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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 315
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Chapter 315

Minerva was a reasonably good-looking woman of about thirty years of age. As she approached

Natalie, the signs of surgical enhancement on her symmetrical face became apparent.

Her body was not as chubby as her son’s. On the other hand, it was a figure carefully designed for


Natalie frowned as she regarded the sultry figure before her.

“What is going on here?”

Minerva chuckled. “Your sons have been a handful, haven’t they? One of them stole the heirloom of the

Swan family while the other beat my son up to a pulp and you still have the cheek to ask that?”

“That’s not what happened,” Xavian piped up unexpectedly.

Every eye in the room flicked toward him at once.

“I did not steal his pendant!” Xavian declared a little louder. “Clayton punched Milton because he

framed me for stealing his pendant!”

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“Have you not been taught how to behave?” Minerva rounded on him as she pointed to her son’s face.

The principal, Wendell Fahnberg, felt the need to intervene when Minerva’s voice grew in volume.

“Please calm yourself, Mrs. Swan.”

“How do you expect me to do that when my son is being mauled in your school, Mr. Fahnberg?”

Minerva turned to regard him with incredulity. With her hands on her hips, Wendell struggled to brace

himself against her tirade that was to come.

“That tourmaline pendant is an heirloom of the Swans! Many experts have attested to its value of being

over tens of millions by the certificate of authenticity that they have all signed. As Milton is the sole heir

of the Swan family, all of its billions would one day be inherited by him. This isn’t over! I must first take

him to the hospital. Rest assured, we Swans will pursue this matter to the end of the-”

“Are you done?” Natalie interrupted as she stared at the other woman with such cold hostility that the

latter’s rant stuttered to a halt.

Though Natalie did not display any outward sign of anger, the cold disdain emanating from her body

made her rage palpable.

There is more to this story. I know my children well enough to know that.

Ignoring everybody else in the room, Natalie walked toward Xavian and knelt before him.

“Did you take Milton’s pendant?”

“I did not.” Xavian shook his head firmly as he looked deep into his mother’s eyes.

“Did the two of you beat him up?”

The boys nodded as one.

“Yes, Mommy. We were the ones to start it.” Clayton lowered his gaze as his voice shook. “Milton

accused Xavian of being a thief and of us being fatherless bastard boys. That was when we jumped on


“I will not allow him to speak ill of my brother!” he continued, with passionate tears rolling down his

cheeks. “And my mother! Even if I have to go to prison for what I’ve done, I will not allow him to speak

of you this way! You are the best mother in the world. He has no right to say things like that!”

As Clayton was the elder among the two, he felt that he had to put on a brave front in front of his

mother and younger brother who relied on him. Despite his best efforts, tears streamed down his pink

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Embarrassed to be seen crying, he rubbed his eyes so hard that his eyes soon became red, though

that merely incensed the flow of tears.

Xavian tugged timidly on his mother’s sleeve.

“I’m sorry, Mommy. We remember what you taught us about attacking other people, but I was unable to

control my temper.”

Natalie felt a lump in her throat at the sight of her sons looking so defeated.

Oh, my heart aches for my babies. They are obviously being bullied by this fatty! Why did they have to

get themselves into trouble just to defend me?



Natalie wiped both their cheeks comfortingly. “Since you did nothing wrong, there’s no need to cry.

Even less of a need to apologize.”

Comprehension dawned on Wendell and Veranne’s faces from observing the scene before them as

they recollected Clayton and Xavian’s obedience and thoughtfulness which contrasted starkly against

Milton’s arrogance and mischief. Now it’s starting to make sense.

Minerva, however, was not going to let the matter go that easily. “It’s no wonder how the brats are so

stubborn. I see where they get that from!”