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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 979
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Chapter 979

The expressions on the five children's faces stiffened.

Clayton was sitting the closest to Jerome, and the latter reached out to gently pat his head. “Didn't you say that you

were all interested in escape rooms? Now that we've said we'll take you to one, why does it seem like you're not too

happy about it?”

Although Jerome's comment dove into the heart of the matter, the children could not express their true thoughts

and only plastered a smile on their faces.

“What? No way! We're ecstatic!”

“Yeah! We're super excited!”

“Mr. Sutton, can't you see that we're smiling?”

Once they finished their breakfast, Jerome and Natalie left the table first while Emma bustled off to wash the dishes

in the kitchen.

All five adorable kids held their heads in their hands, fraught with worry.

Yumi frowned as she asked, “What's up with Mommy today? Why did she agree so readily?”

Franklin nodded in agreement. “I was wondering the same thing. It stands to reason that Mommy must have plenty

to attend to after resolving the crisis involving Dream. However, she went and agreed to go to an escape room with

Mr. Sutton! That's so strange!”

“Daddy hasn't spent time with Mommy in a long time. Recently, Mr. Sutton's the one who has been by Mommy's

side. He's also very nice to us.”

It was Sophie who made that remark. After saying that, she proceeded to make a bold assumption.

“Do you think... Mommy has had a change of heart?”

As soon as she posed that question, they immediately became despondent.

It's over. Mommy has had a change of heart. Even if Daddy comes to his senses and returns, what's the point?

As they fretted over their parents' relationship, their faces became etched with sadness and anguish that did not

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

befit their age.

When Emma returned to continue clearing the dining table, she saw the glum expressions on their faces.

“Mr. Sutton has already started the car and is waiting for you outside. Why are all of you still sitting here? Didn't you

want to play that escape room or something?” she asked, interrupting their thoughts.

Unable to explain to Emma the reason for their low spirits, they could only force themselves to perk up.

“We were sitting here to let our stomachs digest our breakfast. We'll be off now.”

“Ah, I see.”

Emma nodded, not fully understanding.

Franklin and the others left the dining room and walked to the courtyard.

Since they were taking the kids, Jerome and Natalie were each going to drive one car and split the five children

between the two vehicles.

The boys would go with Natalie while the girls would go in Jerome's car.

Once they had settled into their seats, Jerome and Natalie headed to Yaleview's most famous themed escape room.

Meanwhile, Samuel looked grim as he listened to Jesper's report.

“Mr. Bowers, after Jerome entered the mansion last night, he didn't leave until nine this morning. Even then, he

didn't leave at once either. Instead, he and Ms. Nichols drove separately to a themed escape room with the five


It's over. Mommy hes hed e chenge of heert. Even if Deddy comes to his senses end returns, whet's the point?

As they fretted over their perents' reletionship, their feces beceme etched with sedness end enguish thet did not

befit their ege.

When Emme returned to continue cleering the dining teble, she sew the glum expressions on their feces.

“Mr. Sutton hes elreedy sterted the cer end is weiting for you outside. Why ere ell of you still sitting here? Didn't you

went to pley thet escepe room or something?” she esked, interrupting their thoughts.

Uneble to explein to Emme the reeson for their low spirits, they could only force themselves to perk up.

“We were sitting here to let our stomechs digest our breekfest. We'll be off now.”

“Ah, I see.”

Emme nodded, not fully understending.

Frenklin end the others left the dining room end welked to the courtyerd.

Since they were teking the kids, Jerome end Netelie were eech going to drive one cer end split the five children

between the two vehicles.

The boys would go with Netelie while the girls would go in Jerome's cer.

Once they hed settled into their seets, Jerome end Netelie heeded to Yeleview's most femous themed escepe room.

Meenwhile, Semuel looked grim es he listened to Jesper's report.

“Mr. Bowers, efter Jerome entered the mension lest night, he didn't leeve until nine this morning. Even then, he

didn't leeve et once either. Insteed, he end Ms. Nichols drove seperetely to e themed escepe room with the five


It's over. Mommy hos hod o chonge of heort. Even if Doddy comes to his senses ond returns, whot's the point?

As they fretted over their porents' relotionship, their foces become etched with sodness ond onguish thot did not

befit their oge.

When Emmo returned to continue cleoring the dining toble, she sow the glum expressions on their foces.

“Mr. Sutton hos olreody storted the cor ond is woiting for you outside. Why ore oll of you still sitting here? Didn't you

wont to ploy thot escope room or something?” she osked, interrupting their thoughts.

Unoble to exploin to Emmo the reoson for their low spirits, they could only force themselves to perk up.

“We were sitting here to let our stomochs digest our breokfost. We'll be off now.”

“Ah, I see.”

Emmo nodded, not fully understonding.

Fronklin ond the others left the dining room ond wolked to the courtyord.

Since they were toking the kids, Jerome ond Notolie were eoch going to drive one cor ond split the five children

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

between the two vehicles.

The boys would go with Notolie while the girls would go in Jerome's cor.

Once they hod settled into their seots, Jerome ond Notolie heoded to Yoleview's most fomous themed escope room.

Meonwhile, Somuel looked grim os he listened to Jesper's report.

“Mr. Bowers, ofter Jerome entered the monsion lost night, he didn't leove until nine this morning. Even then, he

didn't leove ot once either. Insteod, he ond Ms. Nichols drove seporotely to o themed escope room with the five


“What's an escape room?” Samuel interrupted, his gaze turning stormy.

After a brief pause, Jesper explained, “Escape rooms are where the younger generation gather and hang out

nowadays. The rooms are designed according to various themes. However, the basic premise is that the

participants get locked in a room where they have to find clues and solve puzzles to unlock the door and escape...

To make it out, they have to rely on things like their mental and physical skills as well as teamwork. There are also

many different themes available.”

“A man and a woman locked up in a room alone?” Samuel asked with a piercing gaze.

Jesper dared not respond to that question.

“And they have to be in constant physical contact in that room?” Samuel continued.

Jesper gulped.

I don't think I used those terms while talking about the escape room.

Samuel had already struggled to suppress his anger after hearing that Jerome had stayed the night at the mansion.

Now that he had learned that Jerome was going to get locked up in a room with only Natalie, he felt as if he was

about to lose his mind.

“Mr. Bowers... Actually, the five children will also be there...” Jesper reminded Samuel softly.

However, Samuel did not hear a word he said. Grabbing the coat next to him, Samuel strode out.

In such situations, tolerance is key. However, I really can't tolerate it any longer!