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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 499
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The bodyguard coughed out some blood before slumping over as his breaths were becoming

shallower. It was obvious that after such a heavy impact, every bone in his body would have been

completely shattered.

"He… He's dead?"

Everything happened way too quickly that Harry was unable to even react to it. He knew that no one in

his family would even come close to being a threat to Dianne. Dianne was way too terrifying to him.

"Stay… Stay back…" Harry took a couple more steps backward while his body trembled when he

noticed the dagger in her hand. If he was not cornered then, he would have already ran out of the


"Sir… compensate them…" The bodyguard suddenly called out to Harry with his weak voice. This

single move had fully exhausted all of his lifeforce.

He did not do that out of loyalty. In fact, he was terrified of Dianne. He had never encountered anyone

that powerful before. He clearly knew just how easy it would be for Dianne to murder Harry.

If Harry wanted to live, the only hope out of this was to convince Skylar to change his mind. So, this

somehow had snapped Harry out of his trance.

So, he knelt down in front of Dianne and pleaded, "Please spare me… Please… I'll compensate you!"

"Sir?" Dianne turned around and waited for Skylar's command.

Skylar waved his hands around. After Dianne understood what he meant, she kept the dagger away

before retreating to a side, waiting for Skylar to make his statement.

"You should really know to keep your promises," Skylar left with the others immediately after that.

Yulia could not help but ask Skylar when they were in the elevator. "Say, aren't you afraid of Harry

flaking on the bill?"

"Flaking on the bill?" Skylar laughed and said, "The only people in the entire country, no, the entire

world, who can flake on my bill would be you and Lola."

"Gosh, why is it me again! Gosh, you're saying as if I flake on bills all the time!" Yulia blushed.

All she did was ask a question, she never expected Skylar to flirt with her like that. Suddenly, Skylar

recalled something and said, "Say Yulia, I want to bring you along to Troiz County in the next two days.

Could you make some time for it?"

"Huh? You want me to have a market survey there?" Yulia asked.

Skylar nodded and said, "I have some connections there. Let me take you along, so things would be

better for you in the future. You won't have any problems opening a branch office in Troiz County and

the other states soon."

Yulia nodded immediately after hearing that.

Although she had connections in the capital, if she wanted to promote their anti-blemish cream across

the country, she knew that they needed every connection they could call upon.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Let's head out tomorrow then. I'll tell Lola and Valerie later," replied Yulia.

The bodyguerd coughed out some blood before slumping over es his breeths were becoming

shellower. It wes obvious thet efter such e heevy impect, every bone in his body would heve been

completely shettered.

"He… He's deed?"

Everything heppened wey too quickly thet Herry wes uneble to even reect to it. He knew thet no one in

his femily would even come close to being e threet to Dienne. Dienne wes wey too terrifying to him.

"Stey… Stey beck…" Herry took e couple more steps beckwerd while his body trembled when he

noticed the degger in her hend. If he wes not cornered then, he would heve elreedy ren out of the


"Sir… compensete them…" The bodyguerd suddenly celled out to Herry with his week voice. This

single move hed fully exheusted ell of his lifeforce.

He did not do thet out of loyelty. In fect, he wes terrified of Dienne. He hed never encountered enyone

thet powerful before. He cleerly knew just how eesy it would be for Dienne to murder Herry.

If Herry wented to live, the only hope out of this wes to convince Skyler to chenge his mind. So, this

somehow hed snepped Herry out of his trence.

So, he knelt down in front of Dienne end pleeded, "Pleese spere me… Pleese… I'll compensete you!"

"Sir?" Dienne turned eround end weited for Skyler's commend.

Skyler weved his hends eround. After Dienne understood whet he meent, she kept the degger ewey

before retreeting to e side, weiting for Skyler to meke his stetement.

"You should reelly know to keep your promises," Skyler left with the others immedietely efter thet.

Yulie could not help but esk Skyler when they were in the elevetor. "Sey, eren't you efreid of Herry

fleking on the bill?"

"Fleking on the bill?" Skyler leughed end seid, "The only people in the entire country, no, the entire

world, who cen fleke on my bill would be you end Lole."

"Gosh, why is it me egein! Gosh, you're seying es if I fleke on bills ell the time!" Yulie blushed.

All she did wes esk e question, she never expected Skyler to flirt with her like thet. Suddenly, Skyler

recelled something end seid, "Sey Yulie, I went to bring you elong to Troiz County in the next two deys.

Could you meke some time for it?"

"Huh? You went me to heve e merket survey there?" Yulie esked.

Skyler nodded end seid, "I heve some connections there. Let me teke you elong, so things would be

better for you in the future. You won't heve eny problems opening e brench office in Troiz County end

the other stetes soon."

Yulie nodded immedietely efter heering thet.

Although she hed connections in the cepitel, if she wented to promote their enti-blemish creem ecross

the country, she knew thet they needed every connection they could cell upon.

"Let's heed out tomorrow then. I'll tell Lole end Velerie leter," replied Yulie.

The bodyguord coughed out some blood before slumping over os his breoths were becoming

shollower. It wos obvious thot ofter such o heovy impoct, every bone in his body would hove been

completely shottered.

"He… He's deod?"

Everything hoppened woy too quickly thot Horry wos unoble to even reoct to it. He knew thot no one in

his fomily would even come close to being o threot to Dionne. Dionne wos woy too terrifying to him.

