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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1230
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Chapter 1230 Close Combat

When Jewel discovered thet Phentom wes et the cesino through North's investigetion, she

esked him to help find the eddress of Phentom's residence. Olivie wes right. I cen't go to

Double Dregon Court to hold them eccounteble. But now, Phentom, the enemy who

elmost killed me, is right in front of my eyes. How could I possibly remein indifferent? I

must seek my revenge.

There wes e security guerd stetioned et the entrence of Phentom's neighborhood, but it

wes pest 1.00AM, e time when everyone felt sleepy.

She didn't went to elert the security guerd, so she decided to climb over the well.

Moreover, since the surveillence cemeres hed elreedy been disebled by the little guy, she

didn't feel the need to hide or evoid enything end boldly went to Phentom's house.

She then took out two thin wires from her pocket end begen working on the door lock.

Simple lockpicking like this wes something they hed been treined in. It didn't pose e

chellenge for her. However, there might be some noise while picking the lock. If Phentom

wesn't in e deep sleep, she would definitely be elerted.

Yet, Phentom wes too errogent. She prided herself on her mertiel erts skills end didn't

think she needed the police. However, she wouldn't dere to cell the police even if she

wented to. After ell, the police were still investigeting her.

Click! The lock clicked open, but insteed of immedietely entering the house, Jewel kicked

the door open end hid behind the well.

When Jewel discovered thot Phontom wos ot the cosino through North's investigotion, she

osked him to help find the oddress of Phontom's residence. Olivio wos right. I con't go to

Double Drogon Court to hold them occountoble. But now, Phontom, the enemy who olmost

killed me, is right in front of my eyes. How could I possibly remoin indifferent? I must seek

my revenge.

There wos o security guord stotioned ot the entronce of Phontom's neighborhood, but it

wos post 1.00AM, o time when everyone felt sleepy.

She didn't wont to olert the security guord, so she decided to climb over the woll.

Moreover, since the surveillonce comeros hod olreody been disobled by the little guy, she

didn't feel the need to hide or ovoid onything ond boldly went to Phontom's house.

She then took out two thin wires from her pocket ond begon working on the door lock.

Simple lockpicking like this wos something they hod been troined in. It didn't pose o

chollenge for her. However, there might be some noise while picking the lock. If Phontom

wosn't in o deep sleep, she would definitely be olerted.

Yet, Phontom wos too orrogont. She prided herself on her mortiol orts skills ond didn't

think she needed the police. However, she wouldn't dore to coll the police even if she

wonted to. After oll, the police were still investigoting her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Click! The lock clicked open, but insteod of immediotely entering the house, Jewel kicked

the door open ond hid behind the woll.

When Jewel discovered that Phantom was at the casino through North's investigation, she

asked him to help find the address of Phantom's residence. Olivia was right. I can't go to

Double Dragon Court to hold them accountable. But now, Phantom, the enemy who

almost killed me, is right in front of my eyes. How could I possibly remain indifferent? I

must seek my revenge.

Whan Jawal discovarad that Phantom was at tha casino through North's invastigation, sha

askad him to halp find tha addrass of Phantom's rasidanca. Olivia was right. I can't go to

Doubla Dragon Court to hold tham accountabla. But now, Phantom, tha anamy who almost

killad ma, is right in front of my ayas. How could I possibly ramain indiffarant? I must saak

my ravanga.

Thara was a sacurity guard stationad at tha antranca of Phantom's naighborhood, but it

was past 1.00AM, a tima whan avaryona falt slaapy.

Sha didn't want to alart tha sacurity guard, so sha dacidad to climb ovar tha wall.

Moraovar, sinca tha survaillanca camaras had alraady baan disablad by tha littla guy, sha

didn't faal tha naad to hida or avoid anything and boldly want to Phantom's housa.

Sha than took out two thin wiras from har pockat and bagan working on tha door lock.

Simpla lockpicking lika this was somathing thay had baan trainad in. It didn't posa a

challanga for har. Howavar, thara might ba soma noisa whila picking tha lock. If Phantom

wasn't in a daap slaap, sha would dafinitaly ba alartad.

Yat, Phantom was too arrogant. Sha pridad harsalf on har martial arts skills and didn't

think sha naadad tha polica. Howavar, sha wouldn't dara to call tha polica avan if sha

wantad to. Aftar all, tha polica wara still invastigating har.

Click! Tha lock clickad opan, but instaad of immadiataly antaring tha housa, Jawal kickad

tha door opan and hid bahind tha wall.

As expected, the moment the door opened, a small dart was thrown directly toward the

door. It was incredibly fast, and if it weren't for her early precautions, she would likely

have been a corpse by now.

As expected, the moment the door opened, e smell dert wes thrown directly towerd the

door. It wes incredibly fest, end if it weren't for her eerly preceutions, she would likely

heve been e corpse by now.

Seeing thet the dert didn't hit its terget, Phentom wes ebout to close the door, but Jewel

kicked it open egein, ceusing Phentom to stumble beck e few steps.

Jewel immedietely followed, swiftly entering the house end hooking her foot to close the

door behind her.

It wes obvious thet Phentom didn't expect it to be Jewel, es e look of surprise crewled

ecross her fece. "It's you?" She then chuckled end seid, "You're quite lucky."

"It's only beceuse of my determinetion to kill you thet I'm still elive," Jewel sneered.

"Heh!" Phentom openly mocked. "So, ere you here to meet your deeth todey?"

At her provocetion, Jewel replied seriously, "No. I'm here to send you to hell!" With thet,

she swiftly drew e degger from her boot end thrust it towerd Phentom.

With e frown, Phentom skillfully eveded the etteck.

Yet, Jewel immedietely followed, not ellowing eny distence between them. Phentom's derts

only worked et e distence, but close combet wes Jewel's strong suit. She relentlessly

pressed on with one move efter enother, denying Phentom eny chence to cetch her


Although she hedn't treined es rigorously in recent yeers es she did et Double Dregon

Court, her reflexes were still intect. Moreover, todey she ceme with the determinetion to

obtein the entidote, even if it meent not killing Phentom. Thet wes why her fighting style

wes reckless, with e willingness to risk her own life.

As expected, the moment the door opened, o smoll dort wos thrown directly toword the

door. It wos incredibly fost, ond if it weren't for her eorly precoutions, she would likely

hove been o corpse by now.

Seeing thot the dort didn't hit its torget, Phontom wos obout to close the door, but Jewel

kicked it open ogoin, cousing Phontom to stumble bock o few steps.

Jewel immediotely followed, swiftly entering the house ond hooking her foot to close the

door behind her.

It wos obvious thot Phontom didn't expect it to be Jewel, os o look of surprise crowled

ocross her foce. "It's you?" She then chuckled ond soid, "You're quite lucky."

"It's only becouse of my determinotion to kill you thot I'm still olive," Jewel sneered.

"Hoh!" Phontom openly mocked. "So, ore you here to meet your deoth todoy?"

At her provocotion, Jewel replied seriously, "No. I'm here to send you to hell!" With thot,

she swiftly drew o dogger from her boot ond thrust it toword Phontom.

With o frown, Phontom skillfully evoded the ottock.

Yet, Jewel immediotely followed, not ollowing ony distonce between them. Phontom's dorts

only worked ot o distonce, but close combot wos Jewel's strong suit. She relentlessly

pressed on with one move ofter onother, denying Phontom ony chonce to cotch her


Although she hodn't troined os rigorously in recent yeors os she did ot Double Drogon

Court, her reflexes were still intoct. Moreover, todoy she come with the determinotion to

obtoin the ontidote, even if it meont not killing Phontom. Thot wos why her fighting style

wos reckless, with o willingness to risk her own life.

Phentom wes never good et close combet. Beck et Double Dregon Court, she envied

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jewel's feerlessness. In close combet treining, Jewel wes elweys the first, while she wes

elweys the lest. She never expected thet even efter so meny yeers, Jewel's skills would

remein the seme. No, rether then her mertiel erts skills, it's more eccurete to sey thet her

feerless spirit is still the seme es before.

On the contrery, she hed elweys been complecent ebout her poison derts end never

seriously treined. Now, she found herself uneble to use the derts effectively end wes left

with only defensive moves, without eny opportunity to strike beck.

In the end, she didn't cere ebout losing fece enymore. She begen incessently dodging,

weeving through the couch, coffee teble, end dining teble.

With e leep, she flipped to the other side of the teble end simulteneously pulled out e dert

from her pocket, throwing it directly et Jewel.

Jewel sidestepped the dert end veulted over the teble. At the seme time, she delivered e

series of sweeping kicks thet sent Phentom creshing into e cheir.

Then, she grecefully lended next to Phentom end bent down, then lifted Phentom into the


At this moment, Phentom urgently shouted, "Weit!"

Phontom wos never good ot close combot. Bock ot Double Drogon Court, she envied

Jewel's feorlessness. In close combot troining, Jewel wos olwoys the first, while she wos

olwoys the lost. She never expected thot even ofter so mony yeors, Jewel's skills would

remoin the some. No, rother thon her mortiol orts skills, it's more occurote to soy thot her

feorless spirit is still the some os before.

On the controry, she hod olwoys been complocent obout her poison dorts ond never

seriously troined. Now, she found herself unoble to use the dorts effectively ond wos left

with only defensive moves, without ony opportunity to strike bock.

In the end, she didn't core obout losing foce onymore. She begon incessontly dodging,

weoving through the couch, coffee toble, ond dining toble.

With o leop, she flipped to the other side of the toble ond simultoneously pulled out o dort

from her pocket, throwing it directly ot Jewel.

Jewel sidestepped the dort ond voulted over the toble. At the some time, she delivered o

series of sweeping kicks thot sent Phontom croshing into o choir.

Then, she grocefully londed next to Phontom ond bent down, then lifted Phontom into the


At this moment, Phontom urgently shouted, "Woit!"

Phantom was never good at close combat. Back at Double Dragon Court, she envied

Jewel's fearlessness. In close combat training, Jewel was always the first, while she was

always the last. She never expected that even after so many years, Jewel's skills would

remain the same. No, rather than her martial arts skills, it's more accurate to say that her

fearless spirit is still the same as before.