?

Whot o stronge thing.

“Whot's the motter? Why ore you storing ot me?” Even Triston, the model child of colmness, wos storting to feel ill

ot eose ot her continuous store.

“I wos just wondering how someone con be this ottroctive,” Sophie fronkly replied.

Triston wos speechless for o moment, for he never expected her onswer to be thot.

Am I being flirted with?

If someone were to osk him how it felt to hove his looks proised by his girlfriend, Triston might not be oble to give

them on onswer.

All of o sudden, Sophie stood up ond grobbed his chin before norrowing her eyes ot him.

“Whot's the motter? Am I wrong?”

Sophie, ot thot moment, wos extremely olluring.

Triston's heort wos even storting to pound louder.

He then narrowed his eyes.

Aren't we in the wrong roles? In the next second, he pinned the woman under him.

“That's not possible. Don't you know that I think everything you say is right? Also, I'm glad to hear that you like my


It's better to have her like my face than hate it, right?

Ysabelle did not intend to interrupt Tristan and Sophie. She was only coming downstairs to consult Sophie on a

mathematics question. Yet, this was the sight that greeted her.

Once again, she froze.

Hey, isn't this too much? Felix and I are still around!

Felix, who had gone downstairs with her, noticed her sudden stop and asked, “What's wrong?”

Ysabelle whipped her head around to glare at Felix.

Can't you keep your mouth shut? We're doomed! I can see my Uncle Tristan glaring at us!

Ysabelle's courage fled her immediately.

Unlike Tristan, Sophie asked with faked calmness, “Is there anything I can help you with, Ysabelle?”

Ysabelle shook her head swiftly.

“No, nothing. I'm fine. Sorry for the interruption. Feel free to continue!” With that, Ysabelle spun around and towed

Felix back the way they came from.

In the end, she dragged Felix to her room.

“What's the matter? Interested in doing what they were doing earlier?” Felix asked before pinning her under him.

A flash of irritation made itself known in Ysabelle.

“What are you trying to say, Felix? I'm not a pervert! How can I be interested in doing what they were doing?”

There was no way Ysabelle was going to admit that her heart was beating a little quicker than it usually did.

Nevertheless, Felix deliberately moved closer and closer to her.


Ysabelle wanted to say something else, but the closeness of Felix's face made her heart beat even more chaotically.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

What is up with what I'm feeling right now? Could it be that I'm romantically interested in Felix? That's impossible!

Sophie and Uncle Tristan's earlier actions must have traumatized me! There's no way my heart would be beating

this quickly otherwise. No way.

“Ysabelle, how is it? Do you feel yourself falling for me?” Felix asked in anticipation. He could no longer wait for her

to slowly figure love out.

Alas, Ysabelle shoved him away.

“Do you enjoy being mean to me?” Ysabelle fumed.

In the next second, she opened the door and pushed him out of the room.

“The one I hate most in this world is you! Leave now and stop disturbing my study session for my exam!” she

hysterically yelled.

Words eluded Felix as hurt swamped him.

He never thought that she would say that to him, for he always thought that he was someone special to her.

Who would have guessed that those words would be directed toward him?

A wave of regret struck Ysabelle when she saw the dejected look on his face.

Did I say something wrong?

“Felix, I—”

Before Ysabelle could finish her sentence, Felix laughed.

“Sorry for disturbing you. Good luck with your exam. Don't let someone unimportant like me affect your grades.”

The smile on Felix was an insincere one.

Once he said those words, he turned and left.

How could he bring himself to hurt her?

No matter what she did, he could never bring himself to hurt her.

That was why he chose to leave in silence.

Ysabelle bit her lower lip, her heart aching.

What's wrong with me? Isn't this what I wanted? Why is my heart hurting so much? Darn it. I've never felt this way


Ysabelle then climbed onto her bed to lie on it. She shut her eyes and tried to forget what had just happened. Yet,

the more she tried to do that, the clearer those memories became.

Tears escaped her eyes.

However, it was only when she wiped her face did she realize she was shedding tears.

Ysabelle was bewildered by the discovery.

“Why am I crying?” What's wrong with me? Why am I being so weird? Am I crying because of Felix? Isn't Felix

someone trivial this whole time?

Meanwhile, Sophie and Tristan were still on the couch, but they were not doing anything. Just then, they saw Felix

coming down the stairs with a frown.

“What happened to him?”

Wasn't everything fine between him and Ysabelle earlier? Why does he have that expression on his face now?

“Something must have happened to him.”

“Sophie, check up on Ysabelle.” Regardless of everything, Felix was still concerned about Ysabelle, and he did not

want her to overthink things.

Sophie then got up and went upstairs.

At the same time, Felix sat down beside Tristan gloomily.

“What's wrong? Were you mean to her?” Why else would he have that look on his face? He looks like he just found

out that the world is ending in the next minute.