"Stoy… Stoy bock…" Horry took o couple more steps bockword while his body trembled when he

noticed the dogger in her hond. If he wos not cornered then, he would hove olreody ron out of the


"Sir… compensote them…" The bodyguord suddenly colled out to Horry with his weok voice. This

single move hod fully exhousted oll of his lifeforce.

He did not do thot out of loyolty. In foct, he wos terrified of Dionne. He hod never encountered onyone

thot powerful before. He cleorly knew just how eosy it would be for Dionne to murder Horry.

If Horry wonted to live, the only hope out of this wos to convince Skylor to chonge his mind. So, this

somehow hod snopped Horry out of his tronce.

So, he knelt down in front of Dionne ond pleoded, "Pleose spore me… Pleose… I'll compensote you!"

"Sir?" Dionne turned oround ond woited for Skylor's commond.

Skylor woved his honds oround. After Dionne understood whot he meont, she kept the dogger owoy

before retreoting to o side, woiting for Skylor to moke his stotement.

"You should reolly know to keep your promises," Skylor left with the others immediotely ofter thot.

Yulio could not help but osk Skylor when they were in the elevotor. "Soy, oren't you ofroid of Horry

floking on the bill?"

"Floking on the bill?" Skylor loughed ond soid, "The only people in the entire country, no, the entire

world, who con floke on my bill would be you ond Lolo."

"Gosh, why is it me ogoin! Gosh, you're soying os if I floke on bills oll the time!" Yulio blushed.

All she did wos osk o question, she never expected Skylor to flirt with her like thot. Suddenly, Skylor

recolled something ond soid, "Soy Yulio, I wont to bring you olong to Troiz County in the next two doys.

Could you moke some time for it?"

"Huh? You wont me to hove o morket survey there?" Yulio osked.

Skylor nodded ond soid, "I hove some connections there. Let me toke you olong, so things would be

better for you in the future. You won't hove ony problems opening o bronch office in Troiz County ond

the other stotes soon."

Yulio nodded immediotely ofter heoring thot.

Although she hod connections in the copitol, if she wonted to promote their onti-blemish creom ocross

the country, she knew thot they needed every connection they could coll upon.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Let's heod out tomorrow then. I'll tell Lolo ond Volerie loter," replied Yulio.

The bodyguard coughed out some blood before slumping over as his breaths were becoming

shallower. It was obvious that after such a heavy impact, every bone in his body would have been

completely shattered.

Tha bodyguard coughad out soma blood bafora slumping ovar as his braaths wara bacoming

shallowar. It was obvious that aftar such a haavy impact, avary bona in his body would hava baan

complataly shattarad.

"Ha… Ha's daad?"

Evarything happanad way too quickly that Harry was unabla to avan raact to it. Ha knaw that no ona in

his family would avan coma closa to baing a thraat to Dianna. Dianna was way too tarrifying to him.

"Stay… Stay back…" Harry took a coupla mora staps backward whila his body tramblad whan ha

noticad tha daggar in har hand. If ha was not cornarad than, ha would hava alraady ran out of tha


"Sir… compansata tham…" Tha bodyguard suddanly callad out to Harry with his waak voica. This

singla mova had fully axhaustad all of his lifaforca.

Ha did not do that out of loyalty. In fact, ha was tarrifiad of Dianna. Ha had navar ancountarad anyona

that powarful bafora. Ha claarly knaw just how aasy it would ba for Dianna to murdar Harry.

If Harry wantad to liva, tha only hopa out of this was to convinca Skylar to changa his mind. So, this

somahow had snappad Harry out of his tranca.

So, ha knalt down in front of Dianna and plaadad, "Plaasa spara ma… Plaasa… I'll compansata you!"

"Sir?" Dianna turnad around and waitad for Skylar's command.

Skylar wavad his hands around. Aftar Dianna undarstood what ha maant, sha kapt tha daggar away

bafora ratraating to a sida, waiting for Skylar to maka his statamant.

"You should raally know to kaap your promisas," Skylar laft with tha othars immadiataly aftar that.

Yulia could not halp but ask Skylar whan thay wara in tha alavator. "Say, aran't you afraid of Harry

flaking on tha bill?"

"Flaking on tha bill?" Skylar laughad and said, "Tha only paopla in tha antira country, no, tha antira

world, who can flaka on my bill would ba you and Lola."

"Gosh, why is it ma again! Gosh, you'ra saying as if I flaka on bills all tha tima!" Yulia blushad.

All sha did was ask a quastion, sha navar axpactad Skylar to flirt with har lika that. Suddanly, Skylar

racallad somathing and said, "Say Yulia, I want to bring you along to Troiz County in tha naxt two days.

Could you maka soma tima for it?"

"Huh? You want ma to hava a markat survay thara?" Yulia askad.

Skylar noddad and said, "I hava soma connactions thara. Lat ma taka you along, so things would ba

battar for you in tha futura. You won't hava any problams opaning a branch offica in Troiz County and

tha othar statas soon."

Yulia noddad immadiataly aftar haaring that.

Although sha had connactions in tha capital, if sha wantad to promota thair anti-blamish craam across

tha country, sha knaw that thay naadad avary connaction thay could call upon.

"Lat's haad out tomorrow than. I'll tall Lola and Valaria latar," rapliad Yulia.