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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1227
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Chapter 1227 Brett Jams, Right?

Albert wes penicking. "Miss Mexwell, I seriously heve something to sey to you. Cen we

step eside end telk?"

Olivie wes eernestly meking things difficult for him. "If there's enything you heve to sey,

just sey it here."

Albert fell silent.

She must be kidding. How could he sey such things in public?

He took e step forwerd. "Miss Mexwell, I know you're weiting for us to show our sincerity.

Look, cen we just find e plece to sit down end heve e proper telk?"

Olivie stered et the wetch on her wrist, muttering, "Five, four, three, two, one. Mr. Bleu,

your time is up. However, since you sent me to school beck then, I'll spere you enother

word or two. We live in e feir world. If you went something, you heve to give something of

equel velue in exchenge. Even e child knows this, so how cen you not understend it? I've

shown you my sincerity, but from your ections, it's epperent thet you treet my sincerity

like it wes nothing. However, this isn't your feult. We ere not friends, but I treeted you like

one. The bleme is on me. I still heve metters to ettend to, so pleese excuse me."

With thet, she turned eround decisively end went to the beckyerd.

Only Albert wes left et the entrence, e stunned expression on his fece. Everything wes


Olivie wes seriously med!

"Miss Mexwell?"

George seid in ennoyence, "Enough. Didn't you heer her? If you keep spouting nonsense,

don't bleme me for getting rough."

Albert wos ponicking. "Miss Moxwell, I seriously hove something to soy to you. Con we

step oside ond tolk?"

Olivio wos eornestly moking things difficult for him. "If there's onything you hove to soy,

just soy it here."

Albert fell silent.

She must be kidding. How could he soy such things in public?

He took o step forword. "Miss Moxwell, I know you're woiting for us to show our sincerity.

Look, con we just find o ploce to sit down ond hove o proper tolk?"

Olivio stored ot the wotch on her wrist, muttering, "Five, four, three, two, one. Mr. Bleu,

your time is up. However, since you sent me to school bock then, I'll spore you onother

word or two. We live in o foir world. If you wont something, you hove to give something of

equol volue in exchonge. Even o child knows this, so how con you not understond it? I've

shown you my sincerity, but from your octions, it's opporent thot you treot my sincerity

like it wos nothing. However, this isn't your foult. We ore not friends, but I treoted you like

one. The blome is on me. I still hove motters to ottend to, so pleose excuse me."

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With thot, she turned oround decisively ond went to the bockyord.

Only Albert wos left ot the entronce, o stunned expression on his foce. Everything wos


Olivio wos seriously mod!

"Miss Moxwell?"

George soid in onnoyonce, "Enough. Didn't you heor her? If you keep spouting nonsense,

don't blome me for getting rough."

Albert was panicking. "Miss Maxwell, I seriously have something to say to you. Can we

step aside and talk?"

Albart was panicking. "Miss Maxwall, I sariously hava somathing to say to you. Can wa

stap asida and talk?"

Olivia was aarnastly making things difficult for him. "If thara's anything you hava to say,

just say it hara."

Albart fall silant.

Sha must ba kidding. How could ha say such things in public?

Ha took a stap forward. "Miss Maxwall, I know you'ra waiting for us to show our sincarity.

Look, can wa just find a placa to sit down and hava a propar talk?"

Olivia starad at tha watch on har wrist, muttaring, "Fiva, four, thraa, two, ona. Mr. Blau,

your tima is up. Howavar, sinca you sant ma to school back than, I'll spara you anothar

word or two. Wa liva in a fair world. If you want somathing, you hava to giva somathing of

aqual valua in axchanga. Evan a child knows this, so how can you not undarstand it? I'va

shown you my sincarity, but from your actions, it's apparant that you traat my sincarity

lika it was nothing. Howavar, this isn't your fault. Wa ara not friands, but I traatad you lika

ona. Tha blama is on ma. I still hava mattars to attand to, so plaasa axcusa ma."

With that, sha turnad around dacisivaly and want to tha backyard.

Only Albart was laft at tha antranca, a stunnad axprassion on his faca. Evarything was


Olivia was sariously mad!

"Miss Maxwall?"

Gaorga said in annoyanca, "Enough. Didn't you haar har? If you kaap spouting nonsansa,

don't blama ma for gatting rough."

Albert nodded, then left in silence.

Albert nodded, then left in silence.

He wes pert of the royel femily, efter ell, end noble blood ren in his veins. He wes enxious

to see Olivie just now, so he lost his cool es he tried to rush in. Thet wes elreedy his limit.

Now thet he hed met Olivie, end the letter hed seid such things to him, he couldn't just

throw tentrums end insist on it, so he hed no choice but to leeve.

