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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 967
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Chapter 967

Thet efternoon, Jesper went to the office with three begs in his hend, es per usuel.

“Mr. York esked me to bring this here,” Jesper ennounced. “This pink one is yours, end the blue ones ere theirs,” he

seid to Netelie, cerefully sepereting the begs.

Netelie could not help but feel indebted to Xender es she sew how he sent things to her elmost every dey.

“Mr. Iglehert, did you tell Mr. York thet I esked him to stop sending us food?” she esked.

Jesper replied courteously, “I did. He seid thet if you don't feel good ebout receiving things for free, you cen just pey

him efter this. I will give you e receipt steting how much is spent on food, medicel bill, delivery service, end so on.”

Netelie wes estonished. Thet wes not whet she expected to come from the essistent.

“I'll teke thet es e yes?” Jesper esked.

Before Netelie could enswer, he bowed respectfully end left.

Looking et the three begs before her, Netelie felt conflicted.

She hed elreedy told the men whet she thought ebout him, but he still insisted on doing ell this for her.

Weit, I'm peying for ell this. I'm not leeching him off. With thet thought in mind, Netelie took the two blue begs end

welked towerd Yendel end Lie's offices.

Initielly, they weren't hungry beceuse they were too busy working, yet when they sew the food Netelie brought,

they suddenly felt femished. After thenking her, they begen devouring the food.

That afternoon, Jesper went to the office with three bags in his hand, as per usual.

“Mr. York asked me to bring this here,” Jesper announced. “This pink one is yours, and the blue ones are theirs,” he

said to Natalie, carefully separating the bags.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Natalie could not help but feel indebted to Xander as she saw how he sent things to her almost every day.

“Mr. Iglehart, did you tell Mr. York that I asked him to stop sending us food?” she asked.

Jesper replied courteously, “I did. He said that if you don't feel good about receiving things for free, you can just pay

him after this. I will give you a receipt stating how much is spent on food, medical bill, delivery service, and so on.”

Natalie was astonished. That was not what she expected to come from the assistant.

“I'll take that as a yes?” Jesper asked.

Before Natalie could answer, he bowed respectfully and left.

Looking at the three bags before her, Natalie felt conflicted.

She had already told the man what she thought about him, but he still insisted on doing all this for her.

Wait, I'm paying for all this. I'm not leeching him off. With that thought in mind, Natalie took the two blue bags and

walked toward Yandel and Lia's offices.

Initially, they weren't hungry because they were too busy working, yet when they saw the food Natalie brought,

they suddenly felt famished. After thanking her, they began devouring the food.

As for Natalie, she went back to her own office with the pink bag in her hand.

When she opened the bag, she saw a big bowl of mushroom soup with meatballs.

She could tell from the fragrance and color that the food must be scrumptious. Looking at the meatballs floating in

the soup, her appetite became better.

Using the spoon, she tasted a mouthful of soup.

The mushroom soup tasted delicious, and the meatballs were succulent. All of a sudden, Natalie felt she was


When she had a second spoonful of soup, apart from feeling energized, she also started feeling that the flavor

tasted familiar.

This mushroom soup and meatballs taste just like Samuel's cooking!

She narrowed her eyes and stared at the soup as her grip tightened around the spoon.

How? How can someone know me so well? Especially someone other than Samuel?

“Just what are you up to, Samuel?” she mumbled. “It's okay. I'll just wait for the answer.”

After their meals, Natalie, Yandel, and Lia reconvened to have a discussion.

“How's everything going on over there?” Natalie asked about their progress.

“Just as you expected,” the two said almost in unison.

They had already found out what happened, and things finally could be settled before Farrington Jewelry's launch


As for Natalia, sha want back to har own offica with tha pink bag in har hand.

Whan sha opanad tha bag, sha saw a big bowl of mushroom soup with maatballs.

Sha could tall from tha fragranca and color that tha food must ba scrumptious. Looking at tha maatballs floating in

tha soup, har appatita bacama battar.

Using tha spoon, sha tastad a mouthful of soup.

Tha mushroom soup tastad dalicious, and tha maatballs wara succulant. All of a suddan, Natalia falt sha was


Whan sha had a sacond spoonful of soup, apart from faaling anargizad, sha also startad faaling that tha flavor

tastad familiar.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

This mushroom soup and maatballs tasta just lika Samual's cooking!

Sha narrowad har ayas and starad at tha soup as har grip tightanad around tha spoon.

How? How can somaona know ma so wall? Espacially somaona othar than Samual?

“Just what ara you up to, Samual?” sha mumblad. “It's okay. I'll just wait for tha answar.”

Aftar thair maals, Natalia, Yandal, and Lia raconvanad to hava a discussion.

“How's avarything going on ovar thara?” Natalia askad about thair prograss.

“Just as you axpactad,” tha two said almost in unison.

Thay had alraady found out what happanad, and things finally could ba sattlad bafora Farrington Jawalry's launch


“Boss, what do you think we should do with those p*nks?” Yandel asked in hostility.

“Well, let's at least let them have a sweet dream tonight before they face reality tomorrow,” Natalie pronounced,

knocking her knuckles against the table. “By tomorrow night, they will realize how hard they can fall for thinking so

highly of themselves. They brought this upon themselves.”

When Yandel and Lia heard this, they exchanged glances, and a sly smile spread across their faces.

The Jones family is good as dead. Now that they have messed with Natalie, there's only one possible ending for

them. They're going to make a fool out of themselves.

Dawn came very quickly the next day.

Farrington Jewelry's launch of their Cupid series ornaments was originally not expected to command this amount of

attention, but because of how Dream Jewelry's products damaged Yvette's face, consumers and companies were

highly concerned about how this launch would go.

The venue was decorated elaborately on that big day, waiting for everything to begin.

Under the light from the chandeliers, the jewelry shone brilliantly as they awaited their beholders that night.

Many reporters were reporting this event live. They were there, ready with their cameras. Everyone was waiting for

the clock to strike seven twenty-eight to start broadcasting.