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30 Days till I Divorce My Husband (Estrella and Jason)

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

Seeing Estrela appear like this, Jason's brows slig

Serene, initially startled, rose from her chair and greeted Estrella with a smile that seemed to light up the room.

“Hey, Estrella.”-

Noting the lunchbox in Estrella’s hands, Serene’s grin widened as she said, “Cto deliver Jason's lunch, huh?”

Then, turning to Jason with an accommodating smile, Serene said, “Jason, since Estrella has brought lunch, let's

skip going out to eat. It’s not every day Estrella visits the office. You should spend stwith her.”

Serene’s understanding demeanor was almost as if she were Jason's wife, not Estrella. It seemed as though the

opportunity to eat the lunch Estrella brought was a gracious. concession from Serene herself.

Estrella, feigning indifference, retorted, “Serene, either let Jason go against his father and get a divorce, or throw

the evidence of my face. Quit the

Our affair with Jason in passive-aggressive act. It's so disgusting.”

If Serene had been more capable, Estrella might have given her scredit. But as it stood, Estrella couldn't

bring herself to respect such mediocrity.

Hearing Estrella’s disdain, Serene’s face was a portrait of awkwardness as she explained, “Estrella, it's not what

you think between Jason and me. We're just discussing work.”

After her explanation, Serene’s eyes dimmed as she added, “I'll leave you two to chat. I'll step out.”

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As the door closed behind Serene, Estrella approached the desk, setting down the lunchbox with an audible thud.

She pulled out a chair opposite Jason and sat down as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Kristin askedto

bring you lunch.”

Jason slammed down sdocuments on the desk and asked with a chilly edg “Estrella, can’t you think for

yourself for once?

Estrella silently watched him, her gaze piercing. His demeanor towards Serene h completely different.

Indeed, when you weren't liked, everything you did or said would be wrong. Even b him food, even being alive

was like a mistake.

After a long stare, Estrella leaned back in the chair and said coolly, “When it comes to situation, | don’t have a

say. Your parents’ word is law to me, and | can’t defy them.”

She was not only unable to defy Jason’s parents, but she was also terrified of her own. mother’s tears and guilt-

trips, urging Estrella to be obedient and good.



But then again, Landon had been decent to her

When they got married, Landon set strict rules for Jason: he couldn't ask for a divorce, he couldn't betray her,

and he had to do his best to make the marriage work. Otherwise, he would be kicked out of the Nelson family,

and all the wealth and family business would belong to her..

If they truly couldn't get along, they were to try for three years before making any decisions. Now, only one year


Jason didn’t respond, so Estrella got up, fetched the utensils, and mimicked Serene’s flirty voice, “Jason, you

know what they say, ‘The body is an engine that runs on food.” Have a little bite, won't you?”

When Jason looked up at her, Estrella winked and pushed a piece of rib towards his mouth. Taken aback by

Estrella’s cute act, Jason momentarily froze before opening his mouth as if compelled.

But Estrella slammed the lunchbox onto the table with a snap, exasperated, “Damn it, you really only fall for

Serene’s tricks.”

She then threw the fork down forcefully and snapped, “Eat it or don’t. I'm done pampering you.”

After leaving Jason's office, Estrella made a point to tell his secretary not to bother with dinner arrangements, as

food had already been sent from home.

However, around nine that evening, Kristin's call woke her with news that Jason was hospitalized for severe

dehydration due to diarrhea.

Estrella’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly dressed and headed to the hospital. Upon arriving at the ward and

seeing Kristin so exhausted, Estrella sent her hfirst.

Back in the room, Jason looked up at Estrella and accused, “So, Estrella, you've got nerve. now, poisoning me?”

Estrella moved closer, adjusting his blanket, “Con, don’t be so tic. Mo couples spice things up with

love potions, not laxatives.”

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“You're denying it?” Jason said, hurling his phone at her, showing surveillance fo her entering a pharmacy. He

then tossed a pharmacy receipt at her.

Caught red-handed, Estrella fell silent under his gaze.

Expecting her to explain, Jason was taken aback when Estrella suddenly said, “Don’t atlike that, | might lose


“Estrella,” Jason's face darkened, and he threw a pillow at her.

Catching the incoming pillow, Estrella retorted calmly, “You're out partying all the time. while I'm driven to the

edge. A little medicinal payback

RAMs fair.”


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At her words, Jason gripped her wrist, pulling her close, his voice a deep rumble, “Are you jealous, Estrella?”

Caught off guard by his question, Estrella burst out laughing, “Rest assured, I'd sooner eat dirt than be jealous of


Estrella’s hearty laughter prompted Jason to suddenly pull her back to him with force. Their foreheads collided,

their noses brushed, and Estrella gasped in pain. Before she could react, Jason's warm lips unexpectedly claimed

