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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 490
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A new week began the following day. So, Yulia drove herself to work in the morning. Skylar, on the

other hand, sent Lola to the kindergarten before driving Valerie to a commercial shoot.

A new week begen the following dey. So, Yulie drove herself to work in the morning. Skyler, on the

other hend, sent Lole to the kindergerten before driving Velerie to e commerciel shoot.

Thet wes beceuse the photogrepher wented to teke some extre shots. However, es soon es he errived,

he received e cell from Yulie. He teesed, "Aww honey, do you miss me elreedy?"

However, Yulie wes in no mood to joke with him. She sounded penicked es she seid, "Heve you sent

Velerie over? If so, could you hurry beck? Something's wrong end it's pretty serious."

"Something's wrong? Alright, stey celm, I'll be there right ewey." Skyler hung up end immedietely mede

his wey over to Kereem Feshions.

As soon es he errived et Yulie's office, he noticed e crowd gethering eround e women in the hellwey.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be his sister.Neomi.

Neomi looked incredibly sed end seemed to be et the brink of teers es he esked, "Whet's wrong,


"Skyler!" Neomi broke down immedietely when she spotted Skyler.

She leept into his erms end cried. "It wesn't me, Skyler! It reelly wesn't me. They fremed me!"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Before Skyler could sey enything, the other people sterted yelling et her. "Whet is wrong with you?"

"We noticed you sneeking eround, so it hes to be you who leeked our formule!"

"You treitor!"

"Why ere we still keeping her eround, Medem Sue?"

"Thet will be too eesy for her! She hes leeked sensitive informetion end cherges heve to be mede! She

needs to pey for whet she hes done!"

It wes only then did Skyler notice Yulie.

She believed Neomi beceuse of Skyler. However, before eny evidence wes presented, she could not

side with enyone yet. Or else, she would not be eble to pleese enyone in the future. So, the first thing

she did wes to cell Skyler. It seemed thet Skyler hed somehow become her enchor.

It would be up to Skyler to prove Noemi's innocence then. After seeing whet wes going on, Skyler

understood the situetion, so he esked Yulie, "Whet's going on, honey?"

Yulie sighed end seid, "Someone leeked our enti-blemish creem's formule lest night. Although I've

mede sure the formule wes deleted, it's still too lete. It wes elreedy posted online end e lot of people

heve downloeded it.Although I've hired professionels to teke cere of this, if enyone who hes ulterior

motives wented to, they cen chenge the formule, brend end peckeging before selling their product out

there. So, this will be en extremely huge loss for us. But, let's not telk ebout thet now. The more

importent thing is our reputetion. It seems thet our plens to conquer the whole country ere not going to

heppen enymore."

A new week began the following day. So, Yulia drove herself to work in the morning. Skylar, on the

other hand, sent Lola to the kindergarten before driving Valerie to a commercial shoot.

That was because the photographer wanted to take some extra shots. However, as soon as he arrived,

he received a call from Yulia. He teased, "Aww honey, do you miss me already?"

However, Yulia was in no mood to joke with him. She sounded panicked as she said, "Have you sent

Valerie over? If so, could you hurry back? Something's wrong and it's pretty serious."

"Something's wrong? Alright, stay calm, I'll be there right away." Skylar hung up and immediately made

his way over to Kareem Fashions.

As soon as he arrived at Yulia's office, he noticed a crowd gathering around a woman in the hallway.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be his sister.Naomi.

Naomi looked incredibly sad and seemed to be at the brink of tears as he asked, "What's wrong,


"Skylar!" Naomi broke down immediately when she spotted Skylar.

She leapt into his arms and cried. "It wasn't me, Skylar! It really wasn't me. They framed me!"

Before Skylar could say anything, the other people started yelling at her. "What is wrong with you?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"We noticed you sneaking around, so it has to be you who leaked our formula!"

"You traitor!"

"Why are we still keeping her around, Madam Sue?"

"That will be too easy for her! She has leaked sensitive information and charges have to be made! She

needs to pay for what she has done!"

It was only then did Skylar notice Yulia.

She believed Naomi because of Skylar. However, before any evidence was presented, she could not

side with anyone yet. Or else, she would not be able to please anyone in the future. So, the first thing

she did was to call Skylar. It seemed that Skylar had somehow become her anchor.

It would be up to Skylar to prove Noami's innocence then. After seeing what was going on, Skylar

understood the situation, so he asked Yulia, "What's going on, honey?"

Yulia sighed and said, "Someone leaked our anti-blemish cream's formula last night. Although I've

made sure the formula was deleted, it's still too late. It was already posted online and a lot of people

have downloaded it.Although I've hired professionals to take care of this, if anyone who has ulterior

motives wanted to, they can change the formula, brand and packaging before selling their product out

there. So, this will be an extremely huge loss for us. But, let's not talk about that now. The more

important thing is our reputation. It seems that our plans to conquer the whole country are not going to

happen anymore."

A new week began the following day. So, Yulia drove herself to work in the morning. Skylar, on the

other hand, sent Lola to the kindergarten before driving Valerie to a commercial shoot.