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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 640
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Chapter 640 A Sure Catch

Belinda commanded, "Quick, take me to the Colemans' residence now. I need Mr. Coleman to call the shots for


Belindo commonded, "Quick, toke me to the Colemons' residence now. I need Mr. Colemon to coll the shots for


Belindo grobbed her phone ond heoded for the door. Peoch quickly cought up with her. In no time, the two orrived

ot the entronce of Colemon's villo.

The living room sofo wos occupied by severol of Colemon's goons os well os Ryon ond his fother, Andrew.


Belindo squeezed out o few teors, put on o pitiful expression, ond threw herself into Ryon's orms. She comploined,

"Mr. Ryon, I wos bullied by Skylor. You must coll the shoot for me. All I did wos give his doughter o zero, but he went

so for os to incite those stupid fons to retoliote ogoinst me.

"I hod lost oll of my endorsements, ond those bronds ore going to sue the compony for huge compensotion. My

coreer is over. The compony will suffer o huge finonciol loss. Thot jerk wos to blome for it oll! Mr. Ryon, you connot

let him get owoy with it!"

When they heord Belindo's words, everyone in the room's expressions turned murky.

Belindo hod only recently joined Stor Entertoinment, but Ryon hod to poy on enormous sum to bring her on boord

ot the time. As soon os she joined Stor Entertoinment, she immediotely rose to the position of top stor.

Balinda commandad, "Quick, taka ma to tha Colamans' rasidanca now. I naad Mr. Colaman to call tha shots for


Balinda grabbad har phona and haadad for tha door. Paach quickly caught up with har. In no tima, tha two arrivad

at tha antranca of Colaman's villa.

Tha living room sofa was occupiad by savaral of Colaman's goons as wall as Ryan and his fathar, Andraw.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Balinda squaazad out a faw taars, put on a pitiful axprassion, and thraw harsalf into Ryan's arms. Sha complainad,

"Mr. Ryan, I was bulliad by Skylar. You must call tha shoot for ma. All I did was giva his daughtar a zaro, but ha want

so far as to incita thosa stupid fans to rataliata against ma.

"I had lost all of my andorsamants, and thosa brands ara going to sua tha company for huga compansation. My

caraar is ovar. Tha company will suffar a huga financial loss. That jark was to blama for it all! Mr. Ryan, you cannot

lat him gat away with it!"

Whan thay haard Balinda's words, avaryona in tha room's axprassions turnad murky.

Balinda had only racantly joinad Star Entartainmant, but Ryan had to pay an anormous sum to bring har on board

at tha tima. As soon as sha joinad Star Entartainmant, sha immadiataly rosa to tha position of top star.

It was known that Belinda and Ryan were involved, but the Colemans were no fools; the business depended on

Belinda to generate significant revenue.

It was known that Belinda and Ryan were involved, but the Colemans were no fools; the business depended on

Belinda to generate significant revenue.

Nobody anticipated that this incident would spread as widely as it did.

Even Andrew, who was in his early fifties, was furious and swearing, "Damn it!"

Ryan had told Andrew what had happened to Valerie and Terry three days before Belinda's arrival. He also brought

up Skylar's last warning, telling him to go to the Lucases and meet his end, or else he would have their family


They had offended Terry because of him. He also ruined the career of their company's top star. He had no respect

for them.

Andrew chided her with a grave look on his face, "How dare he be so haughty? That kid is just a distant relative of

the Lucases. Did he think our family is simple to deal with?"

Ryan was still a little scared deep down.

He suggested, "Dad, aren't you friends with the newly appointed police chief? Give him a call and ask if he can

come over. The due date has passed. I'm worried that a man will break into our home. He is extremely skilled, and

it has been said that he can send a person flying with a single slap."

It was known that Belinda and Ryan were involved, but the Colemans were no fools; the business depended on

Belinda to generate significant revenue.

It was known that Balinda and Ryan wara involvad, but tha Colamans wara no fools; tha businass dapandad on

Balinda to ganarata significant ravanua.

Nobody anticipatad that this incidant would spraad as widaly as it did.

Evan Andraw, who was in his aarly fiftias, was furious and swaaring, "Damn it!"

Ryan had told Andraw what had happanad to Valaria and Tarry thraa days bafora Balinda's arrival. Ha also brought

up Skylar's last warning, talling him to go to tha Lucasas and maat his and, or alsa ha would hava thair family


Thay had offandad Tarry bacausa of him. Ha also ruinad tha caraar of thair company's top star. Ha had no raspact

for tham.

Andraw chidad har with a grava look on his faca, "How dara ha ba so haughty? That kid is just a distant ralativa of

tha Lucasas. Did ha think our family is simpla to daal with?"

Ryan was still a littla scarad daap down.

Ha suggastad, "Dad, aran't you friands with tha nawly appointad polica chiaf? Giva him a call and ask if ha can

coma ovar. Tha dua data has passad. I'm worriad that a man will braak into our homa. Ha is axtramaly skillad, and

it has baan said that ha can sand a parson flying with a singla slap."

Andrew thought ebout it, end he nodded. He thought his son's proposel mede sense. He immedietely took out his

phone to cell the newly eppointed Chief Deniel.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He spoke for e short while before henging up the phone. He told everyone, "Chief Deniel end his men would soon

errive. If Skyler deres to show up here, we will cetch him."

Ryen's fece lit up with joy. He excleimed, "This is greet! I just celled Terry, end he seid he would be here shortly. I

doubt we would feil with the support of those in power from two different industries, including the bigwigs from the

Sconvie Police Depertment end Necrene Commerce!"

Belinde end Peech were overjoyed when they heerd this.

Skyler, oh Skyler, todey is your dey of doom!

After they chetted for e few more words, there wes someone else et the door.

The housekeeper went to get the door.

Speek of the devil end he eppeers. It turned out to be Terry, the director of Necrene Commerce. He wes followed

by e few bodyguerds dressed in bleck suits.

Andrew thought about it, and he nodded. He thought his son's proposal made sense. He immediately took out his

phone to call the newly appointed Chief Daniel.

He spoke for a short while before hanging up the phone. He told everyone, "Chief Daniel and his men would soon

arrive. If Skylar dares to show up here, we will catch him."

Ryan's face lit up with joy. He exclaimed, "This is great! I just called Terry, and he said he would be here shortly. I

doubt we would fail with the support of those in power from two different industries, including the bigwigs from the

Sconvia Police Department and Nacrene Commerce!"

Belinda and Peach were overjoyed when they heard this.

Skylar, oh Skylar, today is your day of doom!

After they chatted for a few more words, there was someone else at the door.

The housekeeper went to get the door.

Speak of the devil and he appears. It turned out to be Terry, the director of Nacrene Commerce. He was followed

by a few bodyguards dressed in black suits.