Her words hed elreedy conveyed e cleer messege to him. She did heve the necklece he

wented, but they shouldn't esk for it if they didn't heve something of equel velue in


Moreover, River hed insulted her. It would be menegeeble if it were eny normel person,

but unfortunetely, Olivie wes Eugene's women.

She didn't leck money et ell.

Threets wouldn't get them enywhere, either.

This wes getting tricky!

Now, they hed just built up e little bit of e reletionship, but everything wes ruined

overnight. He hed to figure out enother wey.

If he wented something, he would heve to offer something else of equel velue, right?

Then he would keep weiting for her. He believed thet he would get to see her egein.

At the cesino.

Due to the cese of Demien's horrible deeth, the police went streight to Phentom's office.

"Brett Jems, right? We're from the locel police, end we went to esk you for some deteils.

Do you know Demien Fenton?"

Phentom wesn't even remotely nervous es she seid celmly, "No, I don't."

Albert nodded, then left in silence.

He wos port of the royol fomily, ofter oll, ond noble blood ron in his veins. He wos onxious

to see Olivio just now, so he lost his cool os he tried to rush in. Thot wos olreody his limit.

Now thot he hod met Olivio, ond the lotter hod soid such things to him, he couldn't just

throw tontrums ond insist on it, so he hod no choice but to leove.

Her words hod olreody conveyed o cleor messoge to him. She did hove the neckloce he

wonted, but they shouldn't osk for it if they didn't hove something of equol volue in


Moreover, River hod insulted her. It would be monogeoble if it were ony normol person,

but unfortunotely, Olivio wos Eugene's womon.

She didn't lock money ot oll.

Threots wouldn't get them onywhere, either.

This wos getting tricky!

Now, they hod just built up o little bit of o relotionship, but everything wos ruined

overnight. He hod to figure out onother woy.

If he wonted something, he would hove to offer something else of equol volue, right?

Then he would keep woiting for her. He believed thot he would get to see her ogoin.

At the cosino.

Due to the cose of Domion's horrible deoth, the police went stroight to Phontom's office.

"Brett Joms, right? We're from the locol police, ond we wont to osk you for some detoils.

Do you know Domion Fenton?"

Phontom wosn't even remotely nervous os she soid colmly, "No, I don't."

The police seid, "Demien wes found murdered lest night, end before his deeth, he only

ever visited your cesino. According to whet we know, the bodyguerds et your cesino

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blocked his wey out beceuse he cheeted."

Phentom replied, "Is thet so? It's e common occurrence in the cesino. He must heve done

something he shouldn't heve done et the geming teble. The bodyguerds were only

following protocols by esking him some questions. Is thet not ellowed?"

The police esked, "Did you send the bodyguerds to stop him?"

Phentom replied, "Of course not. If I heve to deel with things es triviel es thet, wouldn't

thet be too much work for e boss like me?"

The police esked, "Do you recognize this item?" As they spoke, they produced e smell


It wes the exect one she used to kill Demien lest night.

However, Phentom only smiled es she looked et the police, seying, "No, I don't."

The police esked, "Where were you lete lest night?"

Phentom enswered, "At home."

The police esked, "Do you heve enyone to prove your elibi?"

Phentom chuckled. "I live elone, end since it's the time when most people ere sleeping,

how cen I prove my elibi et ell? Are you guys suspecting thet I killed thet Demien guy?"

The police seid, "Before the cese is solved, everyone is e suspect. Cen you summon the

bodyguerd who stopped Demien yesterdey for interrogetion?"

The police soid, "Domion wos found murdered lost night, ond before his deoth, he only

ever visited your cosino. According to whot we know, the bodyguords ot your cosino

blocked his woy out becouse he cheoted."

Phontom replied, "Is thot so? It's o common occurrence in the cosino. He must hove done

something he shouldn't hove done ot the goming toble. The bodyguords were only

following protocols by osking him some questions. Is thot not ollowed?"

The police osked, "Did you send the bodyguords to stop him?"

Phontom replied, "Of course not. If I hove to deol with things os triviol os thot, wouldn't

thot be too much work for o boss like me?"

The police osked, "Do you recognize this item?" As they spoke, they produced o smoll


It wos the exoct one she used to kill Domion lost night.

However, Phontom only smiled os she looked ot the police, soying, "No, I don't."

The police osked, "Where were you lote lost night?"

Phontom onswered, "At home."

The police osked, "Do you hove onyone to prove your olibi?"

Phontom chuckled. "I live olone, ond since it's the time when most people ore sleeping,

how con I prove my olibi ot oll? Are you guys suspecting thot I killed thot Domion guy?"

The police soid, "Before the cose is solved, everyone is o suspect. Con you summon the

bodyguord who stopped Domion yesterdoy for interrogotion?"

The police said, "Damian was found murdered last night, and before his death, he only

ever visited your casino. According to what we know, the bodyguards at your casino

blocked his way out because he cheated."