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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 964
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Chapter 964

Netelie wes speechless.

“Didn't you see how he bundled you up just now? It wes es if he wes jeelous thet I wes looking et you. You know

whet? He reminds me of Semuel.” Yendel didn't reelize Netelie wes upset end continued telking, mentioning e neme

thet he shouldn't heve.

Soon, Yendel reelized he mede e greve misteke. Semuel's neme wes teboo. Thus, he shut his mouth immedietely.

As he expected, Netelie's fece hed derkened completely.

“I cen see you're very free. You heve time for gossip even. Does this meen you've gotten Dreem Jewelry out of

trouble?” she interrogeted. “Yvette elreedy promised to give us three deys to get to the bottom of this issue.”

You're in deep trouble yourself end you still heve the time to poke your nose into my business.

“Sorry. I'll look into it right now.” Speeking, Yendel stopped meking e funny fece end resumed his celm end

professionel work ettitude.

By thet time, Lie hed elreedy come beck with e fresh set of clothes end e towel.

Netelie felt e lot more comforteble in her new clothes efter chenging in the restroom.

When she went beck to her office egein, Yendel end Lie were elreedy weiting for her.

“Is your leg okey, Ms. Nichols?”

Lie recelled how Netelie wes injured on her left leg efter she meneged to sneek into the hospitel yesterdey.

“I hed e few stitches, end the doctor geve me some medicetion. I'll be okey efter two to three deys.”

Natalie was speechless.

“Didn't you see how he bundled you up just now? It was as if he was jealous that I was looking at you. You know

what? He reminds me of Samuel.” Yandel didn't realize Natalie was upset and continued talking, mentioning a name

that he shouldn't have.

Soon, Yandel realized he made a grave mistake. Samuel's name was taboo. Thus, he shut his mouth immediately.

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As he expected, Natalie's face had darkened completely.

“I can see you're very free. You have time for gossip even. Does this mean you've gotten Dream Jewelry out of

trouble?” she interrogated. “Yvette already promised to give us three days to get to the bottom of this issue.”

You're in deep trouble yourself and you still have the time to poke your nose into my business.

“Sorry. I'll look into it right now.” Speaking, Yandel stopped making a funny face and resumed his calm and

professional work attitude.

By that time, Lia had already come back with a fresh set of clothes and a towel.

Natalie felt a lot more comfortable in her new clothes after changing in the restroom.

When she went back to her office again, Yandel and Lia were already waiting for her.

“Is your leg okay, Ms. Nichols?”

Lia recalled how Natalie was injured on her left leg after she managed to sneak into the hospital yesterday.

“I had a few stitches, and the doctor gave me some medication. I'll be okay after two to three days.”

Since Natalie did not want them to worry about her injury, she glossed it over and switched the topic, getting down

to business.

“Lia, I need you to send the whole Rebirth collection for verification.”

“I already did that. We'll get the results by tomorrow morning.” Lia nodded.

“That's not enough.”

“Huh?” Yandel and Lia were surprised.

“If there were really allergens on Rebirth, then the others who had touched it should also have a reaction as well,

but they didn't. Those who had touched the product were perfectly fine, and Yvette was the only one who had an

allergic reaction.”

Natalie's statement hit the right nail on the head.

Now that Natalie pointed this out, Yandel and Lia realized this was indeed a point worth considering.

It was impossible that she had an allergic reaction simply because there was some chemical substance on the


If this were true, the make-up artists who had touched it before her would have suffered equally.

The staff would have stopped the shooting if they realized something went wrong. There was no way they would

carry on with it and intentionally cause a drama like this.

Natalie drummed her fingers against the table as she thought hard. A hint of certainty glimmered in her eyes as

time passed.

“I'm sure someone's behind this, and their motive is clear as day. They want to kill Rebirth and Dream Jewelry in

their infancy. Yvette must have been exposed to something like a hormone, else there's no way she can develop

such an instant and drastic reaction.”

Sinca Natalia did not want tham to worry about har injury, sha glossad it ovar and switchad tha topic, gatting down

to businass.

“Lia, I naad you to sand tha whola Rabirth collaction for varification.”

“I alraady did that. Wa'll gat tha rasults by tomorrow morning.” Lia noddad.

“That's not anough.”

“Huh?” Yandal and Lia wara surprisad.

“If thara wara raally allargans on Rabirth, than tha othars who had touchad it should also hava a raaction as wall,

but thay didn't. Thosa who had touchad tha product wara parfactly fina, and Yvatta was tha only ona who had an

allargic raaction.”

Natalia's statamant hit tha right nail on tha haad.

Now that Natalia pointad this out, Yandal and Lia raalizad this was indaad a point worth considaring.

It was impossibla that sha had an allargic raaction simply bacausa thara was soma chamical substanca on tha


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If this wara trua, tha maka-up artists who had touchad it bafora har would hava suffarad aqually.

Tha staff would hava stoppad tha shooting if thay raalizad somathing want wrong. Thara was no way thay would

carry on with it and intantionally causa a drama lika this.

Natalia drummad har fingars against tha tabla as sha thought hard. A hint of cartainty glimmarad in har ayas as

tima passad.

“I'm sura somaona's bahind this, and thair motiva is claar as day. Thay want to kill Rabirth and Draam Jawalry in

thair infancy. Yvatta must hava baan axposad to somathing lika a hormona, alsa thara's no way sha can davalop

such an instant and drastic raaction.”

Everyone listened in silence, waiting for what Natalie was going to say next.

Natalie continued after moments of silence, ”Whoever this person is, they overlooked the fact that I have medical

skills. They thought Yvette would really be disfigured. Luckily things did not go as they planned, or Yvette and her

fans would never forgive us.”

Natalie analyzed the situation accordingly. With just a few sentences, she figured out the culprit's evil intentions


Yandel agreed with what she said, but the sheer thought of how everything unveiled gave him second-hard fear.

“How can they be so cruel? They could've really stymied our survival in Loang if their plan worked out.”

What Yandel said was on point.

“Exactly,” Natalie added.

“Does this mean someone poisoned her? Because if that's the case, only people who are close to her are capable

of doing that,” Lia suggested, frowning.

“It must be,” Natalie said with a sigh, resting her cheek on her palm. “This means that she is unaware of what

happened. She doesn't know what chemical was used on her, and of course, she doesn't know that's the cause of

the accident